Holy fucking shit I hate you. How much did those cost?
It was my fifth concert of the year and it blew away the other four combined (and to put that comment in context, I had floor seats, VIP, or private suite tickets for those other four concerts). I typically don't get "star struck" when meeting or being around celebrities, but being that close to Jay and Kanye...man, they seemed larger than life...like some sort of hip hop superheroes that only existed fables until I saw them that close with my own two eyes.

I wish this wasn't staged

Same thing happened at the Toronto show
I have been taking a look over a lot of youtube videos of the different concerts. It seems like most of the comments and little idiosyncrasies are consistent from show to show. I imagine it all became pretty tightly choreographed as the tour went on - though I'm sure there was still some ad-libbing, depending on the venue. The consistency of the show just proves what great entertainers they are. They made me believe a lot of what they did and said was unique to my show because there was no hint of boredom or repetition from Kanye or Jay. If I didn't know better, I would not have believed they had done nearly the exact same show a couple dozen times already because both artists performed with such hype and hunger that it seemed like their first.
haha, this was quietly my favorite part of the show.
Definitely an awesome "set" within the greater whole of the concert. Funny thing is, I was so caught up in the moment, that I had no idea 99 Problems was going to come after Golddigger even though it was probably painfully obvious. That song was the perfect retort to Kanye's Golddigger "problems." Got so hype when the first few chords of the beat hit.
The way they grouped the setlist made the whole of it so much greater than all its pieces. The way songs were grouped/segmented (yet still perfectly flowed into each other) made it feel like it was 5-6 distinct concerts in one.