Gold Member

In the original game, whilst interrogating a suspect Cole had three options. Truth, Doubt or Lie. In the remaster these have been updated to 'Good cop', 'Bad Cop' or 'Accuse'. This was mainly because when using 'Doubt' in the first game Cole would fly off the handle and become an angry asshole. You can watch some of his more 'colourful' responses here:

While Rockstar have their logo attached to the game and it's an open world adventure, that's where the comparison stops. At the end of each case you'll be graded on your performance. So any vehicular damage, civilian casualties or damage to the city property will cost you dearly and blemish your record. As will missing clues or fluffing interrogations.
There is a free roam mode after you complete the desks where you can do what you want. Find vehicles, landmarks, collect the golden reels, solve 'street crimes' taking place or find police badges. Probably better to think of it as driving round L.A. soaking in the sights and sounds of the era, rather than causing mayhem etc.

A big deal was made of the motionScan technology used in L.A. Noire, which perfectly captured facial animations and were the USP of the game. Having to read the NPC face and body language to detect if they were lying or not. While it led to some freaky faces, it also highlighted a great leap that could possibly be made in the future. Sadly, not many games have built upon this technology. There is a good write up of how this works here:
And some gifs to keep you awake at night:

NIntendo Switch Screenshots
Only have my laptop today and I'm on mobile tomorrow so had to put it up a day early. If mods want to lock until tomorrow feel free![]()