Looking at these new "missions", the new support item stuff and the new RH ... makes me feel like Riot is trying to take on a lot of HOTS ideas.
Which makes sense logically, the game does "Fix" a lot of LoL problems in it's own unique ways.
Dota, League and HotS all seem to be taking inspiration from each other now (or at least Dota and League are from HotS, I don't know and frankly don't care if HotS is inspired by the other two).Then I came to remember that League basically came into existence because it was ripped from doto.
Dota, League and HotS all seem to be taking inspiration from each other now (or at least Dota and League are from HotS, I don't know and frankly don't care if HotS is inspired by the other two).
League has stuff like Mekansm + Invoker's Sun Strike in the one item as well which is fun.
Captain MF is tempting.
League has stuff like Mekansm + Invoker's Sun Strike in the one item as well which is fun.
lol dude who you think you areThis is less about the ability (I'm ambivalent personally) but more about the whole "he directly lied to me" thing.
He is, however, no longer with the company.
not worth it, the splash is amazing but the actual skin is pretty badCaptain MF is tempting.
This is less about the ability (I'm ambivalent personally) but more about the whole "he directly lied to me" thing.
He is, however, no longer with the company.
Riot as a company has also changed a lot in how they approach champion design and balance. That's why you see more diverse champion designs and balancing has gone more into a Dota-like "buff strengths, nerf weaknesses" style rather than the old "nerf strengths" style. They have also moved away from the whole "burden of knowledge" and "anti-fun" terminology years ago. What would've never happened during old Riot (Wind wall, Bard tunnel, etc.) can happen with current Riot.lol dude who you think you are
rioter you met probably either didn't know, wasn't allowed to say or an ability like wind wall was legitimately not considered viable in league at the time you asked
you make it sound like he got fired because he was like an ill reputable person or something, when no rioter has any obligation to tell you anything and it's very likely they just told you what they knew or thought at the time
not worth it, the splash is amazing but the actual skin is pretty bad
vayne skin is good and ori skin is good too
I'm not a fan of how forgiving Windwall is and how he can just sit in it and ignore ranged attacks. Braum's shield is a much better application of the skill.also idk why ppl hate wind wall, to me it's literally the best thing about his kit
Captain MF is tempting.
I have it on my smurf, I kinda like it.not worth it, the splash is amazing but the actual skin is pretty bad
vayne skin is good and ori skin is good too
yeah this is why i don't like those whole "lied to" narrativesRiot as a company has also changed a lot in how they approach champion design and balance. That's why you see more diverse champion designs and balancing has gone more into a Dota-like "buff strengths, nerf weaknesses" style rather than the old "nerf strengths" style. They have also moved away from the whole "burden of knowledge" and "anti-fun" terminology years ago. What would've never happened during old Riot (Wind wall, Bard tunnel, etc.) can happen with current Riot.
it's super annoying but i like the abilityI'm not a fan of how forgiving Windwall is and how he can just sit in it and ignore ranged attacks. Braum's shield is a much better application of the skill.
Riot as a company has also changed a lot in how they approach champion design and balance. That's why you see more diverse champion designs and balancing has gone more into a Dota-like "buff strengths, nerf weaknesses" style rather than the old "nerf strengths" style. They have also moved away from the whole "burden of knowledge" and "anti-fun" terminology years ago. What would've never happened during old Riot (Wind wall, Bard tunnel, etc.) can happen with current Riot.
I have it on my smurf, I kinda like it.
The whole mirror bans thing is actually kinda interesting. Makes it so you don't permanently shut down 10 champions.
Also that, having ban phase last 35 seconds at most is really good. Will pick timers change as well or not for now?Crucially it significantly cuts down on champion select time which is by far my biggest gripe with draft currently.
yeah this is why i don't like those whole "lied to" narratives
like developers are entitled to change their minds, specially in cases like riot when whenever they change their mind it's usually for the better
And thank god for that. Game was getting homogenous for a bit before they had the eureka moment.
i feel like it'll end up being like 6 bans instead of 10 then?
no way there are not multiple repeats every game
at least it's shorter times but doesn't sound like the cleanest of solutions
Why would that make it 6 bans instead of 10? The whole reason they're changing the ban style is because they want 10 bans. Changing how we ban and moving back to 6 would be strange.
because repeatsWhy would that make it 6 bans instead of 10? The whole reason they're changing the ban style is because they want 10 bans. Changing how we ban and moving back to 6 would be strange.
i feel like it'll end up being like 6 bans instead of 10 then?
no way there are not multiple repeats every game
at least it's shorter times but doesn't sound like the cleanest of solutions
Eh, simultaneous bans seem like a half measure.
On average a player is already going to spend 20-35 minutes playing the game. Spending an extra 30-60 seconds is nothing.
If anything increase the penalties for dodging, if youre worried about worst case scenarios.
because repeats
high banrate champions like lulu, sejuani, ivern, fizz, would probably get banned by both teams making those bans worth only 1
maybe 6 is a stretch, but certainly not gonna see 10 bans all games
My personal sales are great. I'm thinking of Zyra or Thresh, but I have Deep Sea Thresh and Fire Zyra already.
Yeah, for sure. League has changed a lot for the better.
Did you mean you expect on average 6 unique bans per game? Because I read your post as saying 'teams will only be given 3 bans to use.
I mean, I knew the guy prior to him joining Riot.lol dude who you think you are
rioter you met probably either didn't know, wasn't allowed to say or an ability like wind wall was legitimately not considered viable in league at the time you asked
you make it sound like he got fired because he was like an ill reputable person or something, when no rioter has any obligation to tell you anything and it's very likely they just told you what they knew or thought at the time
6 unique bans, yea
I was curious about how useful Adaptive Helm would be in regards to the passive (it is a very situational pickup either way) but it looks like it has decent stats for the cost.
I was curious about how useful Adaptive Helm would be in regards to the passive (it is a very situational pickup either way) but it looks like it has decent stats for the cost.
Some of the stat sites are starting to get some more solid data on 7.10, though most of them still aren't displaying lots of stuff properly. Lots of interesting changes though so I kind of expect some heavy meta shifts. Graves looks absurdly weak to me with a plummeting winrate, we will see how long it takes for the community to move away from a character like that. Expect lots of Zac assuming it does not wind up being permanently banned. The window to flash out of his initiation is ~.1 seconds, which is maybe something that tests better in a LAN environment than on actual servers. As it is now Zac has an 1800 range initiation for the slingshot knockup, which is really difficult to keep track of, and the displacement on the ult is maybe one of the strongest initiation tools in the game. His damage output tracks slightly ahead of other tanks now too, which is a pretty astonishing feat considering the fact that he does not have to invest in hybrid items like Iceborn Gauntlet/Triforce, Warrior Enchant, Titanic, or even something like Abyssal. Zac is a straight tank with all that damage built in now, and the weak magic resist itemization outside of the healing focused Spirit Visage really push him further over the top. Unlike other tanks he does not even need extra utility/CC on his engage. While other initiators struggle in the mid/late with Deadman's to try and catch targets Zac does not have to worry about movespeed at all.
Some of the stat sites are starting to get some more solid data on 7.10, though most of them still aren't displaying lots of stuff properly. Lots of interesting changes though so I kind of expect some heavy meta shifts. Graves looks absurdly weak to me with a plummeting winrate, we will see how long it takes for the community to move away from a character like that. Expect lots of Zac assuming it does not wind up being permanently banned. The window to flash out of his initiation is ~.1 seconds, which is maybe something that tests better in a LAN environment than on actual servers. As it is now Zac has an 1800 range initiation for the slingshot knockup, which is really difficult to keep track of, and the displacement on the ult is maybe one of the strongest initiation tools in the game. His damage output tracks slightly ahead of other tanks now too, which is a pretty astonishing feat considering the fact that he does not have to invest in hybrid items like Iceborn Gauntlet/Triforce, Warrior Enchant, Titanic, or even something like Abyssal. Zac is a straight tank with all that damage built in now, and the weak magic resist itemization outside of the healing focused Spirit Visage really push him further over the top. Unlike other tanks he does not even need extra utility/CC on his engage. While other initiators struggle in the mid/late with Deadman's to try and catch targets Zac does not have to worry about movespeed at all.
I'll be honest, I'm not used to Abyssal losing its AP yet. I used to buy it on practically everyone mid S2.I'd rather have Abyssal or Spirit Visage in that slot against different champs tbh
Honestly I would say HotS is as original as DotA in alot of regards
So its funny to see doter 2 and rito both take ideas from HotS, whether its a talent system-like or in game quests to empower your character.
Truly hots is the real winner here.
well i guess then you're upset about him not telling you the truth because he's your friend, not because he's a rioter. in that case you're super right to be upset, but he might not have known about it or whatever.I mean, I knew the guy prior to him joining Riot.
idk why his e was considered a cool spell, you barely got any time to react to it and it's impossible to ward against and super safe on zac's sideSome of the stat sites are starting to get some more solid data on 7.10, though most of them still aren't displaying lots of stuff properly. Lots of interesting changes though so I kind of expect some heavy meta shifts. Graves looks absurdly weak to me with a plummeting winrate, we will see how long it takes for the community to move away from a character like that. Expect lots of Zac assuming it does not wind up being permanently banned. The window to flash out of his initiation is ~.1 seconds, which is maybe something that tests better in a LAN environment than on actual servers. As it is now Zac has an 1800 range initiation for the slingshot knockup, which is really difficult to keep track of, and the displacement on the ult is maybe one of the strongest initiation tools in the game. His damage output tracks slightly ahead of other tanks now too, which is a pretty astonishing feat considering the fact that he does not have to invest in hybrid items like Iceborn Gauntlet/Triforce, Warrior Enchant, Titanic, or even something like Abyssal. Zac is a straight tank with all that damage built in now, and the weak magic resist itemization outside of the healing focused Spirit Visage really push him further over the top. Unlike other tanks he does not even need extra utility/CC on his engage. While other initiators struggle in the mid/late with Deadman's to try and catch targets Zac does not have to worry about movespeed at all.
missions are gonna have time limits...
forget whatever optimism i had about missions, this is absolute garbage
hey let's have players engage more with the game by showering them with time limited challenges tied to actual rewards! that's what this game really needs!