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Late to the Party: I am Ninja Gaiden's bi***....


I recently picked up Ninja Gaiden, and found it to be an awesome game so far. I'm about half way through. It has been frustrating at times, but i'm a decent gamer, so i've been able to overcome, nothing too difficult. Then it happened. In the seventh chapter right when the level floods and you're swept to a room with an elevator under water, I used the save point there. BIG MISTAKE!!

Now I am stuck with no Ninpo, no devil elixers, one weak potion, and have to fight Alma, an extremely hard boss. I've all but given up. I'm even contemplating starting over, since the game up till this point hasn't been too bad, i'm thinking I could get back to this point fairly quickly. I just didn't know the boss was comming so soon, and I wouldn't be able to get back to a shop to stock up.

Other than that, one of the best games this gen...

Musashi Wins!

I was in the very same boat as you. My suggestion would be to read a little of the strategy involved in fighting Alma. It's really a matter of distance and timing. If you can maintain the right distance during the whole fight, she will have a tough time unleashing her most damaging attacks.


My strategy was to use as little potions and such things as possible, unless I knew there was a shop nearby or unless I was fighting a boss. :D


There is always a way back to the old man's shop... at least from what I remember.

Ninja Gaiden is my all-time favorite X-Box game, it is the only game I have never returned.


I got stuck there too,with no potions and stuff as well.I restarted,what took me 7 hours to get there the first time took me 2 and 1/2 the second time through,lol.Plus I was fully loaded and kicked her ass :p

Deku Tree

Ramirez said:
I got stuck there too,with no potions and stuff as well.I restarted,what took me 7 hours to get there the first time took me 2 and 1/2 the second time through,lol.Plus I was fully loaded and kicked her ass :p

If you practice fighting her for half that time, you can probably own her without getting hit too much and without using any potions. She has patterns that can be exploited.


PhatSaqs said:
With practice you can beat her without getting touched :p.

Where exactly is this save point?

Through the only tunnel attached to where you get washed up to after the level floods. There is also a broken elevator of some kind in the room along with the save point. This just teaches me to save more often, and multiple files.


Alma's easy, as stated distance and pattern memorization are the keys.

Run-jump-roll in that order to avoid the pillars she throws (same with the fireballs), don't stay still cause she'll grab you in that red pillar of energy which = pain. Best times to go on the attack are when she dashes at you and when she first summons the fireballs... both times you just use your jumping Y attack (swallow dash I think it's called). Eventually she'll go down and you combo away... repeat process.

I think the save point is through the water tunnel where you fight Doku, and no there isn't a way out because if you make it to the temple doors they're magically "sealed" by some kind of force.


Deku Tree said:
If you practice fighting her for half that time, you can probably own her without getting hit too much and without using any potions. She has patterns that can be exploited.

Yeah, but it's annoying getting back there, have to fight those damn ninjas every time you take the elevator up from the flooded cave. Then when fighting her, i was pretty good at dodging attacks, I just can't find a good time to get some damage in with no ninpo. And if i mess up one dodge, 1/3rd to half of my life bar, gone.


Ah ok. Yeah I think you're stuck bro. Kick her ass :p

The key is to avoid the bubble kick that kills 75% of your life and flying swallow her when she misses that. Also flying swallow her when she flys at you. Once you knock her down do the Izuma Drop combo and come down with a Y slash instead of the drop. Rinse, repeat.

Dodge the columns and fireballs she throws by constant rolling and wall running.

Deku Tree

Drey1082 said:
Yeah, but it's annoying getting back there, have to fight those damn ninjas every time you take the elevator up from the flooded cave. Then when fighting her, i was pretty good at dodging attacks, I just can't find a good time to get some damage in with no ninpo. And if i mess up one dodge, 1/3rd to half of my life bar, gone.

Fight the Ninja's and then go back down the elevator and save. Then you'll never have to fight them again. I haven't tried that personally but I've heard a few people say it works.


Deku Tree said:
Fight the Ninja's and then go back down the elevator and save. Then you'll never have to fight them again. I haven't tried that personally but I've heard a few people say it works.

Hmm. i could have sworn I've done that... I'll try it again. The ninja's are no problem, I can take care of them and end up with a full bar of health. It's just the trouble of doing it every time. I'll give it a shot.
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