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Kanye's reign of destruction continues, unlike his tour

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Is he really suffering from mental issues or are people exaggerating?

He has been spiralling downhill mental health wise since his mom died. I believe he had always felt guilty that it was his fault because I heard he bought the new car for his mom etc . And his accident that fucked up his jaw and nearly killed him

love him and his music but hope he chills out for a bit and recalibrates


He has been spiralling downhill mental health wise since his mom died. I believe he had always felt guilty that it was his fault because I heard he bought the new car for his mom etc . And his accident that fucked up his jaw and nearly killed him

love him and his music but hope he chills out for a bit and recalibrates

If we're taking those into consideration then what happen to Kim (robbed at gun point and tied up) several weeks ago couldn't have helped things either.


Really glad I saw him before all this, it was an amazing show. Feel bad for everyone who got fucked over.

Dude's been giving us signs that he needs help, go get it Ye.


Unfortunate, took last week as Kanye doing his Kanye shit, but this isn't a good look.

Hope Ye finds some peace of mind soon and gets back on meds if he's missing them or gets help.


he's a pop star. Who cares. Sooner people get over Kanye West and his wild rambling rants the better. Of course if this is some mental health issue I hope he gets help but I've never seen it as anything other then trying to get attention.


Fuck. That's frustrating. I've never seen him live yet, and was going to next month!

At least I don't have to untie any more mental knots in justifying seeing him following his Trump shit, now.
he's going to make a new tour called - "VIBES" it'll just be him talking about what he thinks about life and what his vibes are about it. more specifically about politics or whatever.

lol nah, he isnt that full oh himself to do that right?
Kanye West Cancels All Remaining Saint Pablo Tour Dates

I already said what I needed to say over in the BCT but.....what the fuck is going on? I really feel like the dude is losing the script. He needs to see the same people Kid Cudi did, get shit cleared up before he hurts someone.
I heard a theory last night that he's trying to turn himself into a Kardashian: maximum dollars for minimal effort. He has to do a lot more hands on shit to get a check than his wife, who makes more than him.


Oh now people are clamoring for him to get help. When just a year ago it was "kanye is so expressive, he breaks boundaries" etc.

He's seemed like he needed help since his mom died tbh. Dude became more erratic and all over the place since (his musical output has remained interesting tho for sure)

Anyways damn shame the tour is cancelled. I had a damn good time at the show a few weeks ago. No rant, amazing set list and floor vibes.

Yeah that's what I think too. Especially because if you look at his albums since that happened, that's when they really started breaking from what he had been doing. Of course the personality seemed to change that point too.


Sucks especially for the people in Detroit who were supposed to see him last month or whenever and then he had to reschedule. You'll never see him now suckas.

Hang in there guys. On a personal note Blink 182 canceled twice here (CZ) and then finally pulled it off on their third try (not that important though as it was my second time seeing them live)

I heard a theory last night that he's trying to turn himself into a Kardashian: maximum dollars for minimal effort. He has to do a lot more hands on shit to get a check than his wife, who makes more than him.

Fair enough but isn't creating and playing music supposed to be fun though? Like as an artist you look forward to sharing your work on a stage (or you don't and then you got some issues whether it be personal or over scheduling or too much pressure or whatever). At least that's why you want to be involved with music in the first place.
I heard a theory last night that he's trying to turn himself into a Kardashian: maximum dollars for minimal effort. He has to do a lot more hands on shit to get a check than his wife, who makes more than him.

Man, whatever is going on with him personally, I don't really buy this at all. This concert was absolutely amazing, Kanye gave a killer high-energy performance that went-on for longer than nearly any artist I've ever seen, with no breaks. Kanye is a lot of things, but I find it hard to view him as lazy.


Kanye either has a serious drug addiction problem or he has some severe mental illness issues and needs to get help.
I heard a theory last night that he's trying to turn himself into a Kardashian: maximum dollars for minimal effort. He has to do a lot more hands on shit to get a check than his wife, who makes more than him.

I don't think his ego will let him do that.

Get some rest, Ye. Saw him in September and it was probably the best concert I've ever been to. He looked so happy and you can definitely tell that he enjoys everyone having a good time (either to feed to his ego or whatever).

But hey, maybe we'll get MBDTF 2 out of this.
Lol, that was one line on TLOP. "I Feel Like That" is a much more damning look at his problems than anything on that album.

yea, song in question. i mean the lyrics are literally the shit you read on pill bottles.
Do you experience nervousness or shakiness inside, faintness and dizziness? The idea that someone else can control your thoughts. Feeling others are to blame for most of your thoughts. Trouble remembering things, feeling easily annoyed and irritated. Feeling afraid in open spaces or in public. Thoughts of ending your life. Feeling that most people could not be trusted. Poor appetite, heart or chest pains?
Every third line about his raps now are about how much he needs Lexapro on a daily basis.
you don't "need" to take lexapro when needed. it's not like you take lexapro to combat an acute symptom. it's just something you take every day.

i hope kanye is in an OK place right now.


I heard a theory last night that he's trying to turn himself into a Kardashian: maximum dollars for minimal effort. He has to do a lot more hands on shit to get a check than his wife, who makes more than him.

This seems like a theory made up by some salty anti-Kim fan. Kanye's a creator I don't think he's doing this just for money.

Yeah he is in the wrong industry for people to help you. I don't think the Kardhasians are bad people, just not the most healthy to be around when you have issues.

It'd be nice for him if he could just chill and be Kim K's husband for a bit, they don't need Kanye to be making music and touring and that shit, he needs a few months of decompression time and a good therapist.

Too many people want to ride Kanye's wave though so they'll probably keep pushing him. Shame.


Had to happen. The last three shows were pretty volatile. Guessing promoters/venues were not willing to take a risk on having to give refunds. Hope Ye gets in a better place. Go, live your life.


Any idea on when Ticketmaster will make it official and start refunding? I bought them with my Amex because of the presale and just literally paid off the credit card last Thursday. :(


I saw him earlier this year. He was more than an hour late, rambled incoherently at parts, but he performed for about 90 minutes.

Said performance was basically him barely moving, forgetting most of his lines, and getting upset when the crowd wouldn't know obscure lines from TLoP.

I love a lot of kanyes music but I would probably decline to see him in concert again. Hope he finds himself and gets his swagger back, I hear he used to be a great show.


All this talk about mental illness reminds of a Dave Chappele quote from the Actors Studio in regards to Martin Lawrence's breakdown:
“The worst thing to call somebody is crazy. It's dismissive. I don't understand this person. So they're crazy. That's bullshit. These people are not crazy. They're strong people. Maybe their environment is a little sick.”


I have to wonder what it's like to be in the stadium when Kanye or one of those other famously unreliable performers decides to just quit.

They leave the stage after a handful of songs......confusion grips the room. Where'd he go? Is this a set break? Is he coming back? After a couple minutes in the dark, the house lights slowly come up....generic music starts playing over the speakers. Wait, it's over? What the fuck?

Confusion turns to anger. Suddenly 50,000 people all realize they just got scammed. How there aren't riots and serious damage to the venue is beyond me.
All this talk about mental illness reminds of a Dave Chappele quote from the Actors Studio in regards to Martin Lawrence's breakdown:
“The worst thing to call somebody is crazy. It's dismissive. I don't understand this person. So they're crazy. That's bullshit. These people are not crazy. They're strong people. Maybe their environment is a little sick.”

That isn't at all what people are saying in here though, so that makes no sense. People aren't calling him crazy, they are saying he needs helps and may be mentally ill.


Was on the fence of going to his show in San Antonio.

Though I'm glad his tour got cancelled, so he can hopefully get some help.
Doesn't that really, really suck for anyone who bought tickets second-hand (not through a website with guidelines and policies in place)? Yikes.
I knew that having floor tickets to a Kanye show were too good to be true. Hopefully the guy takes a long break from it all. Regardless of what's going on in his head, I hope he gets some help.
He's really lost the fucking plot. I'm about as big a fan as they come
Pirate Black Yeezy Boosts and all
but he's lost his damn mind.

Don't think I'll be supporting him until he gets his act back together.
The guy is a cock that doesn't deserve the fans he has. They'll go to the end of the earth for him and defend him til the bitter end. He, on the other hand, can't finish a 90 minute show or a tour now. He's not mentally unstable, he just believes his own hype way beyond reason. This is the same guy that compared himself to Mozart, Shakespeare, Nike, Google etc. His dipshittery isn't a recent occurrence.


The media said he's way out of control
I just feel like I'm the only one not pretendin'
I'm not out of control, I'm just not in they control
I know I'm the most influential
That TIME cover was just confirmation
This generation's closest thing to Einstein
So don't worry about me, I'm fine
You know you want all those Tatooine by Kanye clothes


WTF. It looks like he recruited a bunch of white starving homeless people.

Edit: LOL, I missed the black guys in the back lanes.
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