The losing skid resumes. The most aggravating part is that throughout the entire thing I've played well enough to win in 75% of my game it just isn't happening.
Build still feels good. Man I love this champ, Riot did such a good job.
Awww, you made a friend.
Now kiss.
i feel like there's always better ways to phrase things
And yet even after reflection it's still the word I think best describes my feelings behind Maokai's new kit when
compared to the work done on Sejuani and Zac. I didn't say there was no effort put it in. These champions were picked because Riot (correctly) wants to give tanks more "skill expression" I just don't see it in Maokai.
There's things I like in Maokai's rework. The new passive feels more impactful. Whether it's actually better or not, I don't know, but when it goes off it's satisfying. I like that Maokai has a proper interaction with brushes (the saplings). Thematically, it's neat that the two tree champions (Ivern and Maokai) have abilities modified by brush. That's thoughtful to me. I don't think it's a particularly interesting interaction with brush, but that's another story. I like the new sound effects he was given. Everything has a nice crunchy weight to it, particularly on his new Q. I'm in the minority, I think, but I actually like his new VO. Unfortunately there's more stuff I don't like. His Q is roughly the same. In-and-of-itself that's fine, but it goes against the goal of giving the kit more "skill expression". The only difference, outside of some numbers changes (I haven't bothered to check) is that I *think* the line AoE portion is a bit wider..? If my hunch is right, then I don't see how making it easier to land requires more skill from the player. Players are just going to keep spamming this thing every time it's off CD. Twisted advance...I'm going to take Riot as face value when they say that it's bugged at the moment, so I'm not going to touch on anything related to the speed. I will however say that even if they wanted to keep as an on-click ability, you can still add skill expression to those (e.g. Warwick). Saplings have the new brush interaction, which is thematically nice like I said before, but I don't see how there's more skill expression there either. Fair enough, it's already a semi-difficult to pin point land skill shot so maybe it doesn't need more skill in the first place, but I don't think it requires more skill to throw them into the brush since that's where Maokai liked to throw them when he used them as wards anyways. And the ult...well, I saw Soraka bot outrun it when she was about 1.5x the range of Twisted Advance away from me. Feels bad to use. I think it looks visually great, the creeping wall of thorns, the massive width, etc. But holy, talk about a mismatch between what it looks like and the end effect. Even if it's sped up, or some other change is done, I still don't like. At the end of the day, despite Riot describing otherwise in some reddit posts, it really does seem and feel like way slower Nami ult with a root...except that I'll take Nami's ult over it any day. Her ult knocks-up, slows, travels farther, and via her passive speed boosts the team. Maokai roots the first target hit in a line. And I do get it - you can't compare ults because you have to take in the rest of the kit, but Jesus is it ever hard not to do that with Maokai vs. Nami's ultimates. And it being slow...ok, it'll require more skill to land that way sure, but this feels more like clunkiness than anything. A few Rioters commented that the ult when used in a flank is fantastic, and I can definitely buy that argument, but is that niche that needed to be filled,
Maokai - The Twisted Flanker?
Just throwing out an idea for Maokai's ult: allies that are touched by the roots gain a significant shield and a small movement speed boost, but it also consumes the root in the same way it does when it roots an enemy on hit. So Maokai can either stand behind and shield his team, or use it at the front and root the enemy team. The width is big enough that if properly angled some roots will shield, some roots will CC. That would provide a link to his old ultimate since it protects allies, but a shield is way easier to balance than a difficult-to-quantify damage reduction passive. It also provides more skill expression because players have to make a legitimate choice in how the ult is used. If people have an issue with an ability that can defend allies and engage, well that particular horse is already out of the barn (Galio).
There's no point in talking about this though unless I can go on about Sejuani and Zac.
Sejuani got the same passive treatment as Maokai where it doesn't last long/is infrequent but is definitely noticeable. 300+ armor/MR (hell, 500+ in the late game) for a few seconds is absolutely noticeable. Feels great. The defensive steroid being front loaded to the start of the fight when she charges in as opposed to a weaker but effectively constant steroid - beautiful. Hits the mark thematically. Her Q doesn't change, doesn't really need to. It's already a skill shot that has to be used with some thought. Her old W was the least skill intensive ability she had. Enemy in range and W off CD? Use it. Now it's a skill shot where the second portion is more difficult to hit, but you're justly rewarded if you hit both portions. But the real genius of the new W is that she can move while casting it and can go in a different direction to where the ability was aimed. Brilliant, truly. It really cements the concept that she's mounted. Bristle and Sejuani are two distinct characters. Is there a better way to show that than by having her attack in one direction while Bristle moves in another?
Very thoughtful. Her E stacking is in a way similar to Braum's passive, but definitely with it's own quirks. So the two tanks from the Freljord share some gameplay and thematic similarities. Again, thoughful, very cool. Allied champions being able to initiate the stacks and it only working with melee AAs gives her that "barbarian commander" vibe Riot was looking for as well. The stun effect and popping the stun for big damage are super satisfying. In teamfights it'll be common to have the 4 stacks on multiple enemy champions at the same time and while she can stun all of them in succession, she can't stun all of them at the same time. She needs to make a choice in that scenario - on-click ability with some skill expression. Her ult isn't as good as it used to be (I think, I'm not entirely sold on that) but now it properly rewards long range hits and the stun has been replaced by a potentially very long and strong slow which is thematically consistent with anything Freljord. I've really fallen for this rework. My immediate impression is that her early game is undertuned and late game is overtuned (beyond of what's normally acceptable for a supposed late game champion). numbers are off, etc. and I don't give a flying fuck. It's a solid, solid kit and maybe I'll regret saying this in the future because you never know how things shake out, but I put this rework on a pedestal with Sion (and Tahm, though I'm super biased here) for what a modern LoL tank should be.
Zac's kit changes really cement him as the displacement tank and it fits his style so damn well I kind of wonder why this isn't what we got on release (but season 3 may as well be decades ago). Passive didn't change, and that's totally fine. Unique tanking ability and keeping track of where blobs are landing and collecting them is simple, but does require some skill and it's something players improve on as they play Zac more. The new Q. Awesome. Two instance of skill expression in a single ability without resorting to something mechanically overbearing. First, gotta hit that initial skill shot and then players have to decide what else to slam together. I can easily imagine scenarios where the Zac has to choose behind slamming two very close enemy champions together, resulting in little displacement but two knock-ups, or slamming one enemy champion with a minion located further, only one enemy champ knock-up but they're displaced farther. W is still the same, and I was originally disappointed about that, and to an extent I still am. It's somehow even less thoughtful to use than either Maokai's Q or Sejuani's old W, but it's unchanged. After some thought, it's probably unchanged because of the way W interacts with Zac's passive. The low CD means it's the primary source of blobs of goo for Zac to pickup. Changing could throw the whole health blob (and by extension health cost) scheme out of whack and create a huge headache that might not even be worth it. It's unnforunate Zac still has a "dumb" ability, but it's the right call, and the rest of Zac's kit makes up for it. Zac's E - see Sejuani's Q. Fine as is. His ultimate. I mean, it's self explanatory why his new ultimate is better, right? Can be used as standard knock-up if used immediately, or you can go the high risk, high reward play and displace the opposing backline forward, or whatever cool stuff you decide to do with it. It can even be used to dodge stuff telegraphed abilities like Karthus ult, Lux ult, etc. Freakin' great stuff.
I'm going to give credit where it's due. As far as I'm concerned two of the three reworks hit the mark, and hit it damn well. It'll be the most successful class update Riot has done so the strategy of reducing the number of reworks to make sure they're worthwhile paid off. I'm on board with 90% of the other mid-season stuff on the PBE as well. I'm still not a fan of class updates, particularly with regards to champ reworks. I don't understand why you'd ever give yourself a self-imposed due date for a rework; a due date that is entirely in your control to boot. Maybe my impressions will change if future class updates are as good as this one, who knows.