Kanye west is a "whole picture" broad strokes kinda thinker. His logic makes all sorts of interesting connections and a lot of it is nonsense, but people with thought patterns like that are far more likely to bring forth new ideas due to their unpredictability and odd way of pairing lamb and tuna fish while the rest of the world is making peanut butter and jelly.
There was an interview with Fritz Lang and Jean Luc Godard I saw once where Fritz Lang couldn't understand why Godard often focuses the camera on objects and background characters rather than the main action. Godard retorted that he was interested in the whole picture and that's whath he wanted to capture. Kanye is like Godard.
Kanye is also self absorbed, but with the way everyone kissed his ass for the longest time, it's hard to blame him. With his level of fame and success, it's easy to understand why hea somewhat delusional. That would break me. Hell, my ego gets a little inflated just making a well liked post on here sometimes and I need life to kick me in the nuts to deflate it back down.
That recent Rogan interview with Maynard is much more coherent and my speed. Maynard is a legit musical genius and also a unique thinker, but they both share similarities in that regard.