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Kirby Community Thread: What's Pink And Round?

As for more music from Kirby's Dream Land 3: my other favorite piece is the Iceberg level theme. Such a crazy fusion of jazz, traditional Kirby marches, and prog-rock that never gets boring to listen to. It feels just out-of-place, enough to be the most memorable part of the whole soundtrack. To be frank: the whole soundtrack's a bit inconsistent overall, but it's got some of the best SNES sounds you'll ever hear, and pieces like the staff roll theme and Iceberg are amazing to give a whirl every now-and-then.

And then there was this tune in Kirby 64 which took some cues from Iceberg but had a more focused jazzy feel.

The next Smash Bros. should totally have a Kirby x Jigglypuff thing going on.



I get nostalgic for Epic Yarn and it's not even 2 years old. It's just so damn appealing, and the challenge mini-games can be tough.

Really wanna see a Yoshi's Island game by Good-Feel.


Seeing as Wario Land: Shake and Epic Yarn were like slow, explorable platformers with nice level design where you're trying to find things to make the game harder, I think Good Feel would do a great Yoshi's Island. They could get the art style down easily too.


Seeing as Wario Land: Shake and Epic Yarn were like slow, explorable platformers with nice level design where you're trying to find things to make the game harder, I think Good Feel would do a great Yoshi's Island. They could get the art style down easily too.

EAD or bust. Nothing against Good-Feel, but every non-YI Yoshi game sucks arse.


ermahgerds! Kirby thread eeeee :D

Can't wait to get a copy of Kirby Dream Collection ...

The only game I haven't played is Kirby Tilt'n'Tumble, they're hard as crap to find. I also missed out on the anime too, is there any place to stream it?


Can't wait to get the Dream Collection when it eventually comes out in Europe. I don't own a copy of Dreamland 3 or Kirby 64 so I'll be buying it just for them two.

I've always loved Kirby and IMO one of the best was the latest Wii one, so good in co-op. <3


I have only played Amazing Mirror and Canvas Curse for the platformers, but I thought they were very well made games. I don't know why Amazing Mirror got so much backlash...

I plan to play Return to Dreamland this summer, and maybe Mass Attack.

By the way, Kirby Air Ride is the most underrated game of all time. OF ALL TIME !!!

What is this I don't even

Yoshi's Island DS isn't that bad. I played it recently and thought it was competent.
Correct. Though I don't know how much it holds up compared to YI as I've never played it


Good timing for this thread. I got Kirby Super Star on VC with Club Nintendo coins last month and since then I've been doing parallel playthroughs of that, Dream Land 3 and the 3D Classics version of Adventure (which looks pretty amazing by the way).

DL3 I finished for my first time a couple of days ago. I never expected to see
Samus Aran
appear in a Kirby game, much less
as enemies in one level! Since we're talking music, I really liked DL3's intro.

The main reason I wanted to finish that game was to see the first incarnation of the boss Zero. I loved Zero 2 in K64. His battle theme was great, and his looks are...probably the most poignantly striking of any Kirby antagonist, and probably not something most people expected to see at the end of a Kirby game. The other week I went and used my terrible drawing skills on the 3DS 'game notes' tool to draw some fan art:


I'm with the crowd that ranks Super Star as the best. I especially love the cinematic and melodramatic Revenge of Meta Knight. I like Super Star Ultra as well, but I still kind of prefer playing the other version because they replaced the cutscenes with lame CG ones in the remake.

I'm also a huge fan of Air Ride's City Trial mode. My friends and I have spent plenty of time with it. It's one of the finest local multiplayer games out there. I'd like a sequel to it more than any other game. The sequel should be based on City Trial, with online play, multiple cities of varying sizes to choose from, more options, and just...more! It would benefit so much from some polishing up. I see the unlockable remixes have been mentioned, so here's the game's rendition of Rainbow Resort, my favorite of the bunch.

Though I received Amazing Mirror as an Ambassador title, I haven't played much of it yet and I'm totally lost about 15 minutes into the game...need to get that figured out.

Let's talk copy powers! My favorites have been Tornado, Yo-yo, and UFO for the rare times when it pops up. How about the rest of you?


I'm not seeing any Kirby gifs

I demand more Kirby gifs



Will QA for food.
Added most of the musical recommendations.

As for Kirby music, I loved it even before Ishikawa jumped on board with Adventure. I would carry my Game Boy around with me, with Kirby's Dream Land on sound test listening to songs over and over. I surely burned through batteries quickly.

OP will be filled out more over the course of the week when I have time, but I think it's a decent start.
What's your preferred Kirby copy ability in each game featuring the mechanic? I've always had a soft spot for Cutter, though UFO's fun to use whenever you can acquire it.
As for Kirby music, I loved it even before Ishikawa jumped on board with Adventure.
Trust me: the music in Adventure is signature Hirokazu Ando. Lot of stacatto notes, clever manipulation of chord progressions, and not a whole lot of lyrical work like in future games.


Will QA for food.
What's your preferred Kirby copy ability in each game featuring the mechanic? I've always had a soft spot for Cutter, though UFO's fun to use whenever you can acquire it.

Beam in most Kirby title, I love it and Waddle Doo as a companion in games like KSS. Kirby 64 might have my favorite ability in Fireworks though. They work so well because they make Kirby jump with each blast. Similarly I enjoy Cutter+Nago in Dream Land three because of its hopping.


Nago is also my favorite animal companion. In fact.. I will make a slight avatar adjustment.


I don't know if I'm the only one who shares this opinion but...


I really, really want Galacta Knight to continue being a thing in the series. Not necessarily become a major villain or anything, but well, stick him into the extra modes like they did with Meta Knightmare Ultra and
Return to Dreamland's True Arena
. I got demolished the first time I fought him in the latter because I had no idea he was coming, or was even in the game. Love his theme as well.
Galacta Knight has more than a fair chance of re-emerging. I want to see Nightmare make his return. Guy never appears outside of Adventure and Nightmare in Dreamland, yet he could make an interesting side-villain and a direct antagonist to the entirety of Kirby's realm (like in the anime, but better).



We did a drawing a day for Kirby's 20th over on 4 color rebellion. It was a blast. Our friends like Gabe Swarr, Mare Odomo, Rey Ortega, Kyatt Suai, Michelle Coffee, Nate Carle and even myself all did drawings of our favorite pink puffball. I think they turned out great.

Check it out here and let us know what you think.

20 Days of Kirby @ 4 color rebellion


High res Kirby artwork from Mass Attack.

I've been putting time into Mass Attack recently... oh man. It just might be my favorite Kirby game. The variation in level design and gameplay from one stage to the next is awesome. And having a whole gang of Kirbys that take on baddies together and save each other from death... love it so much.


^ I know. I swear I've seen more creativity in individual Mass Attack levels than in entire games. Mass Attack is too good.


Unconfirmed Member
I remember seeing info about Dream Land 2 in Nintendo Power when I was kid, and being totally in love with the joy and charm it conveyed. I need to play it someday. The only Kirby game I've played to completion was Canvas Curse. The other games don't appeal to me all that much, aside from the charm.


Yeah, it sure did. Running around in a 3D environment is still something I want the Kirby franchise to try out.
Tilt n Tumble was sorta like that, right? It was just top down and motion controlled. The second pic sorta reminds me of what that game looked like.

I really hope that they get Tilt n Tumble on the VC soon. The 3DS already has gyro built in so it would just be a matter of adjusting the game to work with that.


Man, I just could not finish Canvas Curse. I think I got stuck on a boss or level somewhere, and my coordination wasn't up to snuff so I just quit it.

Also Return to Dreamland is a great game with good replayability, I was impressed by it and recommend trying it out. (haven't played Mass Attack yet... maybe I will look into it!)

OMG Aero

The main reason I wanted to finish that game was to see the first incarnation of the boss Zero. I loved Zero 2 in K64. His battle theme was great, and his looks are...probably the most poignantly striking of any Kirby antagonist, and probably not something most people expected to see at the end of a Kirby game. The other week I went and used my terrible drawing skills on the 3DS 'game notes' tool to draw some fan art:

What up fellow Zero 2 3DS artist?

video here
The Kirby anime is fucking awesome.

Except for the sad episodes.

robo puppy no ;__;
Tilt n Tumble was sorta like that, right? It was just top down and motion controlled. The second pic sorta reminds me of what that game looked like.

I really hope that they get Tilt n Tumble on the VC soon. The 3DS already has gyro built in so it would just be a matter of adjusting the game to work with that.
It's all about having that 3D camera. In Tilt n Tumble, anyway, you still only have two axes to travel on. A 3D Kirby game, like in the screenshots previously-posted, would have three axes that could be used.


I really hope that they get Tilt n Tumble on the VC soon. The 3DS already has gyro built in so it would just be a matter of adjusting the game to work with that.

The way you say this, one might mistakenly get the impression that tweaking roms is something Nintendo actually ever does.

to be fair, they are adding wireless multiplayer to those NES games
There's also a Japan-only SNES version of Star Stacker that the OP doesn't mention... but yeah, otherwise a very good summary of the series. Nice work. :)
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