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Late to the party: FREEDOM FIGHTERS


I had heard good things about Freedom Fighters, but since I try to refrain from buying nothing but the AAA titles right at their initial release, I passed on this. Now that it's $20, I picked it up for the PC, and wow, what a great game!

The first thing I noticed is the music in the opening cutscene, and also how well the cutscene was put together. It felt very cinematic. The music is excellent, and sounds very dramatic and intense, with a "Russian propaganda" sort of feel.

The next thing that really stood out was the AI. I'm probably 7-10 missions into the game, and I've never seen my squad get stuck anywhere or take a wrong way, like in other games. I even tried to fool them once by telling them to go on the other side of this wall but they found some boxes to use to climb up over it. They're very responsive and it's almost like they can read your mind. I tell them to go check ahead, and they crouch and go find cover and move strategically forward. It's quite amazing.

There are tons of little things I love, like the level design, enemy AI, nearly non-existant load times, or whatever, but instead of going on forever, I'll just say: Freedom Fighters is a great game. Seriously, pick it up.


Console Market Analyst
A gem of a game, because of the AI alone.

I can only hope the "gang" control in San Andreas, or the squad mechanics in the Gamecube Advance Wars, is half as smart.

Have high hopes for the sequel.


The game rocked. It's a shame the price had to drop like this, so soon..But it really was a wonderful title. IO is one of my favourite developers..


Awesome squad based shooter. I bought Freedom Fighters during the TRU 2 for 3 deal last fall after reading the glowing GS review. Aside from Viewtiful Joe, it was probably the best of the 6 games I purchased (though SSX 3 probably received more play time than both combined).


I haven't beaten it yet, so I don't know what the ending is, but I hear it sets up for a sequel. Is a sequel already in development?


Console Market Analyst
Mason said:
I haven't beaten it yet, so I don't know what the ending is, but I hear it sets up for a sequel. Is a sequel already in development?

Eidos will publish the sequel for IO this time around, late 2005.


I found it compelling enough to keep playing, even though I was irritated by the control/camera in the early going as well as by typical "annoying shooter elements," that really weren't a big deal but always slightly irk me.

In the end, I definitely got my money's worth. I like the fact that it didn't seem padded in terms of length.



Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Is the PS2 version significantly worse than the other versions? I got it for $4.99 when it was clearanced at Best Buy but I haven't opened it yet. Originally, I was holding out for the superior GC or XBox version but I couldn't really pass it up at that price. So, are the differences negligible?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Well, the XBOX version can run in resolutions as high as 720p, so it is obviously the sharpest. The GC and PS2 versions don't support prog-scan, however. I'd say it's a toss-up between the GC and PS2 versions (though I didn't witness the tearing on GC as I didn't play it long enough), but the XBOX version is best.

The PC version is a bit...odd, though. The mouse movements are only sampled at 30 Hz, while the game itself runs at 60 fps. This results in a very strange look that I just didn't like. It feels a lot more solid on XBOX as a result. Also, cutscenes seemed to stutter for some reason.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
I have the PC version and kind of noticed what you're talking about dark10x, but I quickly looked past it. Everything else was a solid 60fps though, unlike Splinter Cell PT on PC. Unless there's a patch, that game never hits 60fps.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
DaCocoBrova said:
I have the PC version and kind of noticed what you're talking about dark10x, but I quickly looked past it. Everything else was a solid 60fps though, unlike Splinter Cell PT on PC. Unless there's a patch, that game never hits 60fps.

Nah, PT on the PC has some serious issues...but then again, it doesn't run very well on XBOX either. :\

I was never able to get over the mouse look problem in Freedom Fighters, though (sadly). It looked beautiful with AA and AF cranked, but the 30 Hz mouse movement drove me crazy!
Serafitia said:
It felt so good buying it for FIVE DOLLARS during that best buy sale a few weeks back.

ditto. I had rented it at Blockbuster but didn't want to spend money for it, so the BB clearance worked out great for me.

I like the game, even though I suck at shooters. Hopefully the Star Wars squad-based game has AI like this.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Well, I just started playing it a half hour ago. So far, I'm really digging it...the atmosphere is great and the controls are intuitive.

I am having one problem though. During cutscenes and even during menus, there's a tremendous amount of lag. For instance, when I'm trying to input my name when I create a new save, I have to press the buttons really hard to select anything. Then, during the cutscenes, the framerate seems to be about 15fps and the action lags behind sound. Is this normal or is my PS2 dying or something? Someone help!
I rented it on PS2 and the controls frustrated me.

Had I been playing on Xbox or GCN I would have enjoyed it more.

Which system has the best version? second best?

User 406

Minotauro said:
I am having one problem though. During cutscenes and even during menus, there's a tremendous amount of lag. For instance, when I'm trying to input my name when I create a new save, I have to press the buttons really hard to select anything. Then, during the cutscenes, the framerate seems to be about 15fps and the action lags behind sound. Is this normal or is my PS2 dying or something? Someone help!

You probably have an IR reciever for your remote control in the second control port. Take it out, it causes problems with Freedom Fighters and Hitman Contracts.

BTW, Freedom Fighters is awesome. :D


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Sea Manky said:
You probably have an IR reciever for your remote control in the second control port. Take it out, it causes problems with Freedom Fighters and Hitman Contracts.

Fantastic, you're my new hero.



Is there any differences really between FF and other action/squad based games? What makes FF stand out from the rest of genre?


Very good game indeed;
The purpose of GS' review (the score was ridicolously high, don't remember what it was but one of the highest ever for GS definately) was obviously trying to draw attention on this little gem; it worked for me...
Great mechanics, fun, very good AI...my only complaints would be "aestethical".
It could have been more polished, run off a better engine, have much better art-design..
but i still liked the way the main characters' looks change, the way his hair grows longer during the game etc. and all in all it was one of my favourite games last year.

I recently bought Psi Ops and found out it kinda reminds me of freedom fighters for some reason; maybe because they would both be AAA titles and much more popoular games among casual gamers, had the developers put a greater effort in the art-design deparrment.


Freedon Fighters 2 really really needs more multiplayer options and online support, and co-op.

I wonder what FF2 will be about, maybe we'll get to see a west coast invasion or maybe even an counter-attack on Russia:D


I just started playing this game a few days ago, and I'm enjoying the hell out of it.

The choral background music RULES.
I got this game shortly after release, and I agree 100%, it kicks major ass. But My ONLY problem with it, and I am a bit suprised no one else here brought it up is that the enemies took SOOO many hits to kill, by comparison to IO's other work in the Hitman series where it had more realistic damage, I mena I remember running out of ammo just trying to kill one guy on more than 1 occasion. And on the same note I hated loading the guys with soi many bullets but to have no blood, fucking EA, I hope they fix those couple things in the second.

But now that i am thinking about, i may just have to re-install and play again now.

~Black Deatha


The only thing I remember about Freedom Fighters is that it was ugly. Even at 720P on my HDTV it was damn ugly. The epitome of a PS2 game ported to the Xbox.
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