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Klonoa: Empire of Dreams appreciation thread

So I bought Empire of Dreams for my GBA a LONG time ago, played a level, and sort of threw it on a pile of other GBA games, and instead concentrated on some of the other higher profile titles I was playing at the time (Metroid Fusion, Link to the Past, the SMAdvance titles, etc.).

After almost a year, I finally fired up Klonoa the other day and I seriously can't stop playing. Everything about it is just perfect. It may not have fancy effects and or any degree of glitz, but it's simply solid, and the level designs are superb. It's my new all time fave GBA game. Anyone else enjoy this title?


Tag of Excellence
Yes and I need to comment that I'm very sad that Namco hasn't seen fit to continue this franchise anymore. Well not that they've ever said they would cancel it or not continue it, I just haven't seen any sequels or announcements of sequels since the PS2/GBA/PSX games (specifically that volleyball game). I loved the series and I really enjoyed the portable iteration of it. I think they could produce another GBA title at a relatively minor cost and easily recoup the development fees.


aka The Hound
There is a sequel to the GBA game (Kaze no Klonoa G2: Dream Champ Tournament); unfortunately it's not coming here.

Ranger X

I really enjoyed this Klonoa and it's focus more on puzzles. It lacks replay value for me though. Enjoy this game dude, you're going to hit SERIOUS level design in the later worlds! ;)


Wyzdom said:
I really enjoyed this Klonoa and it's focus more on puzzles.

The WonderSwan version, Moonlight Museum, stands far above the rest for its emphasis on puzzle solving -- there are a few levels in there that've stumped me for days. Easily worth owning a WonderSwan for, if you can get past WS's stunningly horrible sound setup (I've heard the $25 headphone adapter solves this).

On the GBA tip, though, Empire of Dreams has always felt like it was just a skosh rushed for release shortly after GBA launch. Once you've played G2, the polish lacking in EoD is pretty apparent in the background art, in the boss battles, etc. If you dig on EoD at all, you really need to treat yourself to G2.

Klonoa Heroes and Volleyball are skippable for the most part -- both feel like engines no one at Namco knew what to do with, gimmicky cash in licensed type deals.

I think I'd put them all on a scale from best to worst as

* Phantomile (PSX, OG Klonoa before they Sonic-ized his design and made him 'edgy' and 'a snowboarder', and still one of the most pathetically sad end-game movies)
* Moonlight (WS, but only because I dig puzzles over action)
* Lunatea (PS2)
* G2 (GBA)
* Empire (GBA)
* Volleyball (PSX)
* Heroes (GBA)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I couldn't get into the GBA games. The level design was just so inferior to the console Klonoa titles (obviously the two regular games, not volleyball). 90 degree angles everywhere and simple layout really brought it down.


When will the GBA sequal come out in Japan? I'd definitely pick it up if it's as good as the original GBA game.


Empire of Dreams has great puzzles, though I think the platforming quality dropped off too much. So I like the Playstation ones better. But good game!


I found a copy for $10 at Target back in March and it quickly became one of my favorite GBA platformers. It's a litte short, but otherwise it was fun. Too bad we won't be seeing a sequel.
Ah yes, I made a thread just like this once, but then I got bitched about for buying the game used and wondering why no one bought it at release. *rolls his eyes*

Anywho, it's a great game and it's too bad Namco isn't doing much for Klonoa here anymore. It definitely falls into the ranks with Starfi from being the lesser known nice GBA platformers, but for diffierent reasons. Ah well, maybe I'll import the sequel.
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