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Know what's neat about the Prime 2 demo disc?

The demo's not timed. So instead of having to rush through it at E3 while a line of people breathe down your neck, you can go through it at a leisurely pace, scanning everything. And there's a lot of neat little hints and revelations if you keep scanning.

For example, when you
go through the dark portal
and see the
dead Space Pirates
, if you scan each individual one of them, they say different things about
how each one of them died
. One of them
died while being corrupted by 'parasitic fusion'
, and one actually WAS
taken over by parasites, and he turned on the others, shooting one to death, breaching his armor
(you find that out when you scan the other one).

And earlier, if you scan a computer terminal there is a bit about the
Dark Hunter, the evil Samus. Apparently she uses Phazon for energy, which does indeed suggest that she is the Metroid Prime reincarnated...


GAF's Pleasant Genius
*I want it, I want it*


Sigh, I do not have the *mula* for 3 games right now though :(.

I'll have to wait until I see it used at Gamestop or EB ;).
That it sucks horse balls?



One of the trailers
show Space Pirates being overtaken by the dark energy.

The Gaming-Age Metroid Prime 2 E3 writeup had mentions of the
as well, once you defeated
Dark Samus and she exploded
(E3 demo, not demo disc),
Phazon particles
were scattered everywhere.

Traveling deeper into the depths, Samus happens upon
Dark Samus draining an energy crystal. The destructive battle that ensues takes its toll on the room, as pipes fall from the ceiling and pillars are destroyed. After taking too much damage, Dark Samus disintegrates in a massive explosion that scatters Phazon particles into the air.
As Samus looks around, the game cuts to black. Sadly, the demonstration is over.

Honestly, after Metroid Fusion, the Dark Samus bit sounds a little familiar. Nevertheless, after the experience of the original Metroid Prime, I'm willing to give Retro Studios the benefit of a doubt. Furthermore, a scan of Dark Samus reveals
she is made of Phazon, much like the suit Samus lost during the final fight with Metroid Prime
. Hmmm.


Tritroid said:
Ban yourself.
Personally, I'm just be happy to see the tag "Drinky without the funny."
But anyway, now I'm quite excited for this disc.

IJoel - Suck it up and buy a NES Classic like I did.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Panajev2001a said:
*I want it, I want it*


Sigh, I do not have the *mula* for 3 games right now though :(.

I'll have to wait until I see it used at Gamestop or EB ;).

Do what I did. Go to nearest Hollywood Video and take the cd keys from the display boxes, assuming that they haven't been used yet


the non-neat thing about the disc, though, is that it's a castrated version of the e3 demo that takes about five minutes to get through.

but cool art galleries!


Kobun Heat said:
Dark Hunter, the evil Samus. Apparently she uses Phazon for energy, which does indeed suggest that she is the Metroid Prime reincarnated...

Actually Metroid Prime's waste is called phazon. Interesting.
Does the Platinum Metroid bundle come with the thing you can clip onto the lid? I was looking at the box today, and it didn't show it on the back.


Know what's not neat?

Despite coming out three months later, it's much shorter than the E3 demo and lacks the dramatic boss fight at the end--which was the best part.


Ah, I was wondering what was the difference between the demo and what I played at E3. Oh well, now I don't feel too bad about not trying to find it.

Kon Tiki

Teddman said:
Know what's not neat?

Despite coming out three months later, it's much shorter than the E3 demo and lacks the dramatic boss fight at the end--which was the best part.

Which means 'she' is a 'Major' Boss battle. :(


BobbyRobby said:
Does the Platinum Metroid bundle come with the thing you can clip onto the lid? I was looking at the box today, and it didn't show it on the back.

That was the european metroid prime 1 bundle.
I don't think it was a boss battle at the end of the e3 demo, just your first fight with the Ing (black spider), unless i'm very much mistaken.


hyperbolically metafictive
so scanning things is the highlight of the demo? nothing enriches a game world like EXCEEDINGLY DRY FILLER TEXT peppered with PRETEND JARGON! as if the interminable backtracking wasn't boring enough.

you know what i think will be neat about the prime 2 demo? i bet gamerush will give me decent trade-in money for it.


Dyne said:
Darn. I registered all my 10 pins I had. I gave the remaining two to my girl friend.

Oh well, Thanks a lot anyway. It's just that live in Central America, so I can't go look for PINs in rental stores. :(


drohne said:
so scanning things is the highlight of the demo? nothing enriches a game world like EXCEEDINGLY DRY FILLER TEXT peppered with PRETEND JARGON! as if the interminable backtracking wasn't boring enough.

you know what i think will be neat about the prime 2 demo? i bet gamerush will give me decent trade-in money for it.

You know you only HAD to scan a total of like 10 things in Prime, right? The rest was for those interested in learning more about Metroid and more about Tallon IV.


olimario said:
You know you only HAD to scan a total of like 10 things in Prime, right? The rest was for those interested in learning more about Metroid and more about Tallon IV.

And to provide a certain factor known as STORYLINE to the game.

As polished as MP was, it lacked big time in terms of storyline presentation.

I still need to beat it. Damn backtracking.


IJoel said:
And to provide a certain factor known as STORYLINE to the game.

As polished as MP was, it lacked big time in terms of storyline presentation.

I still need to beat it. Damn backtracking.

No. It wasn't.
Not all games have to shove the story in the gamer's face using cutscenes. Prime's method of storytelling went hand in hand with the focus of making the player feel like they were behind Samus' helmet.


celestial body said:
I don't think it was a boss battle at the end of the e3 demo, just your first fight with the Ing (black spider), unless i'm very much mistaken.
You must be, because it was clearly a boss battle...

EDIT: It wasn't against the Ing black spider.


olimario said:
No. It wasn't.
Not all games have to shove the story in the gamer's face using cutscenes. Prime's method of storytelling went hand in hand with the focus of making the player feel like they were behind Samus' helmet.

Prime's method of storytelling? There was no method of storytelling except for the scans. Making the player feel like they were behind Samus' helmet? That's called immersion and it doesn't tell a story.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
IJoel said:
Prime's method of storytelling? There was no method of storytelling except for the scans. Making the player feel like they were behind Samus' helmet? That's called immersion and it doesn't tell a story.

I think you've completely misunderstood olimario's post, though I'm not sure how.
IJoel said:
Prime's method of storytelling? There was no method of storytelling except for the scans. Making the player feel like they were behind Samus' helmet? That's called immersion and it doesn't tell a story.
Of course, storytelling has never been the point of Metroid games. Only Fusion really took the series in that direction, and even then it was pretty basic stuff.


The story was told through the scans, yes. Particularly the Chozo Lores and the Space Pirate's Logs. A great, unconventional way of telling a story that aided immersion greatly.


Kobun Heat said:
Of course, storytelling has never been the point of Metroid games. Only Fusion really took the series in that direction, and even then it was pretty basic stuff.

See, I don't have an issue with the 2D games because, for some reason, as you mentioned, 2D Metroid games were never really about the story.

However, when you develop a game that's as big and immersive as Metroid Prime, the presentation of a story, at least for me, is key in engaging the player.
IJoel said:
However, when you develop a game that's as big and immersive as Metroid Prime, the presentation of a story, at least for me, is key in engaging the player.
I like a good story too, but I'm not going so far as to establish a general rule that a game HAS to have one.


hyperbolically metafictive
but fusion's visual method of storytelling is deeply and inherently superior to prime's "bore you with halfassed pseudomyth and no-assed pseudoscience" method. "THE CHOZO FOUNDLING HAS PENETRATED THE BETA 7 ECHELON OF THE PHAZON REPROCESSING CORE!!!!" this sort of thing is dumber and more alienating than anything this side of tom clancy spywank, and prime presents it as dryly as is possible. i'm no great fan of half life, but retro could learn a thing or two from half life.


celestial body said:
I don't think it was a boss battle at the end of the e3 demo, just your first fight with the Ing (black spider), unless i'm very much mistaken.
As Teddman said, you are very much mistaken. There was a crazy boss battle against
Dark Samus
that has some really cool environmental destruction during the fight.


hyperbolically metafictive

...and since when was caring a prerequisite for participation in stupid message board arguments?
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