I never know where to tune in for these things. Stream link?
It's over I think? But it's usually on the front page of Twitch.tv.
Rerun going on right now I think.
I never know where to tune in for these things. Stream link?
Whenever I pick GP, top or jungle, everyone gives me a lot of jazz for it, but he's one of my favourites.Singed, Udyr, Wukong, Vlad, Kennen, Shen, Gangplank, Pantheon, Malph, and Rumble all work.
Whenever I pick GP, top or jungle, everyone gives me a lot of jazz for it, but he's one of my favourites.
whas so good about gp jungle anyway ?Whenever I pick GP, top or jungle, everyone gives me a lot of jazz for it, but he's one of my favourites.
Thanks for the heads up. It seems to be SK versus M5 currently. The M5 kogmaw is not shooting very many minions compared to the urgot, and SK has a huge 1.4k gold advantage.4pl tournament with the biggest teams in EU and NA starting in a few minutes:
First match is CLG vs AL. As far as I can tell it CLG NA, so this should be very interesting considering the changes they just made.
Edit: I was wrong, it CLG eu, but if should still be a good match![]()
M5 just seems really bad in comparison. Gosu Pepper in particular is 2/6/6 and lee sin jungling is 1/5/3. The rest of the team was ok except they didn't ban shen and vlad fed 3 kills top after getting the first turret. =/ M5 started with like a 3k-4k gold advantage and now they're down by nearly 5k.
*edit* Vlad has fed 4 kills, tried to 1v1 shen yet again, lol.
M5 got crushed two out of three games, even though they started out ahead in the third game. Only their AP mid (and AD when they are playing ezreal) seem decent.
I didn't see him disconnecting in the first game, he just seemed to die a lot regardless. Also, the top lane dying repeatedly to shen, and the jungler dying (lee sin getting killed in his own jungle by wandering orianna, for instance) had nothing to do with gosu. In the second game, the other team had quad long-range ults and huge heal/sustain compared to taric, so I feel they had an advantage there too.Gosu Pepper's internet problems accounted for some of that. It's always kind of a sour taste when there are disconnects in tourneys...
Yeah, they almost didn't get a turret at all the second game. Very one-sided, even though the kills were close early. That guy who played renekton and then vlad seems pretty good, considering stuff like the horribly failed gank with nautilus and ahri (ahri died and nautilus had to flee).SK so sloppy v AL...
I kinda regret buying Ezreal. I found him fun before so I bought him but I'm not liking him right now. I really wish I bought Udyr instead. Not to mention I already have so many other AD carries even though I prefer tanky roles. He just feels... weak? I tried skipping Sheen to rush standard AD carry setup but he felt really weak. His passive steroid is kinda eh since it means having to pass up on crit attacks to pew pew some Qs.
Also his passive, a great way is to use your ulti or w to get all 5 stacks. If you just ulti in the beginning of the teamfight, you will get all 5 stacks. Especially mid to late game you will notice this as your damage will increase substantially.
Re-download and re-installed and still the same graphic problem
See here.whats the problem?
See here.
If re-install didn't work, then I guess you should make sure if you have the latest drivers on your vid card.
Did you submit a ticket to Riot Support regarding the issue?
The time of detonation is when the stats are calculated. Previously placed shrooms will level/AP scale up with Teemo.Does anyone knoe how Teemo's mushrooms work with AP and leveling up the ability? What I mean is- is the damage the mushroom will do when stepped on calculated based off of your AP and ability level when the shroom is placed? Or is the damage calculated when the shroom is stepped on based on Teemo's stats at that precise moment?
The time of detonation is when the stats are calculated. Previously placed shrooms will level/AP scale up with Teemo.
From what I understand it's for all trap-like things that Champs place.Cool, thanks for the reply. I looked at a number of Teemo guides and his info on lolwiki, but I couldn't find it mentioned anywhere. Is that typical of traps that can be placed, like Caitlyn's/Nidalee's/etc., and since it's a more general LoL mechanic, no one saw the need to mention it in character specific guides? I guess it doesn't matter as much, since Teemo seems to built straight AD anyway, but I was curious.
From what I understand it's for all trap-like things that Champs place.
Not sure why guides don't mention it. Maybe people just assume one way or another and go with it; or it's just not that big of a deal to mention in a guide or something.
I know Teemo had to be fixed in a patch like a year or so ago because his mushrooms were NOT doing this and it was considered a bug.
I kinda regret buying Ezreal. I found him fun before so I bought him but I'm not liking him right now. I really wish I bought Udyr instead. Not to mention I already have so many other AD carries even though I prefer tanky roles. He just feels... weak? I tried skipping Sheen to rush standard AD carry setup but he felt really weak. His passive steroid is kinda eh since it means having to pass up on crit attacks to pew pew some Qs.
i just found out you can jungle with vamp scepter (with fiora) but can't gank until you complete lantern.
I've actually found my love again for Ezreal lately. Slouisk and garath touched up on him well. He's not the easiest ad carry but he's the most satisfying to win with because of it. I've been typically starting with boots and 3 pots. This gives me mobility to position Q or E and zone better. From there I go 2 dorans ring and Sheen. The reason why I don't go berserker boots right away is because most ad range will out dmg you in an auto-attack game. Ezreal is more about bursting with Q and E. Sheen is also perfect for it and cheaper to get more dmg out of than BF Sword. If I'm doing great in gold, I'll then get my BF Sword. If I need more sustain, I'll get Vampire Specters, Frozen Mallet, and upgrade boots at some point.
Using his ult correctly is key. What you don't want to do is ult nearby an enemy. Due to the start up time, you are prone to disables. I typically just walk way behind my teammates, wait for team to engage, then ult and clean up whats left. Stealing Baron with it feels so good. I once stole Baron with it 3 times in one game with it.
I'd say stick with Ez a little longer. He's more difficult to play but so rewarding to win with.
nah that free ward helps a shit ton. so its just easier to work towards a lantern than take 2 trips back.Grabbing just a long sword and boots should be sufficient.
See here.
If re-install didn't work, then I guess you should make sure if you have the latest drivers on your vid card.
Did you submit a ticket to Riot Support regarding the issue?
Everyone in the world but me has a pentakill.I've never gotten over quadra, even with riven and katarina and annie (might have a quadra with each of them).
Okay not everyone in the world has a pentakill. That was merely an exaggeration.
Also, I feel like Akali is one of the more hated champions, or used to be before she was nerfed (I think she was nerfed?). Used to be banned all the time. More recently I have become happier about seeing her, since certain champions like garen, riven, and katarina should be able to beat her. It's super satisfying to have the dead akali be like HOW DID YOU SEE ME in all chat, upon which you have to explain the concept of pink wards.
Everyone in the world but me has a pentakill.I've never gotten over quadra, even with riven and katarina and annie (might have a quadra with each of them).
Okay not everyone in the world has a pentakill. That was merely an exaggeration.
Also, I feel like Akali is one of the more hated champions, or used to be before she was nerfed (I think she was nerfed?). Used to be banned all the time just because she was so annoying to fight? More recently I have become happier about seeing her, since certain champions like garen, riven, and katarina should be able to beat her. It's super satisfying to have the dead akali be like HOW DID YOU SEE ME in all chat, upon which you have to explain the concept of pink wards.
Everyone in the world but me has a pentakill.I've never gotten over quadra, even with riven and katarina and annie (might have a quadra with each of them).
Okay not everyone in the world has a pentakill. That was merely an exaggeration.
Also, I feel like Akali is one of the more hated champions, or used to be before she was nerfed (I think she was nerfed?). Used to be banned all the time just because she was so annoying to fight? More recently I have become happier about seeing her, since certain champions like garen, riven, and katarina should be able to beat her. It's super satisfying to have the dead akali be like HOW DID YOU SEE ME in all chat, upon which you have to explain the concept of pink wards.