Wait, I'm confused...someone just pointed out that you'd have to be level 30. How are you doing matched team games at low levels, where each team has theme names?
His kit gives him a pretty significant move speed bonus on players running away to ensure that his fear goes off.
Wait, I'm confused...someone just pointed out that you'd have to be level 30. How are you doing matched team games at low levels, where each team has theme names?
Say whaaaaaatttttt? Low base damage I guess?
All they did was remove free rotation- champs from ranked solo. You can still use rotation champs on every other mode, including ranked teams.Oh wow, so basically they're saying straight up "if you want to play ranked you need to pay us money".
Axe said:Battle Hunger: Enrages an enemy unit, causing it to be slowed and take damage over time until it kills another unit or the duration ends. Axe gains movement speed for each unit affected with Battle Hunger.
Darius said:Hemorrhage (Innate): Darius' basic attacks and damaging abilities cause enemies to bleed for 12 / 15 / 18 / 21 / 24 / 27 / 30 / 33 (+0.4 per bonus attack damage) magic damage over 5 seconds, stacking up to 5 times.
Darius gains 5% movement speed for each bleeding enemy champion.
Darius said:Decimate (Active): Darius deals physical damage to all nearby enemies in a circle around him. Champions in the outer half of the ability are struck by the blade, taking 50% additional damage.
Axe said:Counterhelix: When attacked, Axe performs a helix counter attack, dealing damage to all nearby enemies.
Apprehend (Passive): Darius gains armor penetration.
(Active): Darius pulls in all enemies in front of him
Axe said:Berserker's Call: Axe taunts nearby enemy units, forcing them to attack him, while he gains bonus armor during the duration.
Darius said:Noxian Guillotine (Active): Darius leaps to target enemy champion and strikes a lethal blow, dealing true damage. For each stack of Hemorrhage on the target, Noxian Guillotine deals an additional 20% damage.
The cooldown is refreshed if Noxian Guillotine kills the target.
Axe said:Culling Blade: Axe spots weakness and strikes, dealing moderate damage but instantly killing an enemy unit with low health. When an enemy unit is killed in this way, Axe and nearby allied units gain bonus movement speed.
"Dicking around" is something Riot wants to reduce in soloq.I don't think a new level 30 is going to have an established team to dick around on ranked.
"Dicking around" is something Riot wants to reduce in soloq.
As someone who plays lots of ranked, I applaud this decision. There are already so many leavers etc. in ranked, getting rid of the "omg free week cass" effect is a great idea. People can still buy cheap champions with IP and play them for the first time in ranked to lose regardless, so it's not even preventing you from screwing over your team if you want to."Dicking around" is something Riot wants to reduce in soloq.
I don't think a new level 30 is going to have an established team to dick around on ranked. It kind of seems like a dick move.
Okay this is pretty funny from my point of view:
I feel ashamed for giving Riot the benefit of the doubt regarding Darius/Axe.
I don't think a new level 30 is going to have an established team to dick around on ranked. It kind of seems like a dick move.
Okay this is pretty funny from my point of view:
I feel ashamed for giving Riot the benefit of the doubt regarding Darius/Axe.
Darius looks awesome, damn you Riot for trying to luring me by releasing a sexier Garen.
Shitty skin though.
How do you beat Master Yi once he's goes into "alpha-strike chop chop chop everyone dies highlander to escape everything" mode?
Who's a good top character GAF? I never go top cause I don't really have/play anyone in that role. Well besides Shen who's bant 99% of then time.
Who's a good top character GAF? I never go top cause I don't really have/play anyone in that role. Well besides Shen who's bant 99% of then time.
Can't even login.Servers getting hit hard. I had to dodge because I can't even choose a champion.
Riven is probably one of the best top laners currently, as she scales very well and can adapt to any match-up in lane. Can also jungle effectively.Who's a good top character GAF? I never go top cause I don't really have/play anyone in that role. Well besides Shen who's bant 99% of then time.
It's super unfortunate. In THEORY, some of those games one of the other team's players will be afk, but sometimes they all end up on your own time. 3v5 and you still lose ELO, yay!That's it, I give up with ranked. I'm sick of people going afk. Every single game I play at the moment, someone on my team if afk, and yet we still lose ELO.
It's super unfortunate. In THEORY, some of those games one of the other team's players will be afk, but sometimes they all end up on your own time. 3v5 and you still lose ELO, yay!
*edit* Garen is another top lane champion who is in theory pretty easy to learn.
play with gaf then?That's it, I give up with ranked. I'm sick of people going afk. Every single game I play at the moment, someone on my team if afk, and yet we still lose ELO.
Someone went first time garen in ranked today and were 90 CS behind their laning matchup, so it's not necessarily that easy. They acted like they didn't know how to kill minions or something, and would just stay back out of XP range and end up 2-4 levels under.he is easy to learn.
step 1) poke.
step 2) are you almost dead yet? if not repeat step 1)
step 3) fall back and heal.
step 4) go back to step 1
step 5)?????
step 6)profit.
And hope you don't get one of the GAF people who ragequits, or that Blizzard guy who is afk during champion select.play with gaf then?
i don't think solo que carrys over from one game to another. its not an std. unless you had sex with diablo 3Someone went first time garen in ranked today and were 90 CS behind their laning matchup, so it's not necessarily that easy. They acted like they didn't know how to kill minions or something, and would just stay back out of XP range and end up 2-4 levels under.
And hope you don't get one of the GAF people who ragequits, or that Blizzard guy who is afk during champion select.
Also, 8-minute login queue, must be because everyone is playing Diablo 3.
Big changes in the pro scene today, should shake things up quite a bit.
CLG: Loses jungler Saintvicious, picks up top lane Voyboy, moves top lane HotshotGG to jungle (allegedly).
Dignitas: Loses top lane Voyboy, picks up top lane Crumbzz
Curse: Loses Jungler Crumbzz, picks up jungler Saintvicious.
Should make tonight's CLG game in the Curse invitational interesting if nothing else.
Never said they were the same, but they are for more similar than I had first imagined when I read the skills.2) Similar is not the same.
Big changes in the pro scene today, should shake things up quite a bit.
CLG: Loses jungler Saintvicious, picks up top lane Voyboy, moves top lane HotshotGG to jungle (allegedly).
Dignitas: Loses top lane Voyboy, picks up top lane Crumbzz
Curse: Loses Jungler Crumbzz, picks up jungler Saintvicious.
Should make tonight's CLG game in the Curse invitational interesting if nothing else.
I know this is a terrible idea, but I'm actually considering it since my ranked elo is so in the basement that she's probably viable: I kind of want to learn katarina.
I liked the teaser image because he kind of reminded me of Chris from RE5. Kinda.Darius looks awesome, damn you Riot for trying to luring me by releasing a sexier Garen.
Shitty skin though.
I might retire from ranked until next season or something, lol. For those not doing the math, gaining 500 elo is the equivalent of about 40 wins IN A ROW WITH NO LOSSES. It took ages.^ Now that you've climbed back up, it's time to fall down again![]()
Big changes in the pro scene today, should shake things up quite a bit.
CLG: Loses jungler Saintvicious, picks up top lane Voyboy, moves top lane HotshotGG to jungle (allegedly).
Dignitas: Loses top lane Voyboy, picks up top lane Crumbzz
Curse: Loses Jungler Crumbzz, picks up jungler Saintvicious.
Should make tonight's CLG game in the Curse invitational interesting if nothing else.
I never know where to tune in for these things. Stream/archive link?so crazy. EG just won game 1 against CLG.