I actually watched Clerks for the first time last February while out of state, after being absolutely INDUNDATED for ten or so years by everyone gifted with the English tongue that it's the most hilarious piece of comedy ever committed to recorded media. I was expecting some next level, well thought out scenarios and jokes with great set up and pay off.
Instead, I was greeted by absolute lowest common denominator trash that might have been funny when I was fourteen, had I been recovering from a debilitating head injury. I consider myself well in tune with stoner culture, having toked every single day for a period of roughly ten uninterrupted years, and I went into this having smoked for the first time in roughly three years to make sure the mood was right, and it's just...I couldn't believe my eyes. Surely this culture that I spent years engaging in isn't so dim witted as to find ass and titty jokes as the holy grail and the progenitor of laughter as a form of expression. People are literally GAY for this movie and there I was, sitting on a couch, absolutely stun locked by the amount of THC I had just ingested, staring wistfully at my television set with a face you may expect to see in a hospital waiting room, so unentertained was I. The tree called Clerks was planted in a basement so low did the fruit hang from it's withered, humorless branches. I spit on thee, the rapist of two hours that will never see justice.