Bruh start playing tanks supports. Leo and naut are frelelo.
Also play tons of singed. Bronze players love to chase and he can easily distract teams.
But honestly watching videos and pros is how I quickly got out of bronze
I'm not really into tank supports. Outside of craptastic games as Nami, I can consistently do much better on her than on any other support champion
by far. I'm also awfully biased towards ranged AA champions, maybe because it lets me be on more even footing with adcs and other ranged supports, which means that I can poke with AAs more as opposed to relying on walking in or landing skillshots with melee champs such as Naut.
I enjoy the feeling of zoning them out of cs with a tank, but I feel like I can consistently do that as Nami now, all while being infinitely safer due to my larger attack range.
Pro videos are cool and I watch the map really often there as well, but then I get to my games and I just can't find the right time to glance at it unless I'm not actually doing anything (ie: recalling, dead). Also, bronze is really weird in that many games go long due to teams not knowing the proper way to prioritize objectives, so it isn't as much about small incremental advantages as it is about some player doing stuff absolutely out of line such as chasing enemies across the map, overstaying after taking objectives, being the frontline as a squishy adc, focusing on that juicy 9000/9000HP Cho while Ez tears them a new one or attempting to do baron when there's no vision control, no enemies dead or visible in the minimap and their team is all below 50% HP. Even better is that many games can even be won after those ridiculous throws as the enemy team goes on to do a throw of their own, such as falling back and allowing inhibitors to regenerate without anything to show for it, or that there might be
another throw. Teams can randomly ace or get aced at every turn because everyone of us still has piss-poor decission-making skills.
Like, I just played one game were we were 7K gold and nine kills behind at one time, with Twitch and I doing awfully botlane early on, losing most of our base and three dragons due to being stuck defending, but then Garen and Cass got things together, I switched over to supporting for them for the most part and we ended up turning the game around despite having a comp with no initiation (our team was Garen, Evelyn, Cass, Twitch and Nami). I think the win was mostly due to the enemy team being disorganized to the point they'd end up focusing all their skills on Garen (who only got tankier as he got more and more fed) while we used our skills on the people who mattered (ie: bubbling Rengar up as he pounced on one of our squishies).
I might try playing Singed eventually, but I feel like my team rarely understands the advantage of having two or more people chasing after a guy who just strolls across the map while spamming the laugh command. Bronze being so much about abyssmal misplays also means that I can splitpush all I want, but my team is still as likely to get themselves aced in a 4v3 as they are in a 5v5. I mean, people are often quick to flame me when I pick Teemo, so I can't help but shudder at what they'd think about me going Singed.