Recent Sejuani changes on the PBE have pushed her over the edge. Reduction of damage when proc'ing the stun and large monster cap damage are good, but the minion and small monster knockback are unnecessary, as is minions not destroying the passive from level 1. Not really sure the damage change on W was necessary either - it's a buff in all use cases. The higher starting CD isn't really felt.
After spending more time with the kit, I have the following prediction: Sejuani will see competitive play.
As a top laner.
Does anyone have a good guide on the best path for jungle clearing ? And I mean a very begginner guide where they literally show me a path on the map. I have been reading some tutorials where they talk about raptors and blue and red and I have no idea what they are talking about.
WW is so much fun in the jungle.
One thing that's important to note is that when someone says "X players jungle pathing is so damn good" or something along those lines, they don't just mean the initial clear. They're talking about how the player prioritizes camps, ganks, etc. at all times.
Here's some good youtubers to follow for learning jungle pathing:
Danyon Togia
Doesn't upload a ton of videos, but very informational. Goes through all his thinking, what he's planning, etc. You can learn a lot about pathing from him. Downside is that he plays a narrow set of champions, particularly damage oriented early game junglers. Focus on his jungling videos. Stuff regarding ADC, mid, etc. aren't as good. It's not his main role.
Foxdrop and sister channel
Foxdrop plays.
Uploads daily, very solid player, and plays a wide variety of champions. Some he's very good with (Gragas, Lee Sin) and others he plays just to demonstrate what the champions is capable of. Generally gives good information about why he's doing what he's doing, but can go off on tangents, particularly when not playing comfort picks. The vibe is light hearted and easy to watch.
Last Shadow
He's got a grating personality sometimes but if you can make it through that he offers lots of information in his coaching videos. He's gotten better as time goes on, particularly when coaching lower ranked players.His pro player video reviews are also insightful. The unfortunate part is that he doesn't do as many coaching or player analysis videos as he used to because of his work in LCK. He has a recent Amumu jungler coaching video that's quite good.
As far as initial pathing goes, like others have said it depends on the champion and the circumstances in the game. Just focus on a small pool of champions and check out some high-elo/pro replays of those champions. Try to understand why the took the initial path they did.