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Kotaku: Melee Player's Criminal History Divides Smash Bros. Community

It's also worth considering that famous people are held to higher standards just by virtue of having more attention on them. If a nobody smash player committed a crime outside the smash community, they wouldn't be banned from tournaments because no one would even know about it. (Unless regular background checks are the standard for everyone, but I don't think they are?).

Is that fair? I'm not sure of the correct answer myself.

Yeah. I get that. I'm just saying that if this was brought to your attention, I don't think you go "look at this guy's rapsheet. He's a ticking time bomb that doesn't belong anywhere near this community." "Yeah, but I heard he can beat Armada." "Really!? Well this I gotta see! He's in!"
> “I am human and you are human,” Layton told me over the phone from his Las Vegas hotel room last week at EVO, the biggest fighting games tournament in the world. “Who are you to judge me?”

a) I wonder if he asked that to the judge.

b) I'm a person who has never assaulted anyone, so that's why I get to judge. You fuck.
I myself prefer a "one strike and you're out" policy when it comes to violent crime, especially when the person in question refers to his crime record as "exquisite," deflects blame, and in general seems entirely unchanged, but you know.

"It's just a crime everybody does a crime sometimes"

Assault. Stop this.
I myself prefer a "one strike and you're out" policy when it comes to violent crime, especially when the person in question refers to his crime record as "exquisite," deflects blame, and in general seems entirely unchanged, but you know.

"It's just a crime everybody does a crime sometimes"

Assault. Stop this.

Who are you to judge a man of God?


I'm sure the situation is far more complex than it appears, and I'm all for rehabilitation. That said, everything he says in that interview paints a man who's really full of himself and hardly reformed.


Bronson “DaShizWiz” Layton, 26, is one of the world’s premiere Falco players for Melee—and, with so few championing Falco in 2017, fans of the character contend he’s worthy of a grand redemption. Layton thinks so too, arguing that he’s shed his violent past and now is concerned primarily with practicing religion, refining his Falco’s laser strategy and amassing followers for his new Twitch channel.
Same here bruh. Three great things that go great together!

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
Falco's Savior is clearly PPMD. Westballz and Mango are keeping him alive but the Falco Revival will be through PPMD. Pretenders need not apply
Smash (mostly melee) community allowing criminals in there just because they are top players and/or friends with them (mango, shiz, ken's family, plank, zelgadis, unknown etc). Just like the FGC allows scum like noel brown and flashmetroid. Stop normalizing literal crimes just because they are good at a fucking videogame


If he is making the efforts for a second chance, I say give it to him. Mind you though that in terms of Melee, I will remain respectfully neutral on it since that community tends to be rather deceive in its own right.

All I know is that if you don't talk about Melee when you talk about Smash Bros, you get that look that makes you feel like you stepped into the wrong neighborhood.
Why is Kotaku randomly just posting about this now? He's been allowed to enter tournaments, it's already been stated that he's taken classes for what he's done and has done his time.

He was fine at EVO, had nothing happen, and it seems like the community discussion died down on it after a week when the discussion first started.

Just makes no sense why they're bringing it up now lol

He did his time and wants the chance to show he's changed and hasn't been involved with anything ever since, and the people he's had stuff happen with in the Smash community won't even come to him to discuss anything and make amends.

If he fucks up, he fucks up, then get's banned. Simple as that.
> “I am human and you are human,” Layton told me over the phone from his Las Vegas hotel room last week at EVO, the biggest fighting games tournament in the world. “Who are you to judge me?”

a) I wonder if he asked that to the judge.

b) I'm a person who has never assaulted anyone, so that's why I get to judge. You fuck.

Yeah it's stupid, but it's also ironic seeing as judging others is a human survival instinct.
Why is Kotaku randomly just posting about this now? He's been allowed to enter tournaments, it's already been stated that he's taken classes for what he's done and has done his time.

He was fine at EVO, had nothing happen, and it seems like the community discussion died down on it after a week when the discussion first started.

Just makes no sense why they're bringing it up now lol

He did his time and wants the chance to show he's changed and hasn't been involved with anything ever since, and the people he's had stuff happen with in the Smash community won't even come to him to discuss anything and make amends.

If he fucks up, he fucks up, then get's banned. Simple as that.

Except you know if his aggressive nature towards people or the opposite sex gets out of hand he might end up assaulting someone again so fuck them let's have our Falcon meta because that will elevate the whole scene? Come the fuck on..

He is a violent criminal. 14-15 anger management classes won't stop that behavior. I had a close friend who took 35 anger management classes and was also a violent crimes offender and it didn't stop him from going to jail for beating the shit out of his girlfriend and putting her in the hospital for a month and ending up in jail for 2 years.

The women of this event have the right to be nervous. In sports you can beat the shit out of your significant other and no one cares as long as you keep playing and playing well.

Fuck that. Ban him. Zero tolerance policy towards violent criminals. No one should feel unsafe at these events. The smash scene wonders why it remains poverty tier for sponsors..
Except you know if his aggressive nature towards people or the opposite sex gets out of hand he might end up assaulting someone again so fuck them let's have our Falcon meta because that will elevate the whole scene? Come the fuck on..

He is a violent criminal. 14-15 anger management classes won't stop that behavior. I had a close friend who took 35 anger management classes and was also a violent crimes offender and it didn't stop him from going to jail for beating the shit out of his girlfriend and putting her in the hospital for a month and ending up in jail for 2 years.

The women of this event have the right to be nervous. In sports you can beat the shit out of your significant other and no one cares as long as you keep playing and playing well.

Fuck that. Ban him. Zero tolerance policy towards violent criminals. No one should feel unsafe at these events. The smash scene wonders why it remains poverty tier for sponsors..
You realize that's your own experience? People can change lmao.


Not gonna lie I was kind of relieved when I saw the name and went "who?"

I'd say TOs should watch him and if he even looks like he's going to do anything unsavory, ban him without a second thought. Women shouldn't have to be afraid when in various communities like this.

"Women shouldn't have to be afraid in these communities" "Only after he allegedly commits a 13th offense, then they shouldn't have to be afraid because he will be banned, only then though. Right now he's totally fine"

People can absolutely change in the criminal justice system, its rare in the systemic fuck hole that America is letting private companies run for profit, but its the original intent of the system. BUT there are lots of jobs you can't do with a criminal record
You realize that's your own experience? People can change lmao.

Statistically speaking violent crime offenses are often repeat offenses. Would you feel safe if your daughter was going to spend time with him? Like days at an event and after parties?

If he did one violent crime and did his anger management classes and hasn't committed a crime since that's one thing. But he has a sheet. Second chance is one thing but he had that and women at the event have complained of his behavior previously.


Except you know if his aggressive nature towards people or the opposite sex gets out of hand he might end up assaulting someone again so fuck them let's have our Falcon meta because that will elevate the whole scene? Come the fuck on..

He is a violent criminal. 14-15 anger management classes won't stop that behavior. I had a close friend who took 35 anger management classes and was also a violent crimes offender and it didn't stop him from going to jail for beating the shit out of his girlfriend and putting her in the hospital for a month and ending up in jail for 2 years.

The women of this event have the right to be nervous. In sports you can beat the shit out of your significant other and no one cares as long as you keep playing and playing well.

Fuck that. Ban him. Zero tolerance policy towards violent criminals. No one should feel unsafe at these events. The smash scene wonders why it remains poverty tier for sponsors..

So you believe that because your friend's behavior did not change that no one else's can? And that zero tolerance bans are a good idea when Unknown, one of the players mentioned in the article, has come back from a violent event at a Smash tourney to be a respectable top player?
So you believe that because your friend's behavior did not change that no one else's can? And that zero tolerance bans are a good idea when Unknown, one of the players mentioned in the article, has come back from a violent event at a Smash tourney to be a respectable top player?

Zero tolerance considering he has already made female participants uncomfortable at previous events. My friend is just an example but no I have interacted with enough violent offenders and have seen them rarely change for good.

I guess the women concerned have been proven right as far as "anything goes as long as it doesn't effect the event" mentality smash fans have. Top player or shit tier , zero tolerance towards anyone with an extensive criminal past that has actually brought that shit to events either this year or previously.

Edit : my FORMER friend


Knowledge is power, guard it well
One of the accounts of his misconduct is noted as being at a previous EVO. That doesn't feel "outside" of the tournament scene.

That accounts to nothing though, without detail on what "he got aggressive" means. We just know it wasn't physical.

If he said, "Go fuck yourself", does it matter?


From what I understand that was a verbal argument, unless threats were made its very different from violence.
That accounts to nothing though, without detail on what "he got aggressive" means. We just know it wasn't physical.

If he said, "Go fuck yourself", does it matter?

Reading one of the witness accounts of it, it sounds like there wasn't direct threats or violence, but I can get people still holding it against him.

Shiz had arrived at Mimi's house that Monday to retrieve what I remember being his necklace with 2 other smashers. Upon entering, he was calm, and was simply seeking to retrieve his necklace. Mimi was upset that they had returned, but nonetheless was okay with him quickly finding his necklace and departing. I believe he was unable to find it immediately, so it was taking time for them to leave. Mimi was becoming angry as she brought up her grievances with the rudeness exhibited by her former houseguests over the weekend and the tension started mounting. It all came to a boil when Mimi noticed Shiz still had his shoes on in the house, which was against her house rules, which she had expressed prior over the weekend. Her anger built up, and she demanded that Shiz leave her house immediately, as is her right to do so in her own family's home.

Shiz did not immediately leave. Mimi then became louder, as she does not shy away from speaking her mind, and more fiercely demanded that he leave. This was when Shiz essentially snapped.

He came in close to Mimi, loud, shoulders up, head cocked forward, and leaned in several times as he yelled ”WRONG N***A!" to her face in complete anger. I say he snapped because I had never seen Shiz this angry, and he seemed like a completely different person who was not willing to hold back. It was definitely the classic type of posturing I've seen when a person is ready to fight. There was no need for this either. Mimi is tiny, Shiz is a pretty big dude. Mimi did not really back down however.

I immediately got up from where I was sitting and stood up closer to Mimi as I noticed the potential for physical violence was there. Shiz claims that I stayed on the couch the whole time as evidence of us manipulating this story, but I think his lack of memory on this fact has more to do with his state of emotions at that very moment. I definitely stood up next to Mimi when this happened. I started saying something along the lines of ”ay ay, wtf man calm down", as the people who drove him there were suggesting he calm down as well. I remember vividly the attempts to calm him down. Tensions had definitely escalated among everyone in the room.

He then started yelling ”Where's your Daddy at?" multiple times while maintaining the threatening posture. I can't even begin to interpret what that meant lol. However, it was at this point my anger boiled up further, mostly because Mimi was extremely close to her Dad, and he had passed away earlier that year, though I doubt Shiz was aware of this. I no longer cared to calm the situation down, and told his friends something along the lines of ”Get him the fuck out of here" as Shiz continued to yell the things he was yelling.

As he walked away with his friend guiding him back to the door, he yelled ”I bet you suck good dick!" multiple times. All this occurring in her family's home, where she lived with her Mother, and younger brother FOW, though neither were present at the time as far as I recall.

As I recall, Shiz kept stating things angrily as he walked toward the car. I stood at the doorway once they got in the car to make sure they left, and waited outside for a moment afterward to make sure they weren't returning.


Unconfirmed Member
In terms of appearance / use, I don't think he's all that common, actually. Westballz is the only notable modern Falco main I can think of. Fox and Sheik are far more common.

IIRC Marth is the only character more popular than Falco among the entire tournament scene. At the top level Falco is underrepresented, but that doesn't apply all the way down.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Reading one of the witness accounts of it, it sounds like there wasn't direct threats or violence, but I can get people still holding it against him.

So two people blew up at each other. I can't add that to the rap sheet.
I'm sure Smash fans would gladly welcome Buffalo Bill with open arms if he was the best Luigi player in the world.

Yeah, all this chat about falco as the character is so cringe-worthy, really. Thing is a computer generated playable character and doesn't need any redemption or shit like that, lol.


Yeah, all this chat about falco as the character is so cringe-worthy, really. Thing is a computer generated playable character and doesn't need any redemption or shit like that, lol.
Last I checked Falco was never a character about redemption he was just a lovable dick lol
On the one hand, you don't want people to feel threatened by his presense - justifiably so, given his actions.

On the other you want to give people the opportuntity to better themselves, and give them options other than returning to criminal behaviour.

As such, I suggest a compromise:




Zero tolerance considering he has already made female participants uncomfortable at previous events. My friend is just an example but no I have interacted with enough violent offenders and have seen them rarely change for good.

I guess the women concerned have been proven right as far as "anything goes as long as it doesn't effect the event" mentality smash fans have. Top player or shit tier , zero tolerance towards anyone with an extensive criminal past that has actually brought that shit to events either this year or previously.

Edit : my FORMER friend
For better or for worse the community has moved on and the only way to see this change is to change the community leaders' minds, as the majority of players are open to accepting him for now. If anyone wants to make a difference in this matter I suggest contacting the head TO of Big House 7, the next tournament Shiz will be attending, @Jugglerob.


Melee community: So starved for players that they're allowing a person who should have recieved a life ban back, because that's how impossible to get into the skill wall is.

Can't the game just die? Or we have to wait until the thinly veiled ripoff with bland characters inevitably fails?
Jesus christ no! There are far better ways of handling this.

I'm all ears then, because the status quo (leave it up to individual TOs) is what gives us our current predicament; multiple community members feeling unsafe among their own community and having their voices completely snuffed out.


On the one hand, you don't want people to feel threatened by his presense - justifiably so, given his actions.

On the other you want to give people the opportuntity to better themselves, and give them options other than returning to criminal behaviour.

As such, I suggest a compromise:

I would be with this if the FGC didn't have a horrible history of letting players slide just because they're good at the game.


aka IMurRIVAL69
I would be with this if the FGC didn't have a horrible history of letting players slide just because they're good at the game.

So, just like real sports then.

I say let him play. The guy paid his debt to society. Nobody here can say whether he is truly repentant or not. Some people are just better with words than others... a lot of these 'i'm so sorry and i'm a changed person' statements you see from people who did bad things are total bullshit but sound sincere.


So, just like real sports then.

I say let him play. The guy paid his debt to society. Nobody here can say whether he is truly repentant or not. Some people are just better with words than others... a lot of these 'i'm so sorry and i'm a changed person' statements you see from people who did bad things are total bullshit but sound sincere.
Fair enough
Melee community: So starved for players that they're allowing a person who should have recieved a life ban back, because that's how impossible to get into the skill wall a game that is 16 years old is.

Fixed that for you. It's frankly amazing that the game has a competitive scene at all. For context, it is ten years older than the second older game on Evo.

This is not a knock against Melee, I think it's an amazing game, but it's undeniable that older games with no online play and running on discontinued hardware attract less new players, to say nothing of the logistics of tournaments.
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