I really like the tablet laptops I've been seeing too. The LG model kicks a lot of ass, powerful, thin, lightweight, and it would be so awesome for writing notes with. It's also double the price I'm willing to pay :/ (around $2200 CDN, iBook in comparison is $1200 CDN).
I tried my friends 12' iBook and it kicks all kinds of ass, he bought it when it was $1700 with no wireless card built-in. It's a great deal right now.
Dont buy an ibook now, whatever you do. The entire line is due up for a refresh real soon now.
Yeah, it's been out for so long I was thinking that I might be shooting myself in the foot if I were to get it now. I'm thinking about waiting a bit till the new iBooks come out, and try to get the older model on the cheap. Does Apple do that? When a new model comes out and they're trying to phase out an older model, do they slash the prices on them? Or just keep it at the same price and let stock run out?
For that matter, you might want to wait it out until the 16th to see if Apple annnounces Tiger at NAB. You should be able to get it for free if you purchase after that. I just got tired of waiting.
Not an Apple guy, so would you mind explaining that?