Gold Member
"I'm like Deadpool for God."
Ok then
Yeah but Im like Deadpool for Nintendo.
"I'm like Deadpool for God."
Ok then
Forge your brain in the fires of the ColosseumI think I love my brain too much to expose it to this...
It’s a bad combination for sureHe 100% sees himself as a Christ-like savior or at minimum a prophet, and the newfound religiosity is a way for him to have more direct influence over people and inflate his ego to new heights. He talks about lowering himself to the office of President of the United States as if it’s massively beneath him but that it’s his God-given destiny, and how he tells other people what to do via God speaking through him.
Oh boy.
there's no other wayForge your brain in the fires of the Colosseum
People calling him arrogant..
Maube he`s just succesful and he knows it.
It’s kind sad people laughing at kanye it’s pretty obvious this dude has some serious mental issues. i tried watching it but after about 20 min of kanye’s chaotic stuff i gave up.
It's a well kept secret.
wowww one day im gonna listen to this drunk af with some friends and it’s gonna be wild
fuckin toothpaste my dude
Kanye says that Bruce Lee and Brandon Lee were both murdered. Joe corrects him and explains the details. Kanye seems distraught over being contradicted.
Ye’s in a massive reality distortion bubble where no one pushes back against his nonsense.
Obsessed with deaths of several celebs that were natural but he believes were conspiracy murders to take down innovators like him. Paranoid delusions.
not sure if cult
Kanye West is the epitome of the "oh i'm an idea person, i lack the skills for all the things i have ideas for so other people can do it for me, i'm an idea person" . Of course that kind of attitude never makes anything happen because you lack the sense or ability to work towards each individual goal which minimum puts you in the hole for about 10k hours of steady focus.
Unfortunately unlike most people ..he ended up with money and now you see that personality and how it magnifies times 1000. You didnt design those shoes , a designer just shook and nodded your head.
I still haven't heard it but I don't know If I admire him or think he is fucking nuts. A bit of both I guess lmao30 is where it gets good.
This is all what he's actually saying.
I watched a 10 minute clip. Someone in the comments said he is very profound.
I'm questioning my understanding of English syntax.
It's a well kept secret.
agreedHe is right about Star Wars though.
Unfortunately unlike most people ..he ended up with money and now you see that personality and how it magnifies times 1000. You didnt design those shoes , a designer just shook and nodded your head.
Why does Joe always nod in agreement to some of the dumbest shit ever? I can see where Kanye is coming from on some points but most of the time it was crazy nonsense. Would be nice if Joe questioned him more on those.
Ya I guess you’re right. Especially with Kanye.Joe tries to get onto the same wavelength as his guests, understand them, and make them comfortable. To do that with Kanye he needs to be mostly credulous.