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Kingdom Under Fire impressions


So I picked this game up yesterday with the hopes that it was no where near as unpolished and buggy as the OXM demo I played.

+100 for me.

So glad I took that chance - cause this game kicks mucho ass. Now, I'm only 3 hours into it at the moment, so excitement may have a factor in this review:

The graphics are REALLY good - not Ninja Gaiden good, but maybe a step or 2 below. It really has it's moments though- like when you call your officer (the one with the hammer) and he jumps in the middle of a battle and plunges his weapon in the dirt - sending debris flying, coupled with the "shaky camera" and amount of fighting going on at the moment is something to be seen. Rain effects, and the environment are impressive as well. Some of the character faces look a little strange, but I think this is more of a choice of the art direction more then anything. Some faces/characters look awesome (your female officer for instance) and some (the mentioned hammer officer) just look weird. Overall though the graphics are great.

Sound is mixed - the rock music actually works well - I probably would have preferred live orchestra or something, but still, it isnt bad at all. The voices however are the games biggest weak point - SWITCH THIS BITCH TO KOREAN BEFORE YOU EVEN START PLAYING. You will thank me later. The voice acting is horrendous and really ruins the experience. Sound effects are great - the crowd screaming on the charge, and the battle noise works really well. No complaints here.

Now on to the game - like I said, I'm only 3 hours deep - and am not clear on a few things (like using the new skills you gave your officers and yourself), but I spent a lot of time upgrading my troops at the base and it's really cool. You can upgrade or switch weapons, sheilds, armor, skills and magic from what I remember. All of it was intuitive and if you are into stats, this game has got you covered.

Actually running around and battling is the fun of the game obvioulsy - first off, LEARN TO USE YOUR MAP AND THE WAYPOINT SYSTEM. It makes the game a lot more fun. You can send your archers around the woods, behind your enemy, and wait. Then move your soilders in and attack from the front. Command the archers to rain arrows down and you got yourself instant chaos.

One strong point in this game is the rush you feel when your plan all comes together and you are cracking skulls left and right in the middle of all it. It really is awesome.

This all may sound chaotic and confusing to control - but it's not. Which I guess is the cool part of the game - it's intutive to control so much craziness.

The only neagtives I have right now are:

The English voice and non-existent lip sync are really bad.

I wish your character had more fighting moves and combos.

Thats all I came up with as far as bad points - but again, only 3 hours into it. I see in the demo you can level up and promote your troops to different classes - even soilders ridind giant birds! I've barely scratched the surface on this game - so take these intial impressions however you want.

All in all, VERY happy I picked this one up.
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