I actually love Rakan as a champion. It's so weird to see them releasing fair and balanced champions like Xayah and Rakan, and then see the same designers okay shit like Ivern.
different designers worked on xayah, rakan and ivern afaik
Every game? No but it happens more than enough. And i'm not new to LoL, i have played on and off since 2011. It's just that i have never trying to climb in ranked because every time i have had a bad time, just like now.
And i've already decided to fuck out of this game again anyway since i'm not having fun. Point of playing games if having a fun pastime imo and since i'm currently am not i have better things to do.
And also i haven't said everyone else sucks but me if you've read what i've written. But like i said, when people die alot early in lane on the teams i end up on there are not much i can do when i am in bot lane trying to supp the adc.
But again i'm now out of this game i just said my $0.05
problem with ur 5c is that instead of saying hey i don't like this game that's why i'm quitting, which is fair, you're saying league is unfair, and specifically to you, which is incorrect
game is not unfair, you're unwilling to look past your excuses and into the real problems that are bringing you those losses
not once have you asked for advice or help, when like 90% of the people here are support mains that would've been happy to give it
so yeah you just quit on your own (which again, is perfectly fine and in fact sounds like the best idea for you), so don't blame league for ur own problems
Man I know you're able to play with players one division above and below you... But if you're duoing with a Plat and you're in Gold, it shouldn't place them in a match against Silver and Golds.
Like I think it's legit unfair to me that I had to play against a Plat 5 Cho in my Promos into Gold.
Like that's unfair.
ranking is not mmr
that player might have plat 5 ranking but gold 2 mmr, while you are s1 ranking but have gold 4 mmr
gold 4 vs gold 2 is not unfair, hence why you're matched together
you also get more lp if you win against opponents better ranked than you
matchmaking can't be unfair because:
- if you're matched against higher ranked opponents and you win, you get more lp and your mmr rises, so you rise through the ranks faster (i skipped most of my gold promos thanks to high mmr for instance)
- if you lose against higher ranked opponents then your mmr will lower until it reaches your level. in the meantime, your lp losses will be lower than if you were playing against people of your own ranking
this is generally speaking, matchmaking is programming and like every piece of code it can goof