Frustrating night. Two really solid performances by me but my teams were complete shit. Tried Rakan in the first game, he's pretty fun. Unfortunately I didn't get a good feel for him early game because my ADC was just the worst (37 cs at 20 mins). Then tried Poppy jungle for the first time in a long time, and went really well, but all my lanes picked not-low-Elo champions which is a problem because I am most certainly in low Elo.
Still trying to figure out my champ pool in the jungle. It's Ivern, Warwick, and Sejuani so far, but I want a 4th. I've tried:
Maokai (it's ok, something about him irks me despite his absurd win rate)
Trundle (not particularly great at applying pressure early, I like scaling and utility)
Skarner (still hate the rework so very, very much)
Poppy (good, but not a monster or nature based champ, so it goes against my own rules).
Gonna give Rammus a whirl after Riot overbuffs him next patch. Need to give jungle Tahm more time too with the bami's cinder and cinderhulk changes.