If this is the case and she requires several more rounds of nerfs then I'd almost rather they hadn't done the remake. The obvious conclusion is that Riot is out to personally make me miserable.
However, what you describe was one game. Have you been repeatedly killed by teams trapping you with Fiddlesticks Katarina combination ults recently?
Also Riot, the chat lobby has been broken for like two months (all white names, not correctly showing the ingame status, and you can't invite to game from the chat list, you have to manually right click people). This is clearly of dire importance. D:
Nope. I see the Kat fiddles combo somewhat often, but this was the first time I just got completely destroyed by it. We ended up winning nonetheless, but still! Usually it's quite devastating but not this lethal, lol. This isn't something that keeps happening over and over, rest assured lol.
Just do the math, 600 at level 3 + 1.75*AP (say she had another 600) = 1650 damage. You can take it to 1800 if she had so much MR reduction that she left you with -20 or something. Even if it's true damage it's not enough to kill anyone that isn't badly hurt to begin with, let alone burst down two so fast that she ended up killing another two.
She probably QEW a couple guys very fast, and Fiddle aided with the damage (his crow hurts pretty bad).
Now I'm intrigued
No dude, she didn't even Q once. She shunpo'd in, Wd and ultid. Maybe she squeezed in another W after the ulti but even if she did at that point only Lee Sin was standing as he was the last to "die" (he ended up not dying as he had guardian, which denied her the penta lol).
I (Shen) was about at 35-40% health, everyone else was clearly above 90%. We spotted Fiddles in mid lane, ahri charmed and Q'd him, we approached, kata flashed in, shunpo'd to ahri, used her W hitting all of us except Lee Sin, i wanted to taunt her but it was on cooldown as I had just failed using it on fiddles (my bad I know), Lee Sin used his shield on Graves and joined us , at this point fiddles pops his silence kata pops her ult. Ahri dies either as soon as the ulti starts or just before with her W, too fast to tell. Soraka drops like a fly half a second later, I get struck with fear, Graves kills Fiddles, I die, Graves dies and Lee Sin dies. Maybe she popped another W after ulti, but if so it only hit Lee Sin as he was the only one right near her. Guardian Angel takes effect, she dies from someone's ignite, Lee Sin comes back. That's it.
I feel like I'm on Seinfeld describing Keith Hernandez's spit.
It retargets. It's the closest three people.
Well myth busted then. In other words, this isn't something that's gonna keep happening over and over, they were good but it was still just a fluke.