Picked up the HK DVD since I didn't think it'd show up at the local theater (which it did, surprisingly). Decent movie, but it's not really my kind of humor, so I didn't find it terribly funny. I can't stand zany/wacky stuff usually, although it didn't grate on my nerves as much in this. I hated some of the more Looney Tunes-styled parts, though, like the landlady's "Road Runner" legs (Sing being chased by her was one of the worst scenes I've ever encountered anywhere) and Sing's snake-bitten lips.
The action scenes were pretty good, albeit more than a little reminiscent of Yuen Wo Ping's other recent stuff, which kind of lessened the punch they would've had otherwise. My enjoyment went up substantially during the last 20 minutes or so because the Beast was so damn cool.