Game 3: This time I'm laning against Riven, and with the other team also having Talon and Lucian, Armor runes, Tabis and Zhonya's are obvious choices. They also have Galio jungle, a good pick against double AP (Anivia is mid) while we have Kha, Alistar and Ezreal. Would expect this game to be a bit less crazy as long as I can keep Riven under control. Let's see.
At first things go quite well, with bot lane securing a kill and me collapsing on a stupid invade from Gragas to get Kha ahead. Unforunately, Anivia is cut to pieces by Talon, ending up 0-5-0 in short order, while bot lane somehow dies 2-0, both kills going to Lucian, despite their lead. Still, the game is around even heading into 20 minutes after I roamed to bot lane and Kha ended up with a quadra kill when they 4-man dove. Riven is getting free farm though. The crucial event of the game was a dragon fight at circa 23 mins where Anivia was split from the team and killed by Talon. I invested Flash/Equalizer/my life to catch him, but Lucian overran the team on the other end, and we ended up far behind, with Kha raging at Anivia (he'd been doing this anyway, but now it was constant).
From there we stalled out desperately for 20 minutes with little prospect of actually turning the game around - Talon was full build with Lucian and Riven not far behind, while Anivia had only two items 35 minutes into the game. Eventually they broke through after Kha got caught chasing Riven away.
Game 4: Utter disaster. My Rumble got picked away and I defaulted to Maokai*. He went Ignite/Amp Tome and bullied the hell out of me while Udyr paid no attention to top lane (or, to be fair, any other lane). I figured if the game went late we would outscale with Maokai/Jinx against Ziggs/Rumble, but they snowballed hard. I only died once during laning phase when an OOM Udyr showed up to gank only for Lee Sin to leap in and double kill us, but in truth I was useless. The bot lane fell very far behind and finished 4-17. It might have been stallable but Udyr lost his temper and began spam pinging and blaming me and Jinx while farming the jungle, so we had to attempt a defense 4v5 against a fed Ziggs, Sivir and Rumble, which was short-lived.
*I really need to learn a new tank. Maokai might be good in the LCS but his laning is way too hard for me after the nerfs. Might give Nautilus a shot.
Maybe next time. For now, the gates are closed.