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Kara Lynne breaks silence on Limited Run Games controversy

Eratards certainly think otherwise.
Well to be fair this entire ordeal literally consists of her.... and a bunch of losers. So it's pretty difficult to argue that there are any winners.

Of course the second she finds another job, she literally becomes the only winner as well. All the other losers involved in this thing will continue to be losers for the forseeable future.


What time is it?
DeepEnigma DeepEnigma & SF Kosmo SF Kosmo


I read the article before you shared it. I've read it after as well. It doesn't say that.

Would you please stop supporting sex offenders?

You're only putting women in danger with the false claim that sex harassers aren't using the trans apology to get into women's safe places. There are even cases of women being raped and getting pregnant in prison by "trans" criminals.


Gold Member
No one has accused her of being a sex offender. It's literally not in the article you linked.
He’s a fraud.

And any other male would be a sex offender who wants in a girls locker room. But slap a fake label because you sucked in male comp. and still are sexually attracted to girls, pass go, collect $200.
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Gold Member
The word he used was "sex offender."

If you consider being trans to be fraudulent somehow, that's your business but that has to be one of the most hilarious goal post moves I've ever seen.
I don’t believe he’s a real trans. An opportunist.


I will say that we shouldn't be so quick to support terfs. I am not fan of either side but they seriously hate men. The reason that they are against transgender women is that they view them as men and therefore are the enemy.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
I don't really know her well enough to make any kind of psychological assessment. I think medically transitioning to chase a short lived amateur sports career would be beyond insane, but I don't really see much value in town people with no insight speculating over it.

I have met at least one person who I would describe as "fake trans", and they were an absolute lunatic who made everyone's life hell. So I'm not offended by the idea of it but I haven't seen any reason to believe that with Lia Thomas in particular.


Which are most of the vile loud mouths on social media and the very clown that went after the person the topic is about.
There seems to be a growing trend of the apologists downplaying or outright rebutting any suggestion that atrocious pervs inhabit those circles. Just like the exchange you were having earlier, actually.

I do think that there would be quite a number of trans people who just want to feel normal in their own skin and there is nothing wrong with that. But to rule out that lunatics like the one that started this whole Internet saga as well as sickos who want to creep into places women would typically be safe is quite dangerous.
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Gold Member
Can you imagine what they could achieve if they directed that energy toward something worthwhile.
And in modern day it should be easier than ever assuming someone has good work ethic.

So many office jobs have transitioned to WFH during covid, where many have only partly transitioned to being back at the office. So as long as someone has a good resume and can do work at home, the entire nuance about being trans and people being uncomfortable with the issue should be much more limited.

Many companies have gone the cheapo route and even got rid of office space or reduced their office lease renewing at half capacity (my good buddy's place got rid of their entire office. If they need to meet, they rent a hotel conference room for a day and do it there). So HR is looking for good workers who can do the job regardless of what they look like.

Phobos Base

Typical that they just announce Powerslave Exhumed, a game I want, but now a company I don't want to do business with. My feeling is if they don't want people with the "wrong" opinions working for them, they don't want money from people with the "wrong" opinions.


Perpetually Tired
Typical that they just announce Powerslave Exhumed, a game I want, but now a company I don't want to do business with. My feeling is if they don't want people with the "wrong" opinions working for them, they don't want money from people with the "wrong" opinions.

I just refuse to give them money anymore. If I want one of their games, I will buy the original instead or just make my own physical for PC.

No point in supporting a company that doesn’t have a single shred of a spine.


Typical that they just announce Powerslave Exhumed, a game I want, but now a company I don't want to do business with. My feeling is if they don't want people with the "wrong" opinions working for them, they don't want money from people with the "wrong" opinions.
They dont care about the girl opinion. All they care about is if saving face from outside outrage. It just blew in they face cuz they ended get more outrage and lost clients than if they just had ignored the demand from a single outraged low life.

In my country what they did is straight up illegal.


Never bought anything from them anyway. Couldn't stand the artificial scarcity business model. Support REAL publishers that actually take risks, for example the very nice Brigandine collector edition that was released is the kind of thing I want to support.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Reading her response made me sad. It's clear she is a good and genuine person.

On a side note, but indicative of the people and online communities that drive cancel culture: I had to browse the ResetEra thread out of curiosity, and even though the thread is not even a month old and only six pages long, 12 users who posted in it are already banned - the vast majority for posts not in the thread (only four or five were banned for posts within the thread itself). Every member of that forum is the proverbial frog in the pot - each post they make, every tweet they send, turns up the heat a degree. They have no peers or friends in those communities, as they're all just waiting for the next person to attack and ruin - even each other - as far as the mods of that forum is concerned, especially each other.

It must be so sad to live with their mindset and have no idea what an awful person you are. Man I am so glad I never got sucked into that cult.


Reading her response made me sad. It's clear she is a good and genuine person.

On a side note, but indicative of the people and online communities that drive cancel culture: I had to browse the ResetEra thread out of curiosity, and even though the thread is not even a month old and only six pages long, 12 users who posted in it are already banned - the vast majority for posts not in the thread (only four or five were banned for posts within the thread itself). Every member of that forum is the proverbial frog in the pot - each post they make, every tweet they send, turns up the heat a degree. They have no peers or friends in those communities, as they're all just waiting for the next person to attack and ruin - even each other - as far as the mods of that forum is concerned, especially each other.

It must be so sad to live with their mindset and have no idea what an awful person you are. Man I am so glad I never got sucked into that cult.
leonardo dicaprio bravo GIF
harry potter GIF

Bravo, can't say it better.


The essence.

Seriously people, stop using it. Studies showed again and again that it increases the risk of serious mental health issues. It's only corporations that gain from it 100%.

If you want to stay in touch with people you care about, write them, call them for fuck's sake.

Use other local options in your community. Talk to people for once in real life without the anonymity.

Can confirm. Using forums has screwed me up.
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