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Late to the Party, Wind Waker Level Design = Triple A


I just began playing Wind Waker and I feel so damn pwned for not having played it before, while you guys were making such an IGN-style hype for it. (If you feel offended, just send me a fat check and I'll apologize).

Anyways, I just left the Forbidden Forest and I am so damn impressed with the level design. Puzzle after puzzle, one never feels this idiotic redundancy (or atleast with my newb impression) such as running around like a damn fool in Hyrule field thinking that something might just happen to feel "game progression". Probably, the "sailing" might get redudant but I don't know yet since I just started today.

One could almost appreciate how the design of the levels and puzzles are carefully crafted with purpose. The puzzles in themselves are not difficult but atleast they don't give you that feeling of "forget it! I'm tired of being stuck like chuck. Gamefaq here I come!". The puzzles are logically coherent and they are definantly fun when one logically solves them. Some games just have such a stupid balance of logic that when you read Gamefaq or something your just like "how on earth was I supposed to logically figure that out!", (i just thought of Diablo on Bnet with the cow level)

So far I'm pleased with the game, although its not nostalgic. Its fun but it doesn't produce the Zelda "fantasy feeling".


Unconfirmed Member
The sailing does get VERY redundant. And unfortunately, there aren't enough full dungeons to enjoy. I'd say the game is at least two dungeons short of what it should be. And it's amazingly easy.

BUT the game is still great. It's easily superior to the other 3D Zeldas but still a pale shadow of ALttP's greatness.

And the Cow Level in Diablo II is a hidden extra. It's not SUPPOSED to be something you find out logically. That's why they call it an Easter Egg, albeit an easter egg that has been heinously and thoroughly abused.


*mild spoiler*

Even though later on you do get something to help with sailing, I think it's pretty stupid you don't get something to help you a little more with basic travel. Those tornados only help so much. You'd think as good as the designers have always been with giving the players cool upgrades they would have thought to let some magic carpenter pimp Link's boat out to make it bigger and faster, or even better, how about giving the player a magic sail later in the game? That tower of the gods temple was absolute torture to sail around in with that boat.

One other thing, where were the massive waves? Ever since I've been playing I've noticed there was something really off about the sea, it's nice and all, but something seems so artificial about it, then I realized there were no real waves, even during rainy storms I didn't see any big ones. I wanted to get thrown around a little like how it was in the beginning of Link's Awakening.

Third..........all these beaches and no surfing minigame???!!! Curse you Nintendo!!

All in all though, WW is a great Zelda game, and Geo you're right, it doesn't have the whole nostalgic feel to it, about the only thing that actually reminded me of classic Zelda was the load screen music and the basic items you always get.


hobbitx said:
*mild spoiler*

Even though later on you do get something to help with sailing, I think it's pretty stupid you don't get something to help you a little more with basic travel. Those tornados only help so much. You'd think as good as the designers have always been with giving the players cool upgrades they would have thought to let some magic carpenter pimp Link's boat out to make it bigger and faster, or even better, how about giving the player a magic sail later in the game? That tower of the gods temple was absolute torture to sail around in with that boat.

A magic sale that requires no wind would've rocked. It was annoying changing the wind and 20 seconds later changing the direction again.. and just when you're in the middle of navigating around a small island a freaking shark shows up and bumps you into the water...ugh..

Overall the game rocked though. :D


Well, Wind Waker was my first Zelda game (shock and awe!!!) so I came in without any preconceptions about how the gameplay is supposed to be. The dungeons simply swept me off my feet. It totally took me by surprise how well-designed and coherent the dungeons were. The fire dungeon was especially good.


I don't think the puzzles were anything special (if you could even call them 'puzzles'). They relied mostly on just being observant or following all the cues.

"Where do I shine this light? And why is there a sun symbol on the wall? My brain hurts."


hobbitx said:
All in all though, WW is a great Zelda game, and Geo you're right, it doesn't have the whole nostalgic feel to it, about the only thing that actually reminded me of classic Zelda was the load screen music and the basic items you always get.
*mild spoiler*

um, hyrule castle?
As much as people bash this game, Wind Waker is actually one of my favorites in the series. minor complaints aside, it created an atmosphere like no other and was full of charm. I was very immersed in it's world and loved every damn second of it. For me sailing was an adventure. I didn't mind it at all. There are so many little things to explore and do, I just never really got bored. Maybe it's just me, but I think the sailing complaint is a bit weak. I think the frustration people felt was from their instinct to plow through the game and beat it as quickly as possible. Sailing hindered that somewhat, and I'm sure that bothered people. Some of you need to realize though, Zelda is a game to enjoy. It's one of those rare games you take your time with, and soak everything in. There's just so much love put into it... I dunno... I just think the game is gem. It's a damn shame so many gamers dismiss it. :(

Also, I LOVED the art style as well. I thought it worked perfectly for the series. It's too bad to see it go. I almost wish they can run a seperate series for each style. One darker, more Oot style series, and One anime style series like Wind Waker. That would be perfect!

p.s.- The ending of Wind Waker kicked ass too! :)


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I agree, in fact Wind Waker is my favorite, even though it's so easy. I loved the design of everything in Wind Waker, it was so fresh and full of personality and life. The only thing I didn't like so much (but only in replay) was the sailing, like everyone else.

I didn't really like OoT before, thought it was just a cheap 3D remake of ALTTP. Now playing through it again on this cube disc my feelings arent so harsh, but I still think it's mostly just a 3D ALTTP, even down to the puzzles. I hope the new Zelda is going to be totally fresh like Wind Waker was but just more challenging to match it's style.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
The highlight of WW was easily the dungeons IMO. Some of the most impressive in any Zelda game yet. The sailing was a game ruiner though.

Ranger X

Most of us agrees to this i guess.
Wind Waker level design in the dungeons is excellent and the art is excellent too. To bad the rest suck.


epmode said:
*mild spoiler*

um, hyrule castle?

Well that's pretty obvious don't you think? I wasn't trying to imply it totally had nothing to do with Zelda at all, I just meant the whole atmosphere in general didn't really remind me much of some of the classic Zelda stuff like OoT and MM did in some ways that's all.

For me sailing was an adventure. I didn't mind it at all. There are so many little things to explore and do, I just never really got bored. Maybe it's just me, but I think the sailing complaint is a bit weak. I think the frustration people felt was from their instinct to plow through the game and beat it as quickly as possible. Sailing hindered that somewhat, and I'm sure that bothered people. Some of you need to realize though, Zelda is a game to enjoy. It's one of those rare games you take your time with, and soak everything in. There's just so much love put into it... I dunno... I just think the game is gem. It's a damn shame so many gamers dismiss it.

Now I can understand how you feel, but that's not really a fair to thing to say at all. I know alot of people enjoyed the sailing in WW, but for alot of others, it was quite dull. Before you can get the cyclone upgrade, sailing from one island town to another is so slow, you can eat an entire dinner while waiting, I know because I did it several times and that's obviously not fun in many peoples books. Also, rushing had nothing to with it, I can't stand people who sit there and wolf down great games like WW as fast as they can. I've been enjoying WW at a very normal pace, it's because of this for me, that makes the sailing even worse. There's all this treasure at sea to go locate and collect, plus all kinds of amazingly fun mini-quests, but since your boat is so slow, doing all those quests can be a real chore even with the cyclone song. Not to mention the wind system which, like someone else already said can also be a serious pain. Still though, if you enjoyed it that's dandy, but to say the sailing complaints are weak just because you liked it, that's not really fair is it?


Me when I first played it: OMG THIS GAME IS THE BEST GAME EVER MADE!
Me a couple months back when I beat it again: Not quite as good as I thought, but still a great game.

TWW is still my favorite game on the GC though. In ways I felt it expanded the series previous games hadn't really tried. Though in others, it hurt the series.
The dungeons were unbeleivably great. There weren't enough of them.
The sailing is part of the game, I accept that although I think the game looses that sense of ground based exploration...I really missed that, the idea of a forest with odd and trippy things popping out here and there and repetitive zelda music drilling into your brain.
My gripe is this: The play mechanics are too simple. The enemies should put up a more sophisticated fight, imo. I recall even OoT requiring more cobat strategy.Also, the game over all felt lethargic at times. I don't mind if they like try to kick my ass every now and then, throw in some puzzle where I really need to be paying attention. After playing through Prime and Ninja Gaiden I felt like the game almost didn't require me to focus.
I dug the graphics, aesthetics, themes, whacky characters, and especially the dungeons. It is a top notch game.


This game is visually a amster piece, but it's abit lacking in other areas. Still a great game though.


AniHawk said:
Me when I first played it: OMG THIS GAME IS THE BEST GAME EVER MADE!
Me a couple months back when I beat it again: Not quite as good as I thought, but still a great game.

TWW is still my favorite game on the GC though. In ways I felt it expanded the series previous games hadn't really tried. Though in others, it hurt the series.

Not many games make you want to play it twice. I feel like playing it again.


Deg said:
Not many games make you want to play it twice. I feel like playing it again.

Yep. Usually I'm content with playing games only once. OoT, TWW, Link's Awakening, and Pokemon Red are the only games I've played through more than once.


I loved the game, and the sailing too. Such a great sense of exploration. Even though the previous 3D Zelda games had big maps, they gave me the feeling of being limited to selected areas. They don't come close to the vast environments of Wind Waker. It really felt like a big world. :)


everything was great besides the difficulty level and poor mans triforce quest in the 2nd half of the game, shame on you Nintendo.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
DSN2K said:
everything was great besides the difficulty level and poor mans triforce quest in the 2nd half of the game, shame on you Nintendo.

Agreed. combat was way too easy in WW, and that triforce quest was just tedious.
Dr.Guru of Peru said:
The highlight of WW was easily the dungeons IMO. Some of the most impressive in any Zelda game yet. The sailing was a game ruiner though.

Wyzdom said:
Most of us agrees to this i guess.
Wind Waker level design in the dungeons is excellent

You guys MUST BE JOKING. The dungeons were extremely uninspired and way too linear and simple. I got much more satisfaction out of MM's 4 dungeons then any of the dungeons in WW. Even OoTs were much better too.


My only real gripe was the difficulty. I only died once and that was really just so I could see what the death animated like, so I let Ganon kill me.

I just think the overall challenge and puzzle/dungeon design was disappointing compared to Majora's Mask, which probably had the best mix of all three in any Zelda game I've ever played. But people complained about the difficulty of Majora's Mask and Nintendo took that to heart - the result was an easier Zelda game in Wind Waker.

Usually, in every Zelda game, there's a puzzle that stumps me and I honestly look forward to that puzzle. Wind Waker did not have it.

But then you have Four Swords, where the puzzle and dungeon aspects are the core of the game and really outshine WW. There's been quite a few moments that picked my brain in FSA. I seriously hope that in the upcoming Zelda, the puzzle and dungeon aspects I liked from MM and FSA are as large and intricate.

I still thought WW had a lot of heart, though. It's one of the few games this gen where I've felt something from the characters.
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