Here's the page for
Rakan on lolalytics.
When I've played him I usually go Eye of the Oasis (coin + sight stone combined item), boots of swiftness, redemption, locket, and then knights vow. Personally I think boots of swiftness is his best boot choice because you always get the move speed (unlike mobis) and they also reduce the effect of slows.
I like to run courage of the colossus because his whole playstyle is centered around running into the enemy team and using CC, but windspeakers seems equally viable. For levels 1-3 I go Q->W->E and then max E -> W -> Q. My rationale is that I don't want to start W in lane because I basically never want to all in level 1, and I don't start E because it doesn't really give me as much presence in lane at level 1 either.
Actually, what the hell. Lolalytics says that thunderlords is the highest winrate mastery for Rakan (but it only has a 6% pick rate so I'm not sure how accurate that is) followed by colossus, followed by bond of stone, and finally followed by windspeakers.