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Late to the party: Warcraft III

Kefkaff said:
Humans have air units?!?!/11

Christ, I NEVER go air with Humans. Rifs/Sorcs/Priests/Breakers/Knights with an AM and MK. That's all I need.

Orc I either tech straight to Wyvs/Raiders, or get a few grunts and kinda hard tech to Tauren/Shaman

dragonhawks + gryphons + a few sorcs >>>> any air.

its so cheap.

they need to fix shackle....make that shit dispellable or something.



Well i gotta get good and fast so i can be playing with you guys asap! I'm really enjoying the game so far.



How are the Zerg the clear bad guys? Have you played Brood War? There's the UED, the colonial Terrans under Arcturus Mensk, the traditional (and all-but obliterated) elitist high Protoss, and the renegade Zerg swarm. It adds a lot of depth to the story and keeps it from being stereotypical good vs. bad.

Yeah you're right, it's been a while. Kerrigan still seems like the driving force and the main villain in the game. Am I the only one who was way more attatched and into the characters in Starcraft? There's just too many in Warcraft, and they seem more created for gameplay purposes while the starcraft characters had more of a role in the plot.

And micromanagement is a HUGE part of WC3. I don't see how you can just memorize something and go and win. Sure, you need to learn what tactics and units counter what, and what heroes to use in specific matchups, but if you can't control your units and be able to make split-second decision such as when to pull out from a battle, you'll never get anywhere.

Whatever, what you call "micromanagement" is little more than memorizing the correct build order and rushing. People have exact strategies they follow to a tee, if one attack fails they know exactly what to do next because they've always done it. I shouldn't lose because I didn't know exactly what order to upgrade etc. I rarely see matches where split-second decisions make a difference. That's why I quit playing 1 vs 1.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
"And micromanagement is a HUGE part of WC3."

Uh, not really.

Build, creep, expand, and know what units to counter with and you're good.

Now Rise of Nations, that's got real microing.
Rise of Nations has Micro in the econ/research sector, but its field tactics are passable at best. Units are stacked against units in the most basic sense.

Its not like Kohan Arhiman's Gift where my army was chased into a mountain range and I crammed them all into a valley to launch a sneak attack on the enemy army as they passed by. They never saw the valley because they had poor scouting, which matters. Kohan also offers terrain advantages/disadvantages as well as changing effects due to routing n such. Its all VERY fantastic for REAL field micro-ing. This is the primary reason I play kohan. Every fight feels different because every move on the field in kohan is split second. Its wonderful.


alright maf, you finally broke me. i'm interested in buying kohan, but i don't know what game is the best. plz to educate.
Kohan Ahriman's Gift.

Kohan Immortal Soverigns snnznz (sP!) is not worth it cause A.) no one on GAF plays it, and B.) KAG is a much better deal.

Kohan: Kings of War is a Me Too WarCraft Clone which needs to realize only Blizzard is good at Warcraft so hang up the towel and get back to yer damned motherfucking genius roots!


teh_pwn said:
"And micromanagement is a HUGE part of WC3."

Uh, not really.

Build, creep, expand, and know what units to counter with and you're good.

Now Rise of Nations, that's got real microing.

you really simplifed it to the max.
To be fair, you can over-simplfy anything, but Warcraft III is good at being Warcraft III, a game that is at best, a twitch affair. Fans of the game will obviously see more, and hell there may BE more, but initial impressions are what keep people who try it out, playing.

What I saw was exactly as described above. Nothing about the battlefield in Warcraft III seemed exciting, or maybe the game didnt offer me enough opportunities to truely savor the carnage.


Build, creep, expand, and know what units to counter with and you're good.

That will only take you so far. You need to have good micro on the battlefield or else. Even if you have the absolute best counter to a unit, the other person can still beat you if they have the microing ability to own you.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
yeah, that's true. I've played it so much microing is 2nd nature to me.


You don't have to go to buisness school to understand that Warcraft 3 is about memorization (build orders and counters), luck, and occasionally- strategy.


um MrAngryFace..have you ever seen the koreans play this sucker? They literally get wisps, scatter them around, and when his army is chasing after the enemy, he would use the wisps to block the enemy's path and slow him down.

If thats not microing..I don't know what is.


just ignore the wc3 haters, they never bothered to learn to play the game properly. they just played the game like they would play any other rts title, which says a lot to begin with.
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