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League of Legends Championship Series: Season 5


oh crap I forgot to watch the LCS. That dryus guy always looks like he's not having fun. might be good for him to reprioritize what he finds fun about LCS. maybe even pursue another activity for a bit

Competitive lol sucks the souls out of all who play. Dyrus has been in too long. QTpie was always talking in his interviews about how the competitive scene wasn't fun at all for him
Hmmm in EU.

You got me there. I don't even think Soaz makes any list.

Competitive lol sucks the souls out of all who play. Dyrus has been in too long. QTpie was always talking in his interviews about how the competitive scene wasn't fun at all for him

It's not fun when you suck and see all of the fans make fun of you.
Dyrus has been terrible for a long time and never reached any heights as a top laner.

I've seen a lot of players having a lot of fun, laughing after games, and probably will continue playing for several more years.
Dyrus suffered a combo of being past his prime + being constantly focused + having to play boring shit way too often + tilting constantly for the past season and a half, no wonder he wants to retire


It's not fun when you suck and see all of the fans make fun of you.
Dyrus has been terrible for a long time and never reached any heights as a top laner.

I've seen a lot of players having a lot of fun, laughing after games, and probably will continue playing for several more years.

Lol Dyrus doesn't suck. TSM wouldn't have kept him around this long if he "sucked". Is he past his prime now? Sure he is, but he's still middle of the pack in NA and good enough to get to worlds.
I'm guessing most people haven't met Dyrus. He's basically just Eeyore in human form. He never looks like he's having fun, and always sounds like he's coming off the sleepy end of an altered state of consciousness.

He used to be a pretty dominant top laner, and even then he usually looked half-dead on camera. The only time I've ever seen him emote or raise his voice was when he outplayed one of the Korean players a few years back. (At which point he visibly yelled "GET FUCKED!" and immediately went right back to somnambulism.) I don't think it has anything to do with whether he's happy or satisfied, he just is not a particularly excitable or emotive person.
Lol Dyrus doesn't suck. TSM wouldn't have kept him around this long if he "sucked". Is he past his prime now? Sure he is, but he's still middle of the pack in NA and good enough to get to worlds.

TSM shouldn't have kept him around because he does suck lol.

I mean, he's good enough for Bjergsen not to babysi... oh wait, Bjergsen does babysit his ass, and that's what costed them the playoffs. GG

Moments hunter

Neo Member
I am really looking forward to Worlds (in my European time). But I am worried it will be only EU vs. NA / NA vs. EU trashtalks. And real competition between Korea and China will remain unnoticed by general audience.
It looks like MSI again...


Impact is always world class, and Zion's recent performance shows world class skills included in his wide champion pool.
Impact, sure, probably. It's hard to see whether his skills have fallen since he's playing in NA. It's probably fair to say he still is.

Zion hasn't proven himself yet. He has only faced NA top laners which is far from enough to call him world class.
Impact, sure, probably. It's hard to see whether his skills have fallen since he's playing in NA.

Zion hasn't proven himself yet. He has only faced NA top laners which is far from enough to call him world class.

And Huni faced trash bronze league top laners. What's the difference?

Zion was showing off 1v2, 1v3 moments that most top laners hope to have.


That's still a lot better than any NA team. I don't think you realise that NA is behind EU as a region.

MSI won't mean anything after world's, but right now it is the most recent international tournament.


That's still a lot better than any NA team. I don't think you realise that NA is behind EU as a region.
I don't see an EU team other than Fnatic leaving groups. Not saying NA is great, but single team with two imported Koreans isn't really representative of the region.

Other than Fnatic, I really don't see a huge disparity between the regions.


I don't see an EU team other than Fnatic leaving groups. Not saying NA is great, but single team with two imported Koreans isn't really representative of the region.

Other than Fnatic, I really don't see a huge disparity between the regions.

I don't think another EU team is leaving groups either. H2K and OG both are in groups where they most likely won't have a chance. If OG were in group A with CLG I could see them getting out of groups at the expense of CLG. OG should have an edge over TSM and I can see them beating CLG. H2K probably wouldn't beat CLG.

Also, importing Koreans means less than you think if you consider NA teams that import former world champions and/or multiple Koreans but still can't get to worlds. Reignover is the weakest link on Fnatic, Korean or not.
I feel like we have this NA vs EU discussion every week lol

Fnatic is the only EU team that is better than NA. EU has one good team and 9 fodder teams while NA is more balanced with a bunch of decentish teams aside from the bottom trash. It's a better region because you don't have a massive skill disparity that allows one team to just steamroll through an entire split, sure they'll never amount to anything as far as worlds go but at least matches can be actually competitive instead of watching the equivalent of NME Vs TDK 4 times plus that one TL Vs DIG game a week

Put a team like Giants or UOL in NA and they'll be at relegated by the end of the split.


I feel like we have this NA vs EU discussion every week lol

Fnatic is the only EU team that is better than NA. EU has one good team and 9 fodder teams while NA is more balanced with a bunch of decentish teams aside from the bottom trash. It's a better region because you don't have a massive skill disparity that allows one team to just steamroll through an entire split, sure they'll never amount to anything as far as worlds go but at least matches can be actually competitive instead of watching the equivalent of NME Vs TDK 4 times plus that one TL Vs DIG game a week

I think even that is an exaggeration. It would be difficult to argue that OG and H2K are weaker than the non-CLG NA teams right now. H2K might or might not be able to beat TSM, but OG should be able to beat them. Luckily they are in the same group so we'll see two games.

You have the near-top teams getting beaten by a 7th place C9 of all the teams in the gauntlet.

end of season Gravity hasn't looked better than UOL, as bad as UOL are.
OG almost got knocked out of worlds by Roccat, yeah they're shit

C9 is a bunch of has-beens with one great player just like Origen, but unlike in EU they don't get 2nd in the split and have to play 15 games to actually go to worlds.
You have the near-top teams getting beaten by a 7th place C9 of all the teams in the gauntlet.

end of season Gravity hasn't looked better than UOL, as bad as UOL are.

Pretty much my trian of thought. The top teams in EU are consistant, GV collapsed into no mans land and C9 are going to worlds - I'm not sure how that looks any way other than EU being better.
Considering OG almost got knocked out of worlds by Roccat, yeah they're shit
But still got there, finished second and the only team to take games off FNC?
But still got there, finished second and the only team to take games off FNC?
They took games off FNC when it didn't matter anymore and with Fnatic playing shit they were obviously not used to - remember Huni's GP?
We'll see how TSM performs against OG.
That will probably be the biggest shitshow in the entire world championship lol
Remind me whne the Worlds grand finals take place?
Oct 31 I think
That's still a lot better than any NA team. I don't think you realise that NA is behind EU as a region.

What LOL NA Shits on EU skillwise.

How have you come to this conclusion? Are you from USA?

Twitch chat? What are you doing here? This is what happens when we don't have any professional games streamed for a few weeks, you just wander into the middle of GAF? Get back in your shameful little sidebar where you belong!

We're close enough to Worlds that any claims of "X is better than Y" should be backed with clear metrics ("Team A from region B will beat Team X from region Y in their group round games."), and humiliating Lollipoppy avatar bets.


Twitch chat? What are you doing here? This is what happens when we don't have any professional games streamed for a few weeks, you just wander into the middle of GAF? Get back in your shameful little sidebar where you belong!

We're close enough to Worlds that any claims of "X is better than Y" should be backed with clear metrics ("Team A from region B will beat Team X from region Y in their group round games."), and humiliating Lollipoppy avatar bets.

NA forum post


Twitch chat? What are you doing here? This is what happens when we don't have any professional games streamed for a few weeks, you just wander into the middle of GAF? Get back in your shameful little sidebar where you belong!

We're close enough to Worlds that any claims of "X is better than Y" should be backed with clear metrics ("Team A from region B will beat Team X from region Y in their group round games."), and humiliating Lollipoppy avatar bets.

OG will 2-0 TSM in groups, those are the only games that matters here. Lollipoppy for a month! Anyone think TSM 2-0 OG?

But seriously, I think FNC > CLG, OG > TSM and H2K > C9. Out of those three I think OG and TSM are the closest and TSM might take a game off of them. I hope we get to see CLG vs FNC in quarter finals.
Yeah, I don't get all the interest in EU vs. NA. Back in season two when M5 and TSM were destroying their regions I could see it, but today the real hype is for China vs. Korea. I think the Chinese teams will, taken together, outperform the Korean teams, even if SKT might well win the whole event.


Yeah, I don't get all the interest in EU vs. NA. Back in season two when M5 and TSM were destroying their regions I could see it, but today the real hype is for China vs. Korea. I think the Chinese teams will, taken together, outperform the Korean teams, even if SKT might well win the whole event.

The EU/NA rivalry will live forever, even though none of them stand a chance of winning the tournament.
Roccat played really well in that series, there's not much more to say.

We'll see how TSM performs against OG.

No, the pick bans won that series. Whoever got GP won, and when GP was banned, whoever had Viktor won because Xpeke is shit on Azir.

One game, Xpeke picked Varus into Viktor because, for no reason, they first picked fucking Elise? Such shit choices.

I feel like we have this NA vs EU discussion every week lol

Fnatic is the only EU team that is better than NA. EU has one good team and 9 fodder teams while NA is more balanced with a bunch of decentish teams aside from the bottom trash. It's a better region because you don't have a massive skill disparity that allows one team to just steamroll through an entire split, sure they'll never amount to anything as far as worlds go but at least matches can be actually competitive instead of watching the equivalent of NME Vs TDK 4 times plus that one TL Vs DIG game a week

Put a team like Giants or UOL in NA and they'll be at relegated by the end of the split.

Pretty much how I feel. If the full roster TDK was in EU, they'd be second place. EU teams are a joke in terms of skill aside from Fnatic and Origen (throwing them a bone).
No, the pick bans won that series. Whoever got GP won, and when GP was banned, whoever had Viktor won because Xpeke is shit on Azir.

One game, Xpeke picked Varus into Viktor because, for no reason, they first picked fucking Elise? Such shit choices.

Pretty much how I feel. If the full roster TDK was in EU, they'd be second place. EU teams are a joke in terms of skill aside from Fnatic and Origen (throwing them a bone).

Holy fuck dude. The level of shitposts in this thread is amazing. What is it about League of Legends that brings out the worst of Neogaf? This is twitch chat level right here.
Holy fuck dude. The level of shitposts in this thread is amazing. What is it about League of Legends that brings out the worst of Neogaf? This is twitch chat level right here.

It's the truth.

Did you miss TDK shitting on on GV and C9 with non-meta champs?
TDK is good and would have been middle of the NA pack if it wasn't for the visa issues.


You got me there. I don't even think Soaz makes any list.

Soaz with his pioneering performances on GP show that he is still a very mechanically capable player. His weakness is he is easy to tilt and can sometimes have poor decision making.

Also what the hell at all this EU v NA unsubstantiated talk
Just wait for worlds to get the chops on
Soaz with his pioneering performances on GP show that he is still a very mechanically capable player. His weakness is he is easy to tilt and can sometimes have poor decision making.

Also what the hell at all this EU v NA unsubstantiated talk
Just wait for worlds to get the chops on

Soaz played GP pretty poorly compared to other GP's around the world.

Yeah, he was the first to play GP, but he was nothing but a wave clear bitch. Watch Jin Air's GBM to see top tier GP, even Zz1tai and Pawn's GP.
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