Willco said:It's Romero you ungrateful fucks.
themadcowtipper said:I still think it will kick all flavors of ass
Willco said:Damn straight. If this movie sucks, I'll eat my cable modem. And my wireless router. And how the fuck can Asia Argento in her bra be a bad thing?
Bunch of goddamn pussies!
Coin Return said:Right on! This movie will fucking rule. Too bad it will get raped the next week by War of the Worlds.
ManaByte said:Zombies biting you and you becoming one? That's Romero.
VistraNorrez said:That's not quite true. The zombie bites only kill you from diseases they carry. Anyone who dies from anything in the Romero movies, as long as the brain is intact, comes back as a zombie. The Dawn of the Dead remake made it so that someone would only come back if they were bitten, which seems less intense to me.
That really really worries me.Is Land of the Dead perfect? No, of course not. I wish it could have been 30 minutes longer. Romero creates such an interesting world that I wish we could have had time to savor it more but Im guessing he was hamstrung by a tight budget and schedule. Land moves like a freight train speeding and, at times, rushing through its plot. Dawn was a sprawling epic that took its sweet time with only four primary characters to focus on. Land has twice the scope and five-times the characters but is shoehorned into what seems like just over half the running time.
Oh god. No no no no noThere is just so much jam-packed into this film: cage matches, corporate politics, pot-smoking skateboarders, pimped-out dwarfs, spectacular missile strikes, hot lesbian action it goes on and on! Its almost too much for one movie
Naked Shuriken said:Oh god. No no no no no
blahness said:down with super fast zombies!! give me the stumblers!
Willco said:There are no super fast zombies in this.
Bob White said:Like zombies? Then go buy Time Splitters 3. TS 3 has the best in game zombies.
......please go buy it.
Willco said:That's only true in Night of the Living Dead. In order to be reanimated as a zombie in the sequels, you need to be bitten by a zombie. Unfortunately, the one gripe I have with the trilogy is that in Night of the Living Dead, it works off the assumption that radiation from that crashed satellite will reanimate any dead corpse. Romero quickly dropped that for the sequels.
VistraNorrez said:No, Romero's even said himself that's how it works. Though there is one inconsistency in Day.
Willco said:It's how it works in Night of the Living Dead. It never happens like that in the other two.
Willco said:Damn straight. If this movie sucks, I'll eat my cable modem. And my wireless router. And how the fuck can Asia Argento in her bra be a bad thing?
Bunch of goddamn pussies!
Naked Shuriken said:And wasnt he fired from the set of the original RE? Or was it for a commercial for the original resident evil? Or his script kept getting rejected?
Slurpy said:Damn.. I need to catch up.
EP3, Cinderella Man, Batman Begins, War of the Worlds, and Land of the Dead are all must sees for me. Have we ever had this many quality blockbusters in this timeframe?
Damn, they gotta release that script. If you can find all 9 versions of the Alien 3 script this should be eventually leaked.dynamitejim said:He made a commercial for RE2 that only played in Japan. The people at Capcom loved his RE script, the people actually financing the movie did not (probably because it would've been more expensive).
ManaByte said:Cinderella Man isn't exactly a blockbuster, but...
1981 had a re-release of Star Wars in April, Raiders of the Lost Ark in May, Superman II in June, and it was capped off with a re-release of The Empire Strikes Back in July.
1982 had Star Trek II, Tron, E.T., Blade Runner, and another Star Wars re-release that summer.
2002 had Spider-Man, Episode II, The Bourne Identity, and Minority Report.
Ash Housewares said:sci fi nerd...
redefine blockbuster would you?
DaMan121 said:Well lest face it, all his movies without zombies have been... average at best..
Martin: interesting
KnightRiders: Meh
Creepshow: His segment was boring
Monkey Shines: eh.. great sex scene thouhg
2 Evil Eyes: His segment was boring as bat shit
The Dark Half: One of the better King adaptations.. but eh
Bruiser: LOL crapola
VistraNorrez said:I don't think you need to be bitten to become a zombie, you just have to die. You don't see that because no one ever dies otherwise in the sequels and has a chance to rise. Actually maybe the army leader in Day (the one Rhodes takes over for) did, I always got the impression zombies didn't kill him. Have to check that though.
Tedesco! said:In Romero's original script for Day, it was revealed that death did not cause re-animation. Basically, in order to become a zombie, you had to be bitten by one.
The gangrenous infection spread rapidly. The resulting condition was invariably fatal. Victims normally died within a day or two. Three at the most. They died as a result of the infection. It was not, however, a result of the infection, that in another day or two...three at the most...they began to walk again. All who had died in recent months, if their bodies were reasonably intact, had begun to walk again. Science could only speculate on cause. Theologians, as well.
There was no Romero segment. He directed everything, and Stephen King wrote it. Which segment was boring? I enjoyed them all, the Crate being the best.DaMan121 said:Creepshow: His segment was boring
Tedesco! said:In Romero's original script for Day, it was revealed that death did not cause re-animation. Basically, in order to become a zombie, you had to be bitten by one.
Also studios don't like the way he films movies, not very much is planned out.That really hurt him more then anything..VistraNorrez said:There was no Romero segment. He directed everything, and Stephen King wrote it. Which segment was boring? I enjoyed them all, the Crate being the best.
By the way I wouldn't really judge is later output as what he is able to do. After Creepshow (and really for almost all his films, including Dawn) he never got to make what he really wanted. He was always somewhat limited, especially in the last decade. Budget reasons, and the fact that he never had quite the hit of Dawn again. I would say Land is the most freedom he's got on a film since Dawn, so here's hoping he knows how to use it.
shantyman said:Night is my favorite of the three, and I always thought it was all recently dead became reanimated, no matter the cause of death. That makes it much scarier.
It is my favorite film, I guess it is also why I want to film a movie in Black and White. I always thought you could almost take the Zombies out ot Night and it would still be a very intense movie, because of the Atmosphere set. I think the Black and White and the tight spaces had alot to do with that .shantyman said:Night of the Living Dead is easily one of my top 5 films ever. I personally think it is orders of magnitude better than the other films in the series. Watching it at night... It is a scary experience.