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League of Legends Championship Series: Season 5

I thought this was funny...


The group draws weren't bad, but they certainly could have pulled in an audience. And what the hell was Rapidstar and Cool doing there? I mean, did they fly them there just to do the draw?

Speaking of Cool, everyone from OMG are retiring. Lovelin, Gogoing announced their retirement, and rumours of Uzi retiring are spreading because of a snapshot of him commenting about retiring due to arm injury.


I thought this was funny...


The group draws weren't bad, but they certainly could have pulled in an audience. And what the hell was Rapidstar and Cool doing there? I mean, did they fly them there just to do the draw?
Isn't a large part of that because of how Kakao said "I will destroy the SKT organization" in reference to wanting to draw both SKT T1 K and SKT T1 S in the same group which is what he did there (and his awesome showboating once he did)?

I am looking forward to more reaction videos from the teams though. Cloud 9's reaction to TSM was priceless.

Video with English commentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Avj12x5r3ao
All these people whining about Jatt's tweet make me want to see c9 crushed.

Probably gonna happen no matter what though. Too much top lane and jungle talent in that group.



fun times


All these people whining about Jatt's tweet make me want to see c9 crushed.

Probably gonna happen no matter what though. Too much top lane and jungle talent in that group.

Well he keeps making the same point over and over again. I think people got it the first time he said it.
Not agreeing with Jatt by any stretch of the imagination, but fucking L-O-L at sOAZ trying to use the fact Genja and Darien never played solo queue as some kind of proof that solo queue doesn't matter.

Maybe if they had played it sometimes they wouldn't have been terrible.


Jatt probably shouldn't have been the one to say it, but what he said was 100% correct

The little incestuous party that the pros and to this date, the casters have going on is pretty bizzare.

Lord forbid a sports commentator criticises a competitor
Not agreeing with Jatt by any stretch of the imagination, but fucking L-O-L at sOAZ trying to use the fact Genja and Darien never played solo queue as some kind of proof that solo queue doesn't matter.

Maybe if they had played it sometimes they wouldn't have been terrible.

Even at their top level I don't think either of those guys could hang in LCS anymore.
When Darien and Genja were underperforming they were heavily criticized for not playing solo Q or worse, playing dumb shit.- looking at you Genja.

It's hypocritical at best to use them as examples to justify Ball's placement, specially when they were pretty much utter shit in their final days in competitive play lol
I think Fnatic got a very tough group actually. I think AHQ upsets them and knocks them out. That is my only major prediction. I think Pain could potentially knock CLG out depending on Huhi's performance and adaptation.

TSM vs OG I think will end up being a 1-1. If OG doesn't transfer an early game lead fast enough, I think TSM can just do their typical late game turtle and win decisive team fight strategy. I think one of them will also take a game off of KT.

I give Cloud 9 a 50% chance of winning a game. They might Kabuum someone in that group by running a snowball Draven comp or something.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Fnatic struggled against AHQ at MSI but remember that was with Steelback. I don't believe the team was prepared for AHQ and their draft showed it. Fnatic wants the world championship again and I think they will definitely make it out of groups.


Both Genja and Darien had Master/Challenger tier accounts in s3/s4 when they were on the gambit roster, they also had top 10 accounts in s1/s2. Saying they didn't play solo queue is nonsensical.
Fnatic struggled against AHQ at MSI but remember that was with Steelback. I don't believe the team was prepared for AHQ and their draft showed it. Fnatic wants the world championship again and I think they will definitely make it out of groups.

Every team wants the world championship again, that point is mostly moot. I'm just trying to make a bold prediction here and I think Group B is the closest in skill.
Jatt doing group analysis and predictions over at the official NA boards, I can't pooooooossibly wait till he does group B

It's not singling Balls out if you call out C9 as a whole as being shit, right?
Jatt doing group analysis and predictions over at the official NA boards, I can't pooooooossibly wait till he does group B

It's not singling Balls out if you call out C9 as a whole as being shit, right?


How they finish 1st: Balls is Challenger Tier
How they finish 2nd: Balls is Master Tier
How they finish 3rd: Balls is Diamond 1
How they finish 4th: Balls is Diamond 2
Pretty much agree with him on Group A, though I'm more bullish on the Flash Wolves. I think they have a real chance of edging CLG, not because CLG will collapse, but because the LMS has improved a lot. KOO Tigers come 1st and paiN come 4th (but aren't humiliated like Dark Passage were last year).


Pretty much agree with him on Group A, though I'm more bullish on the Flash Wolves. I think they have a real chance of edging CLG, not because CLG will collapse, but because the LMS has improved a lot. KOO Tigers come 1st and paiN come 4th (but aren't humiliated like Dark Passage were last year).

paiN come from the Kabuum side of things, and Kabuum did the humiliating last year
Jatt's analysis for group A and B has been reasonable I think.

I think it's fair to call out Balls as well. His performance has been kinda bad this year, and now he's in Diamond 2 after 200+ games with a mere 56% winrate. That's really bad for a pro.
I wouldn't even care about his rank or winrate at this point, I'd be more worried about Jatt's comments on his champion pool.

Balls will not have a fun time in drafts this year, specially with top laners transitioning into carry champions


I wouldn't even care about his rank or winrate at this point, I'd be more worried about Jatt's comments on his champion pool.

Balls will not have a fun time in drafts this year, specially with top laners transitioning into carry champions
That probably does impact their chances the most, true. Unless he learns more champs it will be very difficult for Balls.

I think his rank does have implications for that though. Even if he does pick up Fiora, GP, Riven, etc. Balls will need a lot of practice against strong opponents in order to improve and possibly match his lane opponents. He won't get to practice against top laners of that quality in his current rank.
I hope Westdoor shits all over that trashnatic midlaner so EU doesn't make it out of groups again.

iG and AHQ are my predictions. lol

Balls definitely has no chance against his lane opponents. Zz1tai will pick trundle and solo win the game.
I put together a list of all the starting players in each position in the World Championships, sorted roughly in order of how good I think they're perceived to be (these aren't my considered thoughts on what the order of players would be in each role). A few things stand out: the level of mid laners in this year's Worlds is absolutely insane; the level of junglers drops off hard beyond KaKAO, Clearlove and bengi, and NA/EU are a lot more competitive in the bot lane than in mid/jungle/top.


Marin (SKT)
Acorn (LGD)
Smeb (KOO)
Koro1 (EDG)
ssumday (KT)
Huni (Fnatic)
Zz1tai (iG)
ZionSpartan (CLG)
Dyrus (TSM)
Odoamne (H2K)
Ziv (AHQ)
Balls (C9)
sOAZ (Origen)
Steak (FW)
Warlock (BKT)
Mylon (paiN)


KaKAO (iG)
Clearlove (EDG)
bengi (SKT)
Hojin (KOO)
Reignover (Fnatic)
Amazing (Origen)
Score (KT)
Santorin (TSM)
loulex (H2K)
Mountain (AHQ)
Huhi (CLG)
Hai (C9)
Karsa (FW)
007x (BKT)
SirT (paiN)


Faker (SKT)
Pawn (EDG)
RooKie (iG)
Febiven (Fnatic)
Nagne (KT)
Ryu (H2K)
Bjergsen (TSM)
xPeke (Origen)
Westdoor (AHQ)
Pobelter (CLG)
Incarnati0n (C9)
KurO (KOO)
Maple (FW)
Kami (paiN)
G4 (BKT)


Deft (EDG)
imp (LGD)
Doublelift (CLG)
Rekkles (Fnatic)
Arrow (KT)
PraY (KOO)
Bang (SKT)
Sneaky (C9)
WildTurtle (TSM)
Hjarnan (H2K)
Kid (iG)
Niels (Origen)
Lloyd (BKT)
brTT (paiN)


GorillA (KOO)
Piccaboo (KT)
Yellowstar (Fnatic)
Aphromoo (CLG)
Pyl (LGD)
Lustboy (TSM)
Meiko (EDG)
Wolf (SKT)
mithy (Origen)
Kasing (H2K)
Kitties (iG)
Albis (AHQ)
SwordArt (FW)
LemonNation (C9)
Moss (BKT)
Dioud (paiN)
Yeah, we haven't seen Pobelter make insane plays.

We know Rush Hour is good. We know Zion is good. Pobelter is a question mark in terms of skill and playing high skill champions.

If he can stay on champs like Viktor, Ori, and other champs with wave clear I don't think he has to be stellar for CLG to do well. Wave clear from the mid allows Double and Zion to have more carries available.

As for the list; I vaguely agree with it. I see some odd choices.
- I think xPeke is clearly OG's weak link right now, and should be placed lower on the mid list (definitely below Westdoor).
- Loulex has been straight trash out of the jungle for H2K, weakest player for them by far.
- Not sure how you can give Huhi a better place than Hai or any jungler without seeing his play.
- Soaz is way better than Balls currently and Dyrus is about 4-5 spots too high there. Soaz man-handled Huni in the EU finals. Also has the best GP in the world arguably.
- Niels is way better than Hjarnan, the dude is hard carried by Kasing in that lane.
- From what I've seen Pyl should be top 3 supports, but I haven't watched a tremendous amount of him in the LPL.
- Lustboy has been straight slumping this split and has been a liability in most games for TSM, he is not top half of supports right now, probably below Kasing and Mithy.
- To whoever said that Wolf should be higher, he should be above Lustboy, but he is SKT's weakest member.
- I've heard very good things about brTT and Kami from Pain. Not sure where I would place them, but probably not the bottom. Most people agreed that Pain looked way stronger than BKT coming out of the wild card regions.
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