It can't possibly be worse than the original, so why the fuck not.
One of the worst first posts ever.
It can't possibly be worse than the original, so why the fuck not.
watch it be pg-13 (or pg-13 turned R with cg blood)
Still, im interested to see hollywood go full martial arts flick, no cg stunts, no shaky cam or weird cuts during hand to hand.
Who the freakin hell can replace Mad Dog?First mistake. I don't want to see a martial arts movie full of white guys with six months of training, I want motherfuckers who've been backflipping since before they could walk and don't mind throwing a spinning kick nine hundred times to get the shot perfect.
They didn't do it before?
You giving Oldboy (the original) a 7/10, Drive a 2/10, 2001 a space odyssey, Snowpiercer and Dark Knight a 3/10 tells me everything i need to know about your taste, or lack there of.
It can't possibly be worse than the original, so why the fuck not.
Who the freakin hell can replace Mad Dog?
Serious question.
The Raid: Redemption is one of the worst movies I've ever seen.
First mistake. I don't want to see a martial arts movie full of white guys with six months of training, I want motherfuckers who've been backflipping since before they could walk and don't mind throwing a spinning kick nine hundred times to get the shot perfect.
I bet more people will see the remake in the United States than have seen the original.
My brain is having trouble comprehending the fact he/she gave Oldboy (US version) a 6/10 but 2001 a 3/10.You just made it eas...
It's too late now.
First mistake. I don't want to see a martial arts movie full of white guys with six months of training, I want motherfuckers who've been backflipping since before they could walk and don't mind throwing a spinning kick nine hundred times to get the shot perfect.
I can see why some might not like The Raid. Roger Ebert hated it.
I bet more people will see the remake in the United States than have seen the original.'s obviously an audience for the film, probably a large one. They are content, even eager, to sit in a theater and watch one action figure after another pound and blast one another to death. They require no dialogue, no plot, no characters, no humanity. Have you noticed how cats and dogs will look at a TV screen on which there are things jumping around? It is to that level of the brain's reptilian complex that the film appeals.
Those are average ratings, not mine (which are on the left). Individual ratings don't have decimals.
The Raid Remake Will Feature "A Clash of Fighting Styles"
Director reveals story and casting plans for U.S. remake.
The Raid had a hell of a lot of CG Blood (Raid 2 did too).
Hollywood should be remaking the sequel instead, that is, make it Dredd 2 and I'll allow it.
How is it an E-peen alert? I was just answering a question. Manu asked if I had seen only 5 movies in my life, I gave him a proof that it was false.
The Raid: Redemption is one of the worst movies I've ever seen.
I don't believe in the weird internet logic of "the remake was bad and it killed my love for the original". I enjoyed the hell out of the first Raid (second bombed hard and left my theater fast) but there was definitely room for improvement. The story for example could use some tightening up and never felt at least serviceable.
It's kind of weird that they would set out to remake the film, since it's not exactly the font of originality when it comes to its story, setting, and characters. Does it really need to be called The Raid in order to justify the martial arts action?
I don't believe in the weird internet logic of "the remake was bad and it killed my love for the original". I enjoyed the hell out of the first Raid (second bombed hard and left my theater fast) but there was definitely room for improvement. The story for example could use some tightening up and never felt at least serviceable.
EDIT: Also, stop feeding ComputerMKII's site attention.
But it does have the best action/fighting in any film, maybe only surpassed by the raid 2.
( imo, obviously)
I don't know why are the even bothering. The action and choreography is what was great about The Raid, not the story. This is like remaking a martial arts HK movie with American actors. It¿s pointless.
I don't know why are the even bothering. The action and choreography is what was great about The Raid, not the story. This is like remaking a martial arts HK movie with American actors. It's pointless.
I can see why some might not like The Raid. Roger Ebert hated it.
Are they gonna cast Keanu Reeves?
Up next: ip man, starring Jason Statham.
Meh. I'd like to see another take on it. The original movie didn't have some amazing history\story that needs to be preserved. Nothing does really (because who gives a shit) but this even less so.
The Raid: Redemption is one of the worst movies I've ever seen.