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Laptop problems...fan unit makes the cpu slow down

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My asshole roomate dropped my brand new laptop the other day. Anyway, I've noticed that anytime the fan unit comes on the computer starts to act up. My programs are slow, and video games are impossible to play. When I try to watch movie files in Windows Media Player they skip...and any DVD I watch is choppy. It takes about 15 minutes for the fan to turn on, but the laptop works perfectly during that time. This only happens when the fan unit turns on...

If I go in and disable the fan unit, how will this affect the cpu? I'm guessing as long as I keep in well ventilated the heat shouldn't be a problem...


Uh... other way around. Fan kicks on because the cpu is too hot, and the cpu is probably stepping down performance as well, hence your problems.


Yea, if the cpu is on for long periods of time...I agree. But I didn't start up my laptop for 2 days...it goes on for 15 minutes and works fine. Then the fan unit kicks on and it instantly starts acting up. I was watching a DVD and it worked perfectly...I heard the fan start up and then it started getting choppy. It is similar with all the other programs and my games too.

And it never did this before "asshole" dropped it on its back where the connections are...at least it was closed at the time and the monitor is o.k.



You probably want to make sure that the heat sink hasn't become loose or damaged.

That would cause the symptoms you see... the machine operates fine for a short time, then starts slowing down and spinning its fans like mad trying to cool itself, which doesn't work because the heat sink is loose or busted.


I agree with them, if your laptop is still in warranty, send it in to have it check out. If not, then you are going to have to check for yourself.
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