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Late to the party: Ace Combat 4 (FANS OF AIR COMBAT GAMES READ ME)

User 406

I'll start with the good stuff.

Ace Combat 4 is a very pretty game. From high altitudes, the ground looks lovely. The planes look great. There's a really good variety of planes and ordinance. The feeling of flight is excellently done, with good controls. I appreciated the fact that I could sell back planes and ordinance without penalty so I could try different things. The com chatter is good and constant. I also liked the variety of camera angles in the replays, and the ability to pause the game and do an instant replay at any time totally rocks. I had fun with the game, and it was well worth the $20 Greatest Hits price.


The game is way too easy.

My first playthrough was on Hard. My second playthrough was on Expert. Neither was challlenging, and since the FAQ says that the only difference in difficulty between Hard, Expert, and Ace is in how many missiles it takes to shoot you down, I decided not to bother with Ace. After all, I could count the number of times I actually got hit with missiles in Expert on one hand.

Avoiding hits from missiles is way too simple. Simply banking and accelerating will take care of just about any missile shot. Compound this with the complete lack of aggression from the enemy planes, and the air forces can pretty much be ignored on every mission that involves scoring ground targets. Enemy planes appeared to just sit there until I came near, and even when I charged into a large group only a couple would engage me. If I kept flying on the way to another target, they wouldn't chase me at all. Plus, the enemy planes are really shitty at dogfighting. Even the yellow squadron isn't a real threat, they're just harder to hit.

From a lot of the mission briefs, I was expecting to have to deal with a good amount of airspace control problems. I was very disappointed to discover that wasn't the case. The briefings may have said that I needed to protect ground forces, but my intervention was never really required. Instead, they turned out to be simple timed shooting galleries where the safety of my allies was never threatened even when I spent all of my time somewhere else or returned to base to rearm. Sometimes if I laid waste to an area, enemy reinforcements would magically teleport in to give me more convenient scoring opportunities without having to bother flying over to another area. What little combat actually occured between my allies and the enemy seemed to be nothing more than token window dressing, while the only thing that really mattered was scoring as many points as possible within the time limit. Since enemy air forces didn't want to work all that hard to chase me and shoot me, I pretty much ignored them and focused on killing as many ground targets as I could, occasionally popping off a couple missiles at enemy planes on the way to another cluster of ground targets. This always made for an easy S rank.

This lack of challenge rendered the choices in planes and ordinance almost completely pointless as well. I discovered early on that while guided bombs and other air to ground stuff were neat, they just weren't as simple and effective as your garden variety missile for taking out ground targets in a timely fashion. So since dogfighting was a joke, I ended up disregarding the planes' stats altogether and just selected the planes with the biggest missile payload, and for my second weapon I'd pick whatever the best air-to-air missile option was available, so I wouldn't have to waste normal missiles on enemy aircraft. The QAAM missile in particular made the already ineffective air resistance laughably pathetic since it removed the need to even get behind an enemy.

So when I ran out of missiles to use on ground targets, it was time to return to base and rearm, and this part really offended the living shit out of me. The whole landing and taking off thing is total babygame poo-poo. Not only were the landing strips/carriers not part of the playfield, but you don't even have to fly to a specific location. Just crossing the line at the bottom of the map (and it's invariably the bottom of the map) will begin the sequence. Landing is horribly simplified -- I was able to land by just mashing the airbrake into a stall from a hundred feet up, and one time I even did it while my plane was banked about 45 degrees to the left with no ill effects. Even worse than that, if you screw up, you get to try again with no penalty, and even worse than THAT, you can just press start to skip landings and takeoffs altogether! Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

The final mission was a JOKE. The one place that really needed SAM and AA batteries up the wazoo, and it had NONE. Just fifteen enemy planes that you could completely disregard if you weren't going for S rank. They don't even try to chase you, but that's par for the course in this game. Fucking terrible. The pompous music they played during this mission just made it all the more ridiculous. I did like the kewl meteor shower though.

I had other niggling issues, like the use of white text being hard to read on the plane select screen when all the lighting in the hangar gets behind it, and the irritating pressure sensitive map/radar button. But hey, since there's no real need to read the plane stats anyway and no tactical situations in the game that require more than using the map to find the next group of sitting duck targets, they don't really matter. :p I was also a little disappointed by the fact the replays weren't long enough to play completely from the start of the mission.

After playing through it twice, getting S rank on every mission in Expert and unlocking all planes and paint schemes, I'm left with the distinct impression that underneath the polished graphics and excellent flight mechanics in Ace Combat 4, there's a very dumbed down air combat game.

And so I'm going to tell you to buy Dropship: United Peace Force. Again.

Dropship has aggressive, dangerous enemies, with objectives and tactical situations that mean something. If you don't provide air support and protect a group of allied tanks, they get killed, and you fail. Landing to repair and rearm or pick up and drop off friendly units is non-trivial. You can be attacked while on the ground, and taking the time to land means that enemy units are free to wreak havoc while you aren't in the battle. Combat between your alllies and enemy units is constant. You can order friendly units to attack enemy units or defend positions. And Dropship's replays are more exciting to watch because you aren't just seen shooting missiles at hapless opponents, you're flying through a shitstorm of enemy missiles because more than just the nearest two enemies are actively chasing you and shooting constantly, along with the background of combat between your allies and other enemies.

If you enjoy air combat games and want something with more challenge and depth, BUY DROPSHIP.


AC4 is my favorite PS2 game. only real flaw for me was not enough missions and not all of my favorite aircraft (where's the YF-23, F/A-18E Super Hornet, B-1B and B-52 ?)


Uhhhh, you could get S rank easily on Hard difficulty by using standard missiles on ground target and even have time to head back to base to reload???!!!

I don't believe this.............

User 406

ElyrionX said:
Uhhhh, you could get S rank easily on Hard difficulty by using standard missiles on ground target and even have time to head back to base to reload???!!!

I don't believe this.............

It worked on Expert difficulty too. Since there was no real pressure from enemy air units, picking a good angle of attack and lowering airspeed made it easy to cycle through large numbers of targets in succession and take them out with missiles. The other advantage of missiles is that they lock on easily, so on those occasions when I had to jink to dodge an incoming missile, it was easy to pick off other targets of opportunity that popped up in whatever direction I turned. With bombs and rockets I couldn't be as flexible since they reqire more stability in flight to use properly.

Keep in mind that the main advantage of normal missiles is just how many of them you get. If you can make most of them hit targets in passing, you'll rack up scores faster than if you have to take more time to set up a perfect attack run so each precious bomb will take out more than one target.


Yes, it is kind of easy, but I still enjoyed it a lot. I value atmosphere and polish, and AC4 had heaps of it IMO.

User 406

Kiriku said:
Yes, it is kind of easy, but I still enjoyed it a lot. I value atmosphere and polish, and AC4 had heaps of it IMO.

I thought the com chatter in AC4 was especially well done during the missions. I really appreciate that kind of atmosphere too. Only when I discovered that nobody else was really doing anything, it rang hollow. :/ And I could have done with a lot less of Yellow 13 being melancholy and a lot more of motherfuckers trying to kill my ass. :p


Sea Manky said:
It worked on Expert difficulty too. Since there was no real pressure from enemy air units, picking a good angle of attack and lowering airspeed made it easy to cycle through large numbers of targets in succession and take them out with missiles. The other advantage of missiles is that they lock on easily, so on those occasions when I had to jink to dodge an incoming missile, it was easy to pick off other targets of opportunity that popped up in whatever direction I turned. With bombs and rockets I couldn't be as flexible since they reqire more stability in flight to use properly.

Keep in mind that the main advantage of normal missiles is just how many of them you get. If you can make most of them hit targets in passing, you'll rack up scores faster than if you have to take more time to set up a perfect attack run so each precious bomb will take out more than one target.

Uhhhhhhh yeah. I know all that stuff you said. However, the biggest difficulty in obtaining the S rank is the time factor. I don't see how you could fly fast enough to head back to the faraway base to reload and come back to destroy enough targets to actually make the time limit............


Mistaken iRobbery!
Sea Manky said:
And so I'm going to tell you to buy Dropship: United Peace Force. Again.

Dropship has aggressive, dangerous enemies, with objectives and tactical situations that mean something. If you don't provide air support and protect a group of allied tanks, they get killed, and you fail. Landing to repair and rearm or pick up and drop off friendly units is non-trivial. You can be attacked while on the ground, and taking the time to land means that enemy units are free to wreak havoc while you aren't in the battle. Combat between your alllies and enemy units is constant. You can order friendly units to attack enemy units or defend positions. And Dropship's replays are more exciting to watch because you aren't just seen shooting missiles at hapless opponents, you're flying through a shitstorm of enemy missiles because more than just the nearest two enemies are actively chasing you and shooting constantly, along with the background of combat between your allies and other enemies.

If you enjoy air combat games and want something with more challenge and depth, BUY DROPSHIP.

Listen to this man!

-Defensor, Dropship Pilot #2


works for Gamestop (lol)
The game's difficulty is one of the main problems that the game has, but I thought getting S-ranks were bit harder. Like what ElyrionX said, you really have to know what to do in order to get enough points before time runs out. Going back and forth on restocking missiles takes some time

Regardless of the difficulty, the game is still pretty damn fun and I look forward to Ace Combat 5. I hope the mission parameters are better in AC5 too...it seems like all missions in AC4 just required you to score a certain number of points

User 406

ElyrionX said:
Uhhhhhhh yeah. I know all that stuff you said. However, the biggest difficulty in obtaining the S rank is the time factor. I don't see how you could fly fast enough to head back to the faraway base to reload and come back to destroy enough targets to actually make the time limit............

Well, I honestly don't know why you're shocked, since I would frequently hit the S rank score level with minutes left on the clock. The time limit just didn't feel that restrictive. Working my way through a large number of ground targets in one direction, returning to base to rearm, then working through more ground targets in another direction didn't take a whole lot of strategy, which is kind of one of my big problems with the game. :/

Let's see, here are my point scores from a few of the bigger ground attack missions where I needed to rearm (these are in Expert mode, using only missiles and machine guns for ground attacks):

Invincible Fleet: 7590
Operation Bunker Shot: 4680
Whiskey Corridor: 7130

S rank requirements are 5000, 4500, and 6300 respectively, so the only one that was even close to tight was Operation Bunker Shot, and I didn't need to play it repeatedly to get the S rank. I'm sure there are AC experts out there who could do a lot better too, considering I only played through the game twice.

And Wario64, if you want better mission parameters, BUY DROPSHIP! It should be complete bargain bin fodder by now, so it's right up your alley. :D


Junior Member
I always think the game is one of the best ever. I didn't run across your problems with air to ground combat because I always used the large unguided bombs. Those take a lil effort to take out 6 ground targets clustered together with one hit. Lining up a bombing run from up high and precisely hitting all targets is the challenge for me. I forget which button is used to switch the perspective but it always reminded me of those war movies where they show have shots of bombing runs where the guys are looking at the ground and have to release at the right time.

As for the difficulty, it was laughable once you got a decent plane but I'M TOP GUN. This is my fantasy. The entire continent will cower at the sound of my beautiful killing maching screeching across the sky. THEY WILL RUN AND HIDE UNDER MY SHOCK AND AWE!!! Even the Yellow Squadron is no match for missiles that can continually track a moving object at 1400 miles per hour making sharp bank turns. BUT SO WHAT??? I'M TOP GUN!!!


Either way, you ran away from the last mission so you have no right to challenge the almight AC4. You have to fight them or Zion will fall. Do you hear me, Sea Manky, the Matrix will reboot each time you complete the last mission without fighting the large group of yellow squadrons while basking in the glory of that music.

On a serious note, the game does well cuz it thrusts you into that hero mode. It just begs you to leave your compadres behind in the beginning of each mission if you have a great plane. Time and time again, I'm watching my fellow fighters in my rearview mirror that the beginning as I step on the gas to go save everybody's ass, it's like a cartoon.

'What am I gonna do today? Oh that's right, time to save the world, #2 on my list.'

This is one of those games that is so easy, I might cry and give up if it gave me any challenge. Oh well, Sea Manky, you don't deserve AC4 if you don't enjoy it's $20 price tag and godly gameplay. Give your game away to some deserving Ethiopian and watch it bring rain to his country. You are but a mere mortal to the God spinning in your PS2.


User 406

skinnyrattler said:
As for the difficulty, it was laughable once you got a decent plane but I'M TOP GUN. This is my fantasy. The entire continent will cower at the sound of my beautiful killing maching screeching across the sky. THEY WILL RUN AND HIDE UNDER MY SHOCK AND AWE!!! Even the Yellow Squadron is no match for missiles that can continually track a moving object at 1400 miles per hour making sharp bank turns. BUT SO WHAT??? I'M TOP GUN!!!

Hahaha, yeah, that was killing me. "What? Is that the pilot with the ribbon insignia? He's the Grim Reaper! He actually flies from place to place and shoots things! WE'RE DOOMED!" XD

skinnyrattler said:
Either way, you ran away from the last mission so you have no right to challenge the almight AC4. You have to fight them or Zion will fall. Do you hear me, Sea Manky, the Matrix will reboot each time you complete the last mission without fighting the large group of yellow squadrons while basking in the glory of that music.

Actually, both times I played that mission, I killed all the fighters first. I only know you can bypass them because I read it in the FAQ afterwards. Please don't hit me. :(

skinnyrattler said:
This is one of those games that is so easy, I might cry and give up if it gave me any challenge. Oh well, Sea Manky, you don't deserve AC4 if you don't enjoy it's $20 price tag and godly gameplay. Give your game away to some deserving Ethiopian and watch it bring rain to his country. You are but a mere mortal to the God spinning in your PS2.




The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
<covers ears and eyes>
I simply will not accept any negative comments directed towards the AC series...
I simply will not accept any negative comments directed towards the AC series...
I simply will not accept any negative comments directed towards the AC series...
I simply will not accept any negative comments directed towards the AC series...


Time ta STEP IT UP
I've been playing Lock On Modern Air Combat. It kicks any other Combat Flight Sim game's ass. But man, AC4 is indeed my favorite PS2 game.


Ridiculous in the setting it was used in is what he's saying.

It's like playing the Matrix Revolutions' SuperBrawl song for 5 minutes and all Neo and Smith does is lightly push each other like buddies and at the end a small Italian Mafia 'good job' slap to signify the final crushing blows.

For him, the dramatic song did not fit the ridiculously easy endstage.
I freaking love Ace Combat IV! Its the best game on PS2 IMO! I really hope that AC4 team is developing AC5, I heard some crazy rumors that AC4 team was working on some sucky Star Fox title! I don't want AC5 to be developed by some n00b team :(

User 406

I see we have a few people here who really like Ace Combat.

So, since air combat games are so few and far between, wouldn't you guys like to try out more of them?

For instance, DROPSHIP?






The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Sea Manky said:
I see we have a few people here who really like Ace Combat.

So, since air combat games are so few and far between, wouldn't you guys like to try out more of them?

For instance, DROPSHIP?





Problem is Dropship has that whole other focus....driving land vehicles... I pretty much have ZERO interest in that portion.
DarienA said:
Problem is Dropship has that whole other focus....driving land vehicles... I pretty much have ZERO interest in that portion.
The driving portions aren't that big a part of the game, they're just there to lend a little variety.

One of the cool things about Dropship is the physics of the craft you fly. As you swoop down in hover mode, you really feel that the ship has mass and momentum to it. It feels lke you're really flying a big, heavy ship.

The replays really are incredible. I remember one mission where I was attacking a base while getting pounded by SAMs. Afterward, I watched the replay of my ship dodging dozens of criss-crossing, corkscrewing missles, and I thought, Damn, how did I ever survive that?"


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Lucky Forward said:
One of the cool things about Dropship is the physics of the craft you fly. As you swoop down in hover mode, you really feel that the ship has mass and momentum to it. It feels lke you're really flying a big, heavy ship.

I don't want to fly a big heavy ship, I want to fly an agile fighter... that's what I play the AC series for... yes I know there are different types of Dropships in the game.

User 406

Warm Machine said:
Dropship always looked like an updated Herzog Zwei to me. It that in any way accurate?

I wouldn't say so -- the only possible connection is that you pick up and drop off friendly units in a lot of the missions. At its heart, Dropship is an air combat game.

A really good air combat game.



Mistaken iRobbery!
DarienA said:
I don't want to fly a big heavy ship, I want to fly an agile fighter... that's what I play the AC series for... yes I know there are different types of Dropships in the game.
Will you at least try Dropship?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Defensor said:
Will you at least try Dropship?

Of course I didn't come in here just to down the game just because I've always heard negative things about it from any and everyone I've ever spoken to who has played the game(small list).
Sea Manky said:
If you don't provide air support and protect a group of allied tanks, they get killed, and you fail. Landing to repair and rearm or pick up and drop off friendly units is non-trivial. You can be attacked while on the ground, and taking the time to land means that enemy units are free to wreak havoc while you aren't in the battle.
Fuck, I need this. Does Dropship have any sort of USB flight stick support?

User 406

jiji said:
Fuck, I need this. Does Dropship have any sort of USB flight stick support?

I'm afraid not, but the way the shoulder buttons are used in hover mode might make use of a flightstick problematic anyway.


You guys just made me want this game. I'll look around for a used copy, since it's not produced here in Europe anymore :(


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
skinnyrattler said:
Can you at least slap a Ace Combat 4 sticker on Dropship, then I'll bite. What system is it for? PC? PS2?

PS2... local EB's now carry it pre-owned for $9.99... picked it up yesterday.


I picked up Ace Combat 4 at Best Buy today because of this thread--I hope it's all you guys make it out to be. I don't know about all this Dropship business.

P.S. What the hell is it with Best Buy and Kill Bill Vol. 2 (which is what I actually went to Best Buy for)? Common sense says they should package it with Vol. 1 at a discount, yet their deal is 2 for $25 if you buy Vol. 2 with Jackie Brown. WTF? The only deal you get if you buy v. 1 and 2 together is a cheapass cardboard sleeve for them that you have to fold yourself. What a bunch of crap.

User 406

Prospero said:
I picked up Ace Combat 4 at Best Buy today because of this thread--I hope it's all you guys make it out to be.

Rest assured, it is. If flying pretty planes and not being challenged much is what you're looking for, Ace Combat 4 is the game for you! :X


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Sea Manky said:
Rest assured, it is. If flying pretty planes and not being challenged much is what you're looking for, Ace Combat 4 is the game for you! :X

Ok yeah you're now pissing me off.


Junior Member
Sea Manky said:
Rest assured, it is. If flying pretty planes and not being challenged much is what you're looking for, Ace Combat 4 is the game for you! :X

We already discussed this: I AM TOP GUN!!! Cower at my presence.

Everybody likes their own personal circlejerk.

User 406

skinnyrattler said:
Everybody likes their own personal circlejerk.

Yes, and this thread is mine! XD

Oh, I printed out some Ace Combat 4 labels in case you've managed to find a copy of Dropship. :p


Started on it this weekend. I haven't had this much fun with a flying game since the original X-Wing, or Skyfox for the Commodore 64.


Well, I finally beat the game.

Good things that hasn't been mentioned here already:

--INFOPORN. Lots of blinking lights and whatnot in the mission briefings, and the flying arrows all over the place at the end of a successful mission.

--Awesome, awesome cutscenes.

The gameplay rules, even if it is easy as hell. But if I'd known beforehand that
blowing up that missile in the final mission was a game-ending condition
, I'd've spent more time in the middle of that Yellow Squadron dogfight--I'm going to have to go back and replay that bit.

Well worth $20--GAF recommendations come through again.
I posted this at Gamefaqs yesterday

So I got around beating the Expert mode yesterday (finally after 2 years or so lol) and immediately noticed that "Ace" difficulty had been unlocked!

Anyway, its really awesome. The games more difficult (one hit missile kill and no health recovery during missions also the dogfights are really intense due to this) I also died like 5 - 6 times each on Lifeline and Invincible Fleet mission.

If you want to really enjoy this game, play it at Ace difficulty level. I really hope Namco offers Ace difficultly from the start in Ace Combat V.

"Well worth $20--GAF recommendations come through again."

This game is worth $50! I bought it for $30 canadian though (GH)

User 406

Man, don't you know how to dodge? :p I don't think I was hit more than once by a missile during a dogfight in my Expert playthrough, the handful of missiles I ate were from ground sources when I was too focused on hitting a ground target to bother turning away.

Threat warning goes off, accelerate and bank hard. Problem solved. :/

The big dogfight missions were a letdown because there was no real pressure. There's a big snowglobe of planes, but only the nearest couple ever react to you, never chase if you break off, and aren't very good at getting a lock on you anyway. It just turns into a game of find the nearest enemy and get behind him quick to score points without ever worrying about what else is around you. At the very least in a big dogfight I expect my threat warning to go off as much as it does when I'm attacking ground sites defended by SAMs, but it never does.

Actually, my most dangerous enemy in the game was the ground, since I would frequently get greedy for ground targets and neglect to pull up until it was too late. :X


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I didn't find the game to be as easy as you apparently did, but I will admit it wasn't much of a challenge. And I don't ever remember dying because of missiles, it was always me doing something stupid like flying too low or weaving between mountains. :p

I hope Ace Combat 5 takes things up a notch. I want to feel scared when someone is locked on me.


Sea Manky said:
And so I'm going to tell you to buy Dropship: United Peace Force. Again.

Dropship has aggressive, dangerous enemies, with objectives and tactical situations that mean something. If you don't provide air support and protect a group of allied tanks, they get killed, and you fail. Landing to repair and rearm or pick up and drop off friendly units is non-trivial. You can be attacked while on the ground, and taking the time to land means that enemy units are free to wreak havoc while you aren't in the battle. Combat between your alllies and enemy units is constant. You can order friendly units to attack enemy units or defend positions. And Dropship's replays are more exciting to watch because you aren't just seen shooting missiles at hapless opponents, you're flying through a shitstorm of enemy missiles because more than just the nearest two enemies are actively chasing you and shooting constantly, along with the background of combat between your allies and other enemies.

If you enjoy air combat games and want something with more challenge and depth, BUY DROPSHIP.


Dropship >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ace Combat 4


I'm hoping Namco brings out the original System 21 arcade Air Combat and Super System 22 arcade Air Combat 22.

the Air/Ace Combat series is among my favorite, ever since the first Air Combat came out in 92 or 93.


Sorry to bump this but I finally started playing the game. I got it for 20 euro.

Anyway, since I never played a game such as this before I wasn't sure if it would fit me good or not. But I played till Mission 9 before giving up. The damn mission is for 20 minutes! Not so funny when you fail :( And how can you say the game is easy? I play on Normal and had to replay several missions before clearing them. I really suck at fly simulators :<

User 406

Deepthroat said:
Anyway, since I never played a game such as this before I wasn't sure if it would fit me good or not. But I played till Mission 9 before giving up. The damn mission is for 20 minutes! Not so funny when you fail :( And how can you say the game is easy? I play on Normal and had to replay several missions before clearing them. I really suck at fly simulators :<

If you're not used to flight games, you'll certainly have trouble. You really have to get used to the idea of turning by banking in the direction you want to turn and then raising or lowering the nose. It's very easy for a novice to stay wedded to the idea that that the plane needs to "stay upright" and have trouble with this. With practice, it'll become second nature and then you'll also learn how to use the rudder for smaller trim adjustments. Eventually, you'll be spinning and looping and flying upside down with no care for which way the ground is like a pro. :)

Another game you might want to try that's all about pure flight is Sky Odyssey. You can learn a lot about flying close to the earth from that game. It'll definitely improve your acrobatic flying skills.
Deepthroat said:
Sorry to bump this but I finally started playing the game. I got it for 20 euro.

Anyway, since I never played a game such as this before I wasn't sure if it would fit me good or not. But I played till Mission 9 before giving up. The damn mission is for 20 minutes! Not so funny when you fail :( And how can you say the game is easy? I play on Normal and had to replay several missions before clearing them. I really suck at fly simulators :<

the next mission (Tango line) is really hard >_<
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