Konami Confirms Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1 Issues to Be Addressed Post-Launch



Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1 launches this week with a number of issues, Konami has said. Post-launch updates are planned to address them.

Konami provided IGN with a list of these issues, which we are breaking down by their relevance to the games within the collection.

Let’s start with the bonus content for the Metal Gear and Snake's Revenge NES ports. In the bonus content videos, the timing of some subtitles doesn’t match up with the audio. Konami said it’s planning a patch that will correct the timing. A post-launch patch is planned to add a number of visual options in the games, including a CRT scanline filter and the ability to change the pixel aspect aspect ratio.

Moving on to the MSX2 versions of Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2, a future patch will add the ability to switch between windowed and full-screen mode from the options menu in the title screen.

Across Metal Gear Solid 1, 2, and 3, bug fixes are also planned Specifically on MGS 2, Konami warned the game may significantly slow down in certain cutscenes, which sounds worrying. A patch to reduce processing load is planned.

There’s also a slight delay to the timing for a certain visual effect, with a patch to correct it to match the original game due out at some point. And finally, switching between windowed and fullscreen mode from the options menu on the title screen is planned for a future update.

Specifically on MGS3, there are typos in the subtitles for the original England, France, Italy, Germany, and Spain (EFIGS) EU versions. The timing for a scene and background music to trigger in a certain cutscene is slightly different from the original game, too. A patch to sort all this out, alongside the, yes, you guessed it, ability to switch between windowed and full-screen mode, is planned.

That’s all we have for now. Announced alongside Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake, the Master Collection Vol. 1 is coming to PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and S, Nintendo Swich, and PC tomorrow, October 24. PC players should know Metal Gear Solid 1 requires a controller in order to play (playing with a keyboard and mouse isn't supported). The collection has also faced criticism for locking Metal Gear Solid 1 to 30 frames per second.
Good that they are fixing issues but would be great to have a 4K patch too.
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I think the biggest issues for me are price (£50 is just fucking bonkers) and no official controller support for MGS1 on PC. It doesn't look like they'll fix that so I'll hold off and maybe pick up just the third game on Deck when it's on sale.


Come and talk about getting my money when you get your shit together. I am not giving a shit company like you anything till you have a good product that deserve to be paid for.

The give us money now and we will fix it later attitude from these shitty devs and publishers needs to stop
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Then I'll contemplate buying it when it is in Gold state. Devs need to stop "fixing shit post launch."
Its not fixing it post launch, its elevating status from paid beta to final release.

Fuck em right in the keister.

Im SO done with this "Release now, fix later" attitude.

Basically they're telling people BUFU.
Buy Us, Fuck U.

How about Suck It, Fuck U, devs?
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Gold Member

This should be a celebration of some classic videogames not some shoddy put together peice of shit.

Fuck off Konami.



Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
This reminds me a lot of the situation with Zone of the Enders HD, where the compilation was a disaster when it shipped, but they had Hexadrive come in and fix it.

I'd really like to see MGS2 and 3 be turned into the definitive releases of those games. Like, it's cool that there were issues with HD Collection that appear to be fixed, but there's still nothing about this that makes me feel like I'd prefer to play these releases over the originals.


Konami, you fucking donkeys. It's a re-release of a series of 20 year old games, there is literally no rush to push this to market!

Fix your stupid games before you ship!
I cannot agree with this enough....some jackass probably ok'd it as it's cheaper for Konami to release a partial broken product and to fix in post.


How about adding the fucking post processing effects, the ones that actually ran flawlessly on ps2, but dissappeared from every other releases, including this shitty one.


This is so anti consumer. Fuck them, people should boycott this until it's fixed at least. I hope this master collection fails miserably.


The give us money now and we will fix it later attitude from these shitty devs and publishers needs to stop
Not to derail this thread but I purchased the physical copy of Mario Wonder last week. Game was complete without fault. No bugs. No issues whatsoever. Why is that such an achievement in gaming today? Not even Insomniac could achieve that easy feat.
Excuse Me What GIF by Bounce

I mean..... It's not like they didn't have time. Great that they are gonna address issues...but...with titles this old and most of the work having been done already with the "HD" port from the 360-era... What have they been doing? The issues seem minor at best. But what the hell have they been doing then this whole time?
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