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KOTOR 2 screens


Banstick Emeritus
Tellaerin said:
I seriously hope that was just a failed attempt at humor. More diversity = kickass.
How the hell do you expect me to relate to a character that doesn't look like me? less orange plz


bishoptl said:
How the hell do you expect me to relate to a character that doesn't look like me? less orange plz

Point. :)

And in all seriousness, any RPG with a user-created protagonist should offer City of Heroes-style avatar design, plus the ability to tweak the proportions of your creation with sliders a la PSO, at the very least. The technology's there, so there's no excuse not to do it. (And while I'm thinking about it, why don't we see create-a-player options in more genres? If I want a custom model to represent me in my favorite FPS, I shouldn't be forced to screw around with Maya or 3DSMax, or hope someone else will make a model or skin I like. Why nobody's done create-a-player for an FPS yet is beyond me.)


as i recall, the graphics in KOTOR were below average, and these are about the same. If you played KOTOR then you know the weakest element of the first game was graphics.

Since the game is one of the best of this generation for the xbox by many accounts, I dont think graphics are all that important for the titles success. It would be nice, but I would rather have a solid story, combat, characters like the first one.

im worried about how fast this game is coming out, only 17 months after first game. Are the developers going to be able to pull it off?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Great Wasabi Man said:
hey if they fix the framerate problems I'll be happy.

Exactly. The original game was choppy as hell on XBOX, so I wouldn't mind if they downgraded it a bit to fix that. However, judging by the E3 videos on the various DVDs, the framerate is even lower than KOTOR at this point. The beach scene in the rain, for example, looked as if it was approaching the single digits. VERY choppy...


Malakhov said:
Funny how people are suddenly caring for KOTOR's graphics. KOTOR 1 had absolutely shitty graphics but that didn't stop the game from being one of the the best RPGs of all time.

Actually i thought KOTOR's graphics (Xbox version) were pretty good except for the framerate problems. These pics from the sequel seem less detailed.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, the first game was average looking at best (though Dantooine was very nice to look at), and this is more of the same. At least the capes are free-flowing now.

Seth C

The pictures definitely make it look like the sword/saber fighting animations will be better/more detailed. They got pretty boring in the first one, just because there was so little variation.


JackFrost2012 said:
Obsidian Entertainment = Black Isle Studios >>>>> BioWare


Black Isle Studio is nowhere near Bioware.

Baldur's Gate >>>>>>>>> Icewind Dale
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