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Kingdom under Fire : The Crusaders screens!

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I have no interest. Wario says its a x-bomb.

It would be nice if some more notable reviews would release.


Chili Con Carnage!
wario is dead wrong in this case.

Dont know how it could even be an xbomb, its not exactly high profile.


GashPrex said:
All previews/impressions have been really positive - ie, sleeper of the year stuff

I've been watching this game for years, much like stupid BC which it doesn't seem like will ever come out. I've been excited for both, but I'll wait for concrete reviews first. Previews tend to be positive the majoirty of the time.


That's by far the most interesting video yet. Half the prior ones have shown people who look like they have no idea what they're doing messing around with Kessen-esque troop movement.


distantmantra said:
I've been blown away by the screen shots of this game for years now, what genre is it exactly? Is it similar to Dynasty Warriors?

If you watch the movies it looks like (at least to me) Dynasty Warriors meets Warcraft (flying wyverns, sappers), though I don't know if you can control separate squads.
distantmantra said:
I've been blown away by the screen shots of this game for years now, what genre is it exactly? Is it similar to Dynasty Warriors?

Think Dynasty Warriors, meets Dragon Force, and Shogun:Total War sprinked with RPG elements and the presentation of Braveheart. With melee combat that let's you practice your Sword of Berserk skills. Not for everyone, but the developers (Phantagram) were born to create this game just to please me. ;)


Chili Con Carnage!
You control several squads of units, you order them to move, attack, follow etc, though you only get to actually fight as the player character.


I think it's soty material, but the reviewable code we have is quite bugged. If this is the build they sent to other mags, then it's no surprise you're not seeing many reviews around.

Anyway, as i said earlier, it's a mix between an RTS and dinasty warriors with an action rpg flavour and something else. Think Kessen, only good.
Actually, there's more of everything; much more strategy and depth, more action. Maybe not as much story (but it doesn't look bad so far) and not as many cutscenes; a lot of the narration happens through static, small portraits of the character (and i have to warn you, the voice acting is terrible for most part).

Apart from this, there's an amazing depth; Changing the equipment of your troops and generals and the "Jobs" system really add a lot of possibilities. Initial missions seem a little too 'guided' but i think it's because they must serve as a tutorial.
Haven't had much time with it yet, and i got stuck rather early on :(
Doesn't sound like a game I typically would buy (not a fan of RTS), but I'm very impressed with the screens, videos and impressions.

Looks like I'll be snagging a raincheck for this at Target, I doubt it's actually shipping next week.


distantmantra said:
Doesn't sound like a game I typically would buy (not a fan of RTS), but I'm very impressed with the screens, videos and impressions.

Looks like I'll be snagging a raincheck for this at Target, I doubt it's actually shipping next week.

Yeah, if Target will let me I'm definately picking up a Raincheck. At $27.88 you can't go wrong. You can probably sell it back to EB or something and not spend much more than a rental.
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