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K-ON!! Community |OT2| Ever Ever, Forever Shine!


all 5 main seiyuu got together the other night for an event called "K-ON! HISTORY TALK" - no pictures yet or any announcements made though :/



oh it was just a promo event for the music boxset, even though they were charging audience members 4,500 yen for admission. dat otaku monetization
i would have gone (>.<)
I'm ever hopeful! Make it happen KyoAni.
I'm awfully tempted to make this my avatar...

Looks like you did.

Ritsu acting all cute and innocent always cracks me up for some reason...

I was going to use this once.
You should have.
Here's my attempt at the AA in photoshop, needs to be a vector ideally, If I get time during my lunch break I'll do it.

Nice, looks better!
all 5 main seiyuu got together the other night for an event called "K-ON! HISTORY TALK" - no pictures yet or any announcements made though :/
oh it was just a promo event for the music boxset, even though they were charging audience members 4,500 yen for admission. dat otaku monetization
i would have gone (>.<)

What a bunch of losers...
I would have gone too...
See the way her shirt is coming up because her arm is raised slightly? That happens all the time in OreImo and it bugs the hell out of me for some reason. Yuyushiki is even worse for it.

Well when you raise your arms, your shirt gets pulled up with it.

Why are their shirts that short in the first place? I don't have an answer to that...
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