I'm certainly going to try
Or int, but no pressure
been thinking about plants today
i feel they've mostly been a positive addition in becoming like tiny bits of decisionmaking and none of them are exploitable or game breaking or anything
for me they feel kinda random tho. like when i try to escape, i never keep a track of which plants are alive and shit, so if i get a blast cone or not it's just luck. same with the other plants, it just feels like a random bonus you can get rather than something strategic you plan around, like bigger objectives like dragon or buffs or even the river crab
i wonder if pros or high elo people do keep track of them, for me it just becomes impossible to keep track of that many things at least
about time lol
I've been having fun with HotS, it's not bad as a mindless quick game
I want to try Dota 2 but 2 things are keeping me from it.
1- They seem to release new champs like fucking once a blue moon or something.
2- Not enuff waifu champs for my likely and given 1 I don't think that will change anytime soon :/
Everyone seems like some fat beefy monster dude and from what lil I know about Dota being a OTP isn't good given how much of an effect your choice in champ can have.
But it looks fun.
Got HOTS simply cause of the 20 free champs thing that's been spreading across FB. IDK what to expect from that.
probablem with me and doto is that the game is made purposely obtuse and unsatisfying to play
like there's probably merit to it as a strategy game but as a brawler style thing like league it just feels awful to play
wontstopp earned an S- on Orianna
Phofox earned an S- on Ashe
wontstopp: 0-6 to s-
Gator Raid GAF: gg wp
wontstopp: smd veigar
Deùs: orianna
Deùs: you did nothing
Deùs: you did nothign
wontstopp: most dmg
wontstopp: get fucked
Skorne117 left the lobby
Deùs: u got fed off ofvayne
wontstopp left the lobby
Deùs: the shittiest
Deùs: adc
TomTinker left the lobby
Deùs: currently
MiqroRatios left the lobby
Deùs: but cucks
im titled left the lobby
Deùs: liek to fking
Deùs: play her
OniKakiage left the lobby
Gator Raid GAF: being this mad
Deùs: like dear fucking christ
Gator Raid GAF: over a video game
Deùs: its promos
Deùs: every promos
Gator Raid GAF: this mad
Gator Raid GAF: over a video game
Deùs: its not just a video game
Phofox: i feel for u.
Deùs: its something you can make money at
Phofox: but bro stay good hearted.
Deùs: then its just not a fucking game
Deùs left the lobby
Gator Raid GAF: This is plat fam
Gator Raid GAF: not making any money
Phofox: jesus
Phofox left the lobby
hi im xerxes left the lobby
probablem with me and doto is that the gameis made purposely obtuse and unsatisfying to playjust feels awful to play
like there's probably merit to it as a strategy game but as a brawler style thing like league it
Veigar was super salty after the game because Ori started 0/6/0 and he was really fed up until mid game
whenever i play top i generally "soft" track it (as in, look for the icon when it appears) cos with quinn i can really safely w to hit itSince I'm playing bot, I'm keeping track of the blast cone near the bot river brush on the red side. If I'm blue side I go kill that cone to make sure the enemy jungler won't get that extra easy gank.
doto is probably great for its audience, it's just so fundamentally different from league in the key ways that make league fun that i just can't seem to grasp it whenever i play itI'd chalk that up to Dota being the 'source' of the moba pattern, personally. Older games had different design philosophies and by the time dota 2 came around I think too many people were invested in certain dota design philosophies to make changes. Newer games on the scene (e.g. League) could afford to try different stuff because they didn't have the same kind of history.
yeah, turn speed, high cooldowns and point and click stuff doesn't feel very satisfying coming from leaguePeriod. It's the Killzone 2 of MOBAs. Feels like LoL underwater, ugh.
If you're playing Dota 2 you have to pick Timbersaw. He's like if Naut got to have lots of fun abilities...ye maybe i just played the wrong champions, i tried about 10-15 and none of them felt good
only one i felt was satisfying was the akali assassin lady, but her kit didn't seem like much fun
ye maybe i just played the wrong champions, i tried about 10-15 and none of them felt good
only one i felt was satisfying was the akali assassin lady, but her kit didn't seem like much fun
Why do people say shit like "stay silver" as if it means anything? I'm annoyed that it actually bothers me a little. Dude queued up as support but when his duo didn't get ADC, he proceeded to go Riven and take all my CS. Then he shit-talked how low my CS was and the low impact I had on the game. Aughhhh, just after I was getting into a groove just focusing on improving my own play too.
doto is probably great for its audience, it's just so fundamentally different from league in the key ways that make league fun that i just can't seem to grasp it whenever i play it
like i'm like, i play league cos i like playing an anime superhero character that shoots lasers and dashes all over the place and dodging spells and whatever, and the rate at which you do that matters a lot to make you feel powerful and anime and shit.
doto is nothing like that by design, which allows them to do fancy shit with items and have a huge map and runes and couriers and shit, so there's merit to how they built the game, it just gives the game a very different feeling
yeah, turn speed, high cooldowns and point and click stuff doesn't feel very satisfying coming from league
also league animation, sound and vfx work should not be understated in making everything you do feel awesome.
doto does some things right about that, like that walrus punch thing, but overall i feel spells and autoattacks in that game feel very muted in comparison to league
tho to be fair i mostly played death prophet and windrunner and ther kits are like blegh
yeahYou hit on a lot of things that I would talk about in a comparison between League and Dota. I've spent by far, much more time in League than I have in Dota. I only recently started playing Dota and there are a lot of things I really love about the game but there are at least a couple very key things about League that will keep me coming back.
First of all, I love the map in Dota 2. I like the advantage that elevation gives you, I love the day/night cycles in which specific heroes get big benefits during the night and the night is inherently more dangerous because your vision is reduced on the map.
I initially didn't think I'd like the deny mechanic but I like it a lot. The ability to deny gold and experience is pretty huge, and what's especially cool is that you can deny tower gold/xp.
I also love the courier system, I find that much superior to League's needing to go back to base everytime you buy. I like the items, they play a much more active role. I also generally prefer the visual aesthetic of Dota heroes, there's just a lot more variety. I also feel like heroes in Dota are more defined in their roles, from my experience intelligence/AP type characters are generally terrible at pushing even late into the game.
With that said, the thing League does so well is how the champions play. The amount of skillshots in League, the level of depth that a lot of the newer champions have, even just how cool they are to play, I just don't get that same experience playing Dota. Darius, Lee Sin, Yasuo, Lucian, Warwick (rework), Jayce many more. There are so many that just have a lot of depth and are really fun to play. Dota has Invoker and Meepo which are probably more challenging than any champion in League but they are the exceptions. I feel like the heroes in Dota end up feeling a bit too samey to play in comparison to League because so much of the complexity is reliant on the on use items which you actually end up building on a lot of the same heroes. There's more item complexity but it's not deep enough to make up the difference in champion/hero design.
yo costy mind putting chroma lux on sale already
academy vlad is also pretty goodi would love another run of academy skins. the first set was a really, really solid 750 skin line, some of which are actually genuinely great (academy ekko)
Also from the way Riot phrased that skin blog, 750 skins might stop being a thing.problem with that skinline is that it's probably stuck with being a 750 skin line, can't really do much for vfx with that theme
nice client rito
i banned ivern
p1 banned darius
enemy team has 4 players
You seem to be very lucky. This bug was posted on reddit and a rioter mentioned that it happens a couple hundred games every couple of billion games. It's fixed next patch though.
awesome what do i win
They only go on sale a few months after release. Maybe PFE will get a special discount due to the update but I wouldn't count on it.i forget do ultimate skins ever go on sale? thinking of getting pulsefire ezreal only for the profile backgroound. maybe it will go on sale with the new skin update.
they haven't gone on sale yet but they'll start going on early sales at least (elementalist lux should be this month)i forget do ultimate skins ever go on sale? thinking of getting pulsefire ezreal only for the profile backgroound. maybe it will go on sale with the new skin update.
The stats are representative of the region portal you access the website from. As long as you are using na.op.gg that is where you will see stats from.When did OP.GG make Korea the only region they derive champ statistics from? I don't mind it (Korea is the strongest region and all) but I liked comparing regions.
The stats are representative of the region portal you access the website from. As long as you are using na.op.gg that is where you will see stats from.
No matter what region/URL I access OP.GG from it comes up with Korea's stats.