Thanks everyone, I'll give all those tips a try, I think I'll have a few days break from it, because it was getting just a touch too frustrating!, the control scheme on the console makes it doubly so, it's a bit of a wrestle.
Have you tried mounting the engine on top of your craft? Note that the tests requiring firing engines don't specify how long or at what strength. You can cut engines right down to no power at all with an oily rag shoved into the fuel pipe and it'll still satisfy the test criteriaQuite limited with parts at the start of career, so , I might try cheesing it with a separate stage to get me nice and slow before ditching it.
I play on PC and even with a bazillion (ok, but still over 100) mods installed my game is stable. I recommend you ensure:The game is buggy on PC too, mine crashes to desktop all the time. I'm fairly addicted at this point so I just roll with it.
Save game corruption bug is affecting both the PS4 and XBO now, so be aware if you're playing on either platform.
So for someone who hasn't tried this at all, should I jump on the PS4 version, or does it work better enough on PC to try it on a machine with sub-PS4 specs?
So for someone who hasn't tried this at all, should I jump on the PS4 version, or does it work better enough on PC to try it on a machine with sub-PS4 specs?
Holy heck! I keep running out of fuel and delta V trying to get in an orbit around Moho for landing. Eeloo was a cake walk compared to this. I'm not even getting close to landing. I HAVE to be doing something majorly wrong.
Is Moho that much worse compared to Eeloo or am I screwing up?
Moho is really that much worse. Delta V requirements from Kerbin orbit are around 50% higher than Eeloo on average
BUT there are ways to make the trip to Moho much more efficient by choosing the right transfer window. You want to try to hit Moho while it's at either the ascending or descending node, whichever one is farther from the sun. That way you don't need to do a plane change in solar orbit and you don't need to lower your periapsis as far to hit it. That's basically how I finally got a successful Moho mission.
Adjust the UI scale settings?Quick question. I bought the game on PS4. Booted it up, and quickly realized that those tiny menus are impossible to read from about 10 feet away with my living room set up. Is there any way to adjust them to make them readable? I have good eyesight, but the menus seem way too small.
So I tried to use my massive rocket on the previous page to get to Jool and Laythe. It did not go well....
How should I try to get to Laythe? I thought about getting into a Jool orbit and landing on the moon, but I waste way too much fuel getting into a Jool orbit before transferring to Laythe. So, I just booked it to Laythe and my engine burned up on entry, so I landed just fine, but with no way to get off the planet.
Edit it (rename) to mark it as junk.Does anyone know if there's a way to sort of "shutdown" satellites? I keep getting contracts to adjust orbits or expand stations for things I don't use anymore, but I don't want to just terminate them. Be nice to just mark something as inactive.
I had a mission to get a satellite into a particular orbit, it's the first one I had taken on and I completed it but all sorts of stuff I don't really understand happened:
- When I separated out the probe from the rest of the craft, the game didn't seem to realise the main bit of the craft had a pilot in it. This is a bug I assume?
- With the probe, in order to raise my periapsis I did the usual, pointed prograde and burned... but my periapsis started to lower. I spun around to retrograde and burned and the periapsis started to raise. I have no idea why, does this make any sense?
- Later on, I decided to try put that probe into a different orbit to satisfy another contract. This probe was on a similar orbit around Kerbin as the Mun is. When I went to move the probe I found its orbit had shifted and when I tried to lower my periapsis, during the burn the probe just started to spin completely out of control. Again I have zero clue why this was happening. I'm guessing it moved initially because of some Mun encounter but why did it go out of control when I tried to change its orbit?
In the end I just terminated the probe.
As regards pt.1 - you should be able to switch between "controllable" crafts.
pt. 2 - that's weird, but maybe the part controlling the probe was put in place "upside down", and as a result navball and controlls were also wrong way around, and instead of facing prograde it was actually oriented retrograde?
I did switch craft between the probe and the rest of the craft. The rest of the craft had no pilot portrait in the bottom right and moved like SAS was off.
I had a mission to get a satellite into a particular orbit, it's the first one I had taken on and I completed it but all sorts of stuff I don't really understand happened:
- When I separated out the probe from the rest of the craft, the game didn't seem to realise the main bit of the craft had a pilot in it. This is a bug I assume?
- With the probe, in order to raise my periapsis I did the usual, pointed prograde and burned... but my periapsis started to lower. I spun around to retrograde and burned and the periapsis started to raise. I have no idea why, does this make any sense?
- Later on, I decided to try put that probe into a different orbit to satisfy another contract. This probe was on a similar orbit around Kerbin as the Mun is. When I went to move the probe I found its orbit had shifted and when I tried to lower my periapsis, during the burn the probe just started to spin completely out of control. Again I have zero clue why this was happening. I'm guessing it moved initially because of some Mun encounter but why did it go out of control when I tried to change its orbit?
In the end I just terminated the probe.
The Kerobl System (not to scale, image credit to lonesentry)
Not sure about the spinning burn, bringing up your flight log can sometimes show where things went wrong (long options button press on PS4). If you are playing on console, quick save is your friend. I am becoming increasingly disappointed with the bugs on PS4. Obviously the save game corruption is the biggest, as it is game breaking. The other bugs just make things more tedious. Having to reload saves, or use the mouse cursor when shorcuts should work. I know KSP has been buggy on PC, but these bugs are pretty basic shit.
Edit: Looks like the bug tracking tool now includes console versions. Squad also responding to bugs posts in the forums saying they are on it. That is encouraging. If they are able to squash a few big ones and add some controller mapping, the consoles should be in good shape. Let's hope this happens quickly.
TBH, I can't even figure out how the save system works, I tried quicksaving during a flight and it loaded back to the launchpad.
Any chance of a pointer as to how it works?
At this point I have to ask if you are sure your poor Kerbal was alive at this point. Or if he really was there. Because if during craft assembly you've installed unmanned control unit first, I think crew cabin installed later on might not be filled with kerbals automatically. That's what I'd check. But it could be bug of course. It's been some time since I've played, due to crashes...
As others have said, likely had the probe on upside down. As for the craft with no pilot portrait, did it also have a probe core on it? Maybe you switched to the core and not to the capsule. You can always quicksave and go to the space center and select a craft from there just to be sure you are getting exactly what you want. I have also noticed that the craft switching shortcut on consoles (PS4 for me) is very buggy. Sometimes it works, sometimes it just keeps instantly switching back to the previous craft you were on.
There are two save states happening at the same time when you are playing. The manual one, which is when you decide to quick save, and the persistent one that is constantly auto saving in the background. If you are not manually quicksaving often, and you load your quicksave state, you may find yourself reverting an hour or more back, because it turns out you haven't quicksaved recently. This is where persistent save state can help. If you forgot how old your last quicksave was, and you load it, try to salvage your mistake by loading the persistent save file. On PC you can make named quicksave files, which helps you label and create multiple quicksave files. I haven't figured out how to do this on console, maybe someone else knows. You can however make named quicksave files when you are at Kerbal Space Center.
Getting a bit frustrated with my contracts, they're just repeating themselves now. I want one to go to Duna but I'm getting silly stuff like test a decoupler at the launch site, stuff you'd get at the very start of career mode.
Christ, couldn't be simple could it!
Thanks for the write up though, this 'game' (I say 'game' because it feels more like work!) is pretty good at making me feel like a dumb dumb.
I'd give the console version a while to settle...I had no idea they planned to release it on PS4. I might double dip. Any word on the european release date?
I'd give the console version a while to settle...
I would wait until the first patch at the very least. I really hope they patch soon.
Considering the console version is 1.10 and the PC is on 1.13, surely it can't be too far off?
Tonight I'm going to Duna. Need one quick Mun mission to get a bit more science and then we're off. God help my Kerbals. At the moment I'm thinking of leaving them there, might go back for them later at some point, not needing to get back off Duna should make the design a lot easier. Other thing I'm thinking is having my mid stage using nuclear engines and just leaving it in orbit with enough dV to get home (might come in handy later), with a lander my dudes can take down.
over 15hrs in, and I still haven't gotten into orbit!!
This is it, guys. I'm going to land on Laythe and return home! I can feel it!
Oops. I didn't have enough fuel or Delta V to get off Laythe. But, I at least got a cool photo from the trip.
I must be doing something slightly wrong......
My orbit always seems to be elliptical, rather than parallel with the planet, any pointers as to what I am doing wrong?
It's hard to get a circular orbit in one go. You can correct it by burning prograde (in the direction you're moving) at Apoapsys (highest point of orbit, marked AP in map mode). That brings up the lowest point.
Of course you can do it in reverse, burn retrograde (opposite direction of movement) at Periapsis (marked PE in mapmode) to bring down the highest point.
It will take a few corrections to get it completly circular.
I wonder if I am trying to get to apoapsys too fast and too soon, maybe I need to flatten out my approach and try to take it a bit more slowly, as I don't seem to have enough time to set up a maneuver node before I pass my apoapsys
For a simple orbit, you don't really need to set a node.
Launch, and tilt gently East, flattening out as you go. When your AP is ~100km, shut down the engines. About 20s before you hit AP, burn prograde. Fly while looking at the map screen so you can see your orbit circularise and then cut engines at the approriate time.