Well after losing 3rd game in row now and being the recieving end of another stomp i am over with LoL for this time. It's just not fun.
It's just not any fun at all to constantly be on the recieving end of getting stomped in games so bye bye LoL.
It's only frustrating and nothing else and i play games to have a fun pastime not being miserable.
I have zero 0 zip nada chance of climbing anyway so fuck it.
probably a good idea to leave something you're not having fun with anyomore, but honestly, you seem to blame your team alot or just the pure matchmaking when a lot of it is on you as well. I don't know a lot about Sona specifically, but the decent ones I've played against are constantly poking and zone with power chord Q auto which can chunk a lot, but I see you pretty consistently do the least damage in the game. Like a recent one where you did 4.6k damge in a 36 min. game while a soroka did 6.1k, like that just shouldn't be happening.
Also the only constant in your games is you, and over 50 games you have a 37% winrate on Sona, to me that would be a sign that i'm part of my team's problem and may want to try a different champion. Similar healers/sheilders like janna, soroka, karma, nami, taric, could be better options for you.
Ultimately by maining support in bronze you are taking a lot of risk of losing and leaving a lot of it in other bronze players hands. I'd say playing mid or top is probably your best chance to climb out of bronze and just being better on your champion than the other person. You can play something simple mid like annie and stomp pretty good if you learn to play her decently. Hell even play sona mid and go full ap.
Also some people may tell you to build sona how you're doing it, which is fine in mid to higher elos, but I say after eye of the watcher, just go full ap and try and carry. That's really the only way out of bronze, carrying yourself out.