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Kotaku: "Call Of Duty Trailer Recklessly Promotes Far-Right Conspiracy Theory"

Evangelion Unit-01

Master Chief
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War’s debut trailer—which has already attracted controversy—gives a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov and his views. Views which have, in recent years, become a dangerous rallying cry for far-right conspiracy theories and the people who peddle them.

The teaser, which was released last week to hype up the more recent reveal, intersperses stock footage of major world events with a 1984 interview of Bezmenov, who claimed to have been an informant for the KGB before defecting to the United States. During the interview, he describes the Soviet Union’s alleged use of “active measures” that, in theory, are meant to destabilize opponents without direct military conflict by way of changing a society’s power structure and economy. In short, Bezmenov’s suggestion in the full interview is that extending equality to the United States’ non-white, non-male population made it ripe for Soviet invasion.

Full article in links below.

Source: https://kotaku.com/call-of-duty-trailer-recklessly-promotes-far-right-cons-1844869021

Archive link in case it gets pulled, also because kotaku doesn't deserve traffic for this: https://archive.is/iOBf8

What in the world....
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Fuck em I've been watching a few vids on this bloke I'm not far right by any means but alot of things he says about subversion etc are the very things happening to our society and institution's today and for the last 20yrs.
Yeah, this is what I wanted to post about. Thanks shitty kotaku for opening the eyes of some level-headed people regarding what is going on in the world.


What an idiotic view. When has gaming become so politicized?

And what a on the wall game too...

What is the point of including a non binary option then? I for one think it's completely unnecessary and stupid. but at the same time it seems you're trying to cater to an audience that is hardwired to hate the very core of your game.

Seems like a stupid "inclusivity" check box from PR or some shit, and nothing that any of the creative team wanted to actively include.
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Its just like Ubisoft's "politics" though, they pretend to be on one side but they are actually always sat squarely on the fence:

In this case they start with the Yuri Bezmenov anti-communist stuff (which leftists will say is far-right propaganda, like Kotaku have done here ofc) but then in the briefing room scene they allude (more like face slap us, lol) to modern US political conspiracies by saying "Theres this Russian guy who orchestrated attacks on USA and is responsible for influencing USA politics" and then some government-stoogey white guy says "He's more myth than man!" as reference to non-leftists saying the 2016 election was NOT influenced by Russia (the FBI concluded they didn't interfere) but obviously the point of the game will be to prove that this Russian boogeyman DOES exist.

With the probable twist that the Russian agitator is actually either an unconnected 3rd party (so they can deem him as an "absolute bad" and not offend anyone when everyone rallies against him...) or he's a "disillusioned" American who turned against the US.

Its just going to be pure nonsense is what I'm trying to say lol.


Ummm can we just divide already? Ive been tired for 4 yrs listening to people argue the same arguments with zero compromise from either. If you want to fck a goat i dont care, but thinking i have to like it or approve of it, well Sandy that isnt happening.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Its Call of Duty. Anything political is a window dressing for a shallow dudebro story. Somethin tells me it won't turn a generation of 12 year olds into Qanon anti-vaxxer rightwing death squads, because Black Ops 1 and 2 did the same thing.
Literally merely having a gay character in a game is labeled as "having a political agenda" widely on this forum.. but "it's just Call of Duty" if they include a bunch of right-wing politics?

I don't have any issue with COD BTW.. they can put whatever they want in their game.

I'm laughing at the fact nobody who thinks "gay people in a game is a political agenda" will do anything but strongly support this stuff showing up in COD on this forum.. you can pretty much guarantee that.
Neogaf: Keep PoLitCs OuT of GamEs!

COD: Puts far-right politics in games, Kotaku complains.

NeoGAF: KoTakU R So Stupid!
It's amazing right? Always have a good chuckle to myself when one set of SJW's get outraged at what another set of SJW's are doing. They're so blindly outraged at each other and attacking each other that they dont realise they are one in the same, just on different sides.

Left or right politics, both have their issues, agendas and cronies, its just sad to see how polluted gaming has become with it.


Gold Member
Kotaku writer: Let's browse reddit, era and twitter and get the stupidest, spiciest quotes. Let's make a frankensteins monster of an article by sticking them together. Sit back and wait for the sheep to lick my toes. Block anyone who hates, or label them alt-right.

1250xp earned
Activision has given its fans a direct path to Bezmenov’s philosophy while also leaving out crucial contextual details that explain its origins and the dangerous effects it has already had on the modern world.

This right here encapsulates what I find very irritating about modern society. The complete and utter lack of self responsibility. They are acting as if this is some brainwashing indoctrination going on. As if everyone needs to be coddled and kept inside of a nice protective bubble so that people won't be exposed to this philosophy.

Like come on, if you read into this whackjob's (Bezmenov's) shit and subscribe to the nonsense, who is really to blame here? The developers making a stupid videogame for entertainment or the person who saw a couple cutscenes and decided to dive in headfirst to a philosophy they haven't looked into.
I'm surprised it took that long... But after the Chinese got the trailer censored, how can you say it's promoting conspiracy "theories", with what is going on in Democrat run cities, how can they say it's automatically conspiracy theories?

And more importantly, the game could be released as woke non sense.


It's like that gif meme where they see all the equations floating around them in the air, they're making connections, but all of a sudden they make one COMPLETELY WRONG ONE and it all just swirls into a big turd, then they post that turd.

That'd be a great idea for a gif meme, anyone with some skills could make it and then use it anytime like this.


Everybody knows, the typical kotaku reader buys COD for its political message.

I think they buy games to hate them and be triggered by them, and then post on their shitty Youtube channel or blog about how triggered they are by the content, and how much they hate it and how they'll never buy another product from company XY again... until they see all the hits and everything they said wasn't their honest opinion just apart of the SUPER COOL counter movement for the product because they have no real opinions and only those of the COUNTER movement.

Oh shit I think I just solved Kotaku.
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