eyepatch have a meaning? I know in old eps ides it was answered why her eyes did not just regenerate but I was wondering why the eye patch had such a shape maybe a Kanji?
Definitely was a solid fun ep, but I can't help but echo that it definitely felt empty mostly. So weird. Not to mention all the actual animation this time around
eyepatch have a meaning? I know in old eps ides it was answered why her eyes did not just regenerate but I was wondering why the eye patch had such a shape maybe a Kanji?
without any killings of the main cast I hope they dont start to kill now, lets have a clean happy ending in contrast to what they did in Gurren Lagann
And yeah, this episode felt really Gurren Lagann because of the
Dai Gurren Great Nude One
Other than that the episode had a really great spanish subs, I laughed a lot to some of the typical spanish phrases added when some characters talked like Mako's father. I think it was the episode that went more nuts with the translation (still correct with what they said in japanese, but they used a more typical and funny style).
worst, but really, none of the girls were that interesting in the show. It's a shame they pulled that at the end and they might do the same with someone here.
So Crunchyroll has a spot for Ep 23 saying it'll be up in 3 hours. Will this be for real or is it some automated thing while they'll really get it up whenever tomorrow?
Also noticed the dogespeak message vanished. I guess enough of us are too irate over these delays to take to joking, especially in the form of a meme that's starting to get overused!
Even when Kill la Kill is "good" it's still pretty dang bad. It's like they decided that continuous, utterly pointless "twists" and overbearing direction were substitutes for actually writing a story with proper dramatic beats and characterization.
I hear the complaints every week, and there is much merit to them and yet at the end of the day Kill la Kill still remains to be watchable through this last arc.Indeed this episode plays the penultimate episode cards pretty straight in order to have the final showdown yet it does things really damn enjoyably, I will give Kill la Kill this, much like Tenga Toppa it is at is best mean it moves with manic energy and being fun and happy.
Mako and Ryuko are so kissing after this ordeal is over. Also, I like the Regalia Final Uniforms even though they feel kind of useless since we are upgrading the support staff here.