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League of Legends |OT13| Diamond is Unreachable


why do people keep picking champs they suck at in my ranked games. 2/8 ekko. look him up and he has a 29 percent win rate over 15 games..with ekko.


why do people keep picking champs they suck at in my ranked games. 2/8 ekko. look him up and he has a 29 percent win rate over 15 games..with ekko.

There are a couple of reasons, most bad.

One is that they think they do well but they just get unlucky with teammates. Look at how many people believe in elo hell, it's the same concept.

Another is that they think he's just so fun so they don't care if they lose.

Another is that they think he's a "counter" to an enemy laner but they have no clue how to play him.
Had 10 of our 18 kills as Illaoi .. couldn't carry vs the Raka/ Susan (who I beat the pants off of in lane) Monkey jg,Zyra mid and MF.

Here's the kicker, I WAS GROUPING. I normally don't when I see a team with the CC lock down to pop me cause what's the point in that? Even seasoned Illaoi players don't wanna pick her into a Zyra and when they do they avoid her. But everyone else was eating shit so hard I had to make that choice. Can't push a side lane cause Zyra just runs to it and no one on my team will pressure mid cause the ninja girl lose tower FB and is never in mid. Of course the ADC Ashe goes farming bot solo as we're trying to hold mid and gets popped. Over. And Over. The Riven Jg went 0/9 or something. The Mid Ninja girl can't do shit, she's 3/5. Ashe keeps trying to split push as the Susan catches up by going the opposite lane, knowing that I'm all my team's power. When I do push a side lane my team gets ran over.
And I'm the only one to buy EC to shut down the Raka/ Susan heals so even when i do gets some slaps in all they gotta do is back off for a few and be back to full.

Looking at the dmg graphs I did almost more damage than the rest of my team combined.
This game ... sometimes I just don't like it one bit. :/


It's usually better to take a break if you find yourself on a tilter like that. Even if you feel like you're playing well there's a good chance all those losses in a row are in the back of your head. This is especially true if you find yourself, uh, using the chat function


When you're on a loss streak, keep playing until you win. I know from personal experience that you won't drop from D4 to G1 if you do that.



It's all right to keep playing if you can recognize your own mistakes from those games, even if the games might not necessarily be your own fault; it's still highly probably you did mistakes that contributed to the loss.

If you don't think you did any mistakes at all in the losses you should probably quit for the night.


Feed Trynda is scary, scarier when our top went troll and feed him non stop

You always dodge Tryndameres in soloQ. If he's on your side he will be 0/6 by minute 7 and will afk farm jungle. If he's on the enemy team he will be mowing down your toplane and destroying the tier 2 turret by minute 7.

Lose-lose situation you can avoid for just -3lp.


fuck supporting vayne.

Is there anything she is good at at the moment?

I lose every single game I get partnered with her and people keep playing her

Maybe a Lulu is good with her, but man, is she hard to support her.

and I hate the fact she keeps saving the enemies with her E


I need a new top laner. Whenever I get top (it's my secondary) I always lock in Maokai. But everyone is playing lane bullies this patch so I just get fucked in lane and become a non-tank Maokai.
I need a new top laner.



fuck supporting vayne.

Is there anything she is good at at the moment?

I lose every single game I get partnered with her and people keep playing her

Maybe a Lulu is good with her, but man, is she hard to support her.

and I hate the fact she keeps saving the enemies with her E

Vayne is all right against hyper tanks. Lulu and Nami are good pairings for her.

With silver/bronze vaynes you might just want to go Zyra or something and solo win the lane though.


You always dodge Tryndameres in soloQ. If he's on your side he will be 0/6 by minute 7 and will afk farm jungle. If he's on the enemy team he will be mowing down your toplane and destroying the tier 2 turret by minute 7.

Lose-lose situation you can avoid for just -3lp.

A Trynda absolutely wrecked my Yorick less than a week ago. He stood back and kept running away from my Ws and ghouls, but then would always kill me when he decided to all-in. My jungler not even showing up by toplane really hurt my chances, and once he got to level six I just couldn't get anywhere near him in fear of getting DPSed to death long before his ult was over.

Instant-use invulnerabilities like his or Kayle's feel downright awful to play against because it turns the dps vs dps numbers on their head with a clunky "yeah, this guy ignores your damage for X seconds" factor that is awfully hard to gauge for me. At least Taric's requires timing it properly, and Kindred's allows the enemies to stay inside the ult range to avoid dying as well, so those two don't actually feel as absurd as instant "nope, I won't die" abilities.

Also, god damn Fiora... I just can't find a way to actually win against her. I tried going Malphite instead of Yorick, but she'd always dash in, proc her passive and walk away until I had so little health I couldn't even farm in fear of an actual all-in killing me. Just who the hell am I supposed to pick in order to stand a chance against her? I mean, if I keep my two-champion pool of Yorick and Teemo I feel like she just wins either way, and laning against her is absolutely frustrating because I live in fear of her burst and chase potential.


Top Lane: Nautilus, Singed, Maokai, Rumble
Jungle: Kha'Zix, Warwick, Shyvana
Mid: Viktor, Corki
ADC: Jhin, Miss Fortune
Support: Bard, Leona, Thresh


I need a new top laner. Whenever I get top (it's my secondary) I always lock in Maokai. But everyone is playing lane bullies this patch so I just get fucked in lane and become a non-tank Maokai.
try quinn?

i only play quinn top now

i might start trying other assassins like j4 or pantheon


Finally got over my loss streak. I love it when my lane opponent gets to pick before I do, since that prevents walking into awful match-ups from the get-go. This time around I saw an Aatrox and a Hec, so I knew I was going to be laning against the former and thus made his life absolutely miserable with Teemo. The way I could just drop shrooms on top of him after popping his passive almost felt unfair, and I think Hec stopped trying to come and gank me after he tried to do so and died to poison as he tried to escape.

I'm really liking how Teemo gives you gank insurance post-6 with his shrooms, even though it's probably a crutch that might come to bite me in the ass when playing other champs.


7 game losing streak.

I'll be back there soon after that one win I got before, because I'm frankly playing like crap while getting teams that result in an enemy Yasuo going 12/3 early on and ending up 25/9. Whenever he'd show up I was always instagibbed as Yorick, and that was after I had to put up with an awful laning phase against Teemo that I barely managed to go 2/2 with even CS on. Then I tried to help mid but realized that Yasuo was freaking bananas, and the game went on for 52 minutes of both teams doing stupid stuff and acing each other, up until a single enemy player stole dragon from my four teammates (I was on minion-clearing duty at our base) and we died in two separate teamfights.

Why could it be that enemy Yasuos always ace your whole team by themselves while the ones on your team go 0/99 instead? The only reason I didn't ban hin was because my mid didn't say a thing when I asked him if he had problems fighting Yas, but in retrospect I should've done it anyway because he's such a snowbally bullshit champ now that most of us are still learning the ropes and he can just crit hax and outburst you to victory.


Vayne is all right against hyper tanks. Lulu and Nami are good pairings for her.

With silver/bronze vaynes you might just want to go Zyra or something and solo win the lane though.

Hmm, I never played Zyra, but Lulu is OK depending how good the Vayne is.

Might try pairing her with Malzahar and see how things go.


I'll be back there soon after that one win I got before, because I'm frankly playing like crap while getting teams that result in an enemy Yasuo going 12/3 early on and ending up 25/9. Whenever he'd show up I was always instagibbed as Yorick, and that was after I had to put up with an awful laning phase against Teemo that I barely managed to go 2/2 with even CS on. Then I tried to help mid but realized that Yasuo was freaking bananas, and the game went on for 52 minutes of both teams doing stupid stuff and acing each other, up until a single enemy player stole dragon from my four teammates (I was on minion-clearing duty at our base) and we died in two separate teamfights.

Why could it be that enemy Yasuos always ace your whole team by themselves while the ones on your team go 0/99 instead? The only reason I didn't ban hin was because my mid didn't say a thing when I asked him if he had problems fighting Yas, but in retrospect I should've done it anyway because he's such a snowbally bullshit champ now that most of us are still learning the ropes and he can just crit hax and outburst you to victory.

I noticed that it is better to play the role you are best at no matter what. I keep trying to the meta instead of the champs I know with my eyes close. I noticed that when I jungle I do amazing with tanky junglers like hec, sej, and shyvanna.

just played with nami and won.

just went

1/0/24 with nami.

also bruh always ban yas. unless kha is open.


I noticed that it is better to play the role you are best at no matter what. I keep trying to the meta instead of the champs I know with my eyes close. I noticed that when I jungle I do amazing with tanky junglers like hec, sej, and shyvanna.

just played with nami and won.

just went

1/0/24 with nami.

also bruh always ban yas. unless kha is open.

I also play almost exclusively Nami whenever I get support, but I'm having much more fun trying to figure toplane out rather than just spamming support and going with Nami forever and ever, even though I'm obviously losing more often when I go top because there're way too many game fundamentals that I still lack due to having played support only for far too long (mostly related to wave management and knowing when to pressure and when to play more cautiously in a solo lane).

It's also a pain that there're two kinds of games for me when I go top: Those where my jungler does visit toplane every now and then to tip lane further into my favor when I'm doing okay or helping take some pressure off of me when I'm having a rough time, and those were they forsake me, meaning I sink or swim based on the 1v1 (and whether the enemy jungler does show up in toplane or not).

The best thing from going top is that by doing that we usually have two control wards out there (the support's and mine), as opposed to when I play support and the only pink we have in the map at any given time tends to be mine. People refusing to purchase even a single ward every now and then is a real pain, because Bronze games often devolve into late-game objectives, and getting those reliably requires at least some vision control.
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