Le Pen claims France not responsible for Vichy French roundup and deportation of Jews

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Recently listened to a podcast about activists making a Japanese internment camp a national monument and they mentioned some of the resistance they got and explained why it's important to keep our darker history in mind so that we don't repeat it.

La Pen demonstrates exactly what they warned against.


Looks like she finally shows that the FN hasn't changed, but at the end we all know from the beginning that Marine is like her father, a fucking trash.


So French GAF what are the chances she wins?

Very low, especially now but people have to vote.


Following that line of reasoning, Germany could as well deny the Holocaust because Adenauer under house arrest was the only legitimate politician at the time. Or something like that.

France doesn't like to acknowledge how much they collaborated with the Nazis but come on...
The "blind nationalism" playbook is so cliche at this point. Yet denying historical atrocities just to get the cheerleaders on your side still works.


There's also a reason why the de Gaulle myth existed. In 1944, the whole country had to be reunited and rebuilt, and that wouldn't have been possible if everybody started suspecting the others of being a former vichyist or "collabo". De Gaulle didn't sweep those years under the rug out of compassion for all those who called him a traitor all along, but because (in his opinion) it was needed for the sake of the country.
Now a few decades later, it made sense to set things straight, which Chirac did in 1995 (it would have been awkward for Mitterrand to do it, since he's been suspected of being a former supporter of Pétain).
Mitterrand was a lot of things, interesting character but one of the worst PoS to ever rule the country.
Recently listened to a podcast about activists making a Japanese internment camp a national monument and they mentioned some of the resistance they got and explained why it's important to keep our darker history in mind so that we don't repeat it.

La Pen demonstrates exactly what they warned against.

Huh, no one is forgetting what happened during the Occupation, it's covered quite well during history class (one of the few things I'd say school actually doesn't teach too badly).
Even better we actually teach about the Algerian conflict in a way that doesn't gloss over the war crimes (with a little bit of "both sides" for good measure).
LePen is just a shitty person who is more than happy to join the negationists who created her party.
My point is that LePen isn't a consequence of forgetting history as a nation (we have Japan for that), it's just Lepen showing her true color as a PoS.
Very low. Vastly lower than brexit/trump polls showed
I think Macron is also really helping with that. Nationalist rightwing parties have their big chance to rise to power when they "oppose" "the old elite", the old, established parties and politicians they can blame and use as scapegoats for everything and presenting themselves as the only chance for "change".

Yet Macron is young, a new face, charismatic, has a very different political point of view but still tolerant, pro-EU and appealing to a large part of the electorate. He offers a different, less controversial option for change. Just like Schulz in Germany he is the worst nightmare for those right wing parties as he siphons away their protest voters they need to win, while meanwhile Trump and Brexit WILL cause an increase in voter turnout that harms them as well, the lower the voter turnout the easier it is for fringe parties to have their minority voting base have more impact on the election that they should have (see Brexit and US election).

Also fuck Le Pen, I hate Nazis and I can't stand those that either deny what happened in WWII or try to shift the blame. Your country and people were complicit in the holocaust, now admit it, stand up to it, repent, clear your conscience and make sure it doesn't happen again instead of pretending to be the good ones that never did anything wrong. That's is coming from a German. Same shit Erdogan and a large part of the Turkish population is trying to pull with the Armenian genocide. Hope Le Pen keeps slinging mud against herself, the more tarnished her false image the better.


Mitterrand was a lot of things, interesting character but one of the worst PoS to ever rule the country.

Huh, no one is forgetting what happened during the Occupation, it's covered quite well during history class (one of the few things I'd say school actually doesn't teach too badly).
Even better we actually teach about the Algerian conflict in a way that doesn't gloss over the war crimes (with a little bit of "both sides" for good measure).
LePen is just a shitty person who is more than happy to join the negationists who created her party.
My point is that LePen isn't a consequence of forgetting history as a nation (we have Japan for that), it's just Lepen showing her true color as a PoS.

Yeah, I'm not suggesting Le Pen is a consequence -- I'm suggesting Le Pen is a potential antecedent. Sounds like if she had it her way, the way it's covered in French education would be different.
Yeah, I'm not suggesting Le Pen is a consequence -- I'm suggesting Le Pen is a potential antecedent. Sounds like if she had it her way, the way it's covered in French education would be different.
Yeah. What's really worrying is that we're at a turning point where the occupation years will soon not be part of living memory anymore. If these people get to wash away all that history, we'll have learned nothing.
Simply imagining a FN Education Ministry is enough to make me throw up a little in my mouth.

Merry Passover, guys, hope you enjoy the present !
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