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Leaked: Pakistan's internal report on the bin Laden raid. They were pissed

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I can't even imagine how crazy shit would have been if they shot down the helicopter as they were leaving.

Not really, I mean they could just shoot them down and insist they had no idea they were American. Then they just play the blame game "well you guys should of told us about the raid firsttttttttt."

Even though it's fully justified technically America were in the wrong and Pakistan had the rights to shoot down those helicopters.

plausible deniability I think.
The whole incident could make for a really good dark comedy like Dr. Strangelove. Either it took them 3 hours before they decided to wake up Kayani, or Kayani took 3 hours to make a decision. Either way, the entire lead up to the decision must have been one sweaty nervous phone call after another.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
It's interesting that this report was made for people directly complicit in hiding and protecting Bin Laden, by people complicit in hiding and protecting Bin Laden.

At least their internal PR is solid. Plausible deniability. Keep everything handshakes and winks.

Funky Papa

While it's hard to believe that some Pakistani higher ups were very much aware of Bin Laden's whereabouts, it is not far fetched to think that the governent itself had no idea about it. Pakistan IS a failing state after all, and it has been for a good while.

The ISI, the army, local and national politicians live in separate universes and excise power in their respective fiefdoms, sometimes colliding between them in nasty, bloody ways. Not only the populace is very much tribal, but also their government. Pakistan's incompetence is legendary and much of it (most of it?) can be squarely blamed on their continuous infighting.
It's interesting that this report was made for people directly complicit in hiding and protecting Bin Laden, by people complicit in hiding and protecting Bin Laden.

At least their internal PR is solid. Plausible deniability. Keep everything handshakes and winks.

Well not really. The political leadership in the country likely had no idea. They are usually the first to comply with external political demands and are rarely privy to such information. It's fair to assume that only a handful of people knew about his presence, and they were most likely part of the ISI and certainly not behind the publishing of this report.
LOl, the page with testimony by the director of the ISI was missing from "multiple sources" that AlJazeera got this report from (mentioned in the article on their website). Yeah no shit, because it was leaked by the ISI in the first place!


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Well not really. The political leadership in the country likely had no idea. They are usually the first to comply with external political demands and are rarely privy to such information. It's fair to assume that only a handful of people knew about his presence, and they were most likely part of the ISI and certainly not behind the publishing of this report.

Oh I assume MANY senior government officials were in the dark, and I assume a few knew precisely what was being done, if not the details.
If the Pakistani military did the equvilent thing in the US, what would be the US reaction? Genuine question.

America would never harbor a cockroach like bin Laden, the way Pakistan did.
I couldnt imagine a situation where Pakistan would have any moral justification for sneaking into America in the same way America snuck into Pakistan.
America would stop Pakistan from carrying out such an operation, in any case. One way or the other.
Yes we would. If we felt there was a compelling reason for doing so. It's naïve to think otherwise.
Bin Laden is a worldwide known terrorist leader. If you think it'd even be POSSIBLE for someone like that to be hidden without it being leaked or reported on in the US by someone you're the naive one


America would never harbor a cockroach like bin Laden, the way Pakistan did.
I couldnt imagine a situation where Pakistan would have any moral justification for sneaking into America in the same way America snuck into Pakistan.
America would stop Pakistan from carrying out such an operation, in any case. One way or the other.

Um, the USA has supported terrorists from across the world when it suits their aims. So has the UK.

Heck, prominent USA politicians used to hold fundraisers for terrorists in the UK.

So yeah, I think your country would if it suited them - just like mine does, or any nation playing the geopolitical game.
Bin Laden is a worldwide known terrorist leader. If you think it'd even be POSSIBLE for someone like that to be hidden without it being leaked or reported on in the US by someone you're the naive one

Shut up man, I have Pakistani Parents but I was born and raised in Canada and and America. I have gone back a couple of times and I have stayed in Islamabad with relatives that wanted to see this Bin Laden guy killed, excecuted whatever from the face of this planet. For you to judge that this whole country is protecting im is garbage, it's like saying you protected the Boston marathon bomber for a few days before he was shot just because you live in the US. No one protected him over there.
Shut up man, I have Pakistani Parents but I was born and raised in Canada and and America. I have gone back a couple of times and I have stayed in Islamabad with relatives that wanted to see this Bin Laden guy killed, excecuted whatever from the face of this planet. For you to judge that this whole country is protecting im is garbage, it's like saying you protected the Boston marathon bomber for a few days before he was shot just because you live in the US. No one protected him over there.

Easy there, it was less a jab at Pakistan and more saying that even if the government in the US wanted to hide someone it would come out one way or another whether it be by some news agency or private individual posting on the net.


Easy there, it was less a jab at Pakistan and more saying that even if the government in the US wanted to hide someone it would come out one way or another whether it be by some news agency of private individual posting on the net.

This is GAF, apparently only making fun of America or criticizing it is allowed. So you can only make fun of 'Merica. For every other country it becomes racist and the people of these countries feel it becomes a racist or personal attack. Don't equate your ethnicity with the government or your country.

It's not hard to say Pakistan is close to a failed state, that the military is no longer the dominant force it was, that rebels, terrorists and taliban now control large swathes of land in the country etc.
and Pakistan has no consequences to offer that America has to fear, realistically.

everyone kinda forgot about how inept Pakistan is. housing laden, and not being able to prevent their citizens from being silent helicoptered away..( mildly kidding)

now they confirm that they were totally in the dark. seems like they could have enjoyed basking in the ignorance of situations details. I thought deep down they knew, but didn't want to be seen as participating with the usa.
Given the corruption in Pakistan it doesn't surprise me that the USA didn't tell them about their operation.


If the Pakistani military did the equvilent thing in the US, what would be the US reaction? Genuine question.

Same thing Pakistan did.

Pakistan has nukes and they don't fucking care about what US wants beside their money.
This is why US is so obsessed with Iran right now. They don't want to create second Pakistan where they would need to stop their fear mongering like in Pakistan case.


The aggression they displayed towards a nuke-carrying country was utterly insane. This is why we're going to blow ourselves up along with the planet one day.

America would never harbor a cockroach like bin Laden, the way Pakistan did.
I couldnt imagine a situation where Pakistan would have any moral justification for sneaking into America in the same way America snuck into Pakistan.
America would stop Pakistan from carrying out such an operation, in any case. One way or the other.

Right, the US would just create new cockroaches to do their dirty work, like they have done time and time again.


Every man and their dog knew he was in Pakistan.

The ISI aren't as incompetent as they are making out. Those dudes do some dark shit.
Pakistan's executive branch is delusional as fuck if they think ISI is incompetent. There's no way in hell and beyond ISI did not know about OBL's whereabouts. They did. They just didn't trust the executive branch to keep a secret.

ISI will always welcome mujahideen type warriors on it's soil. Nothing against America (or Russia) per se, but as a buttress against India.


The aggression they displayed towards a nuke-carrying country was utterly insane. This is why we're going to blow ourselves up along with the planet one day.

Right, the US would just create new cockroaches to do their dirty work, like they have done time and time again.

Right, because that nuke carrying country would really do anything about it right? Let me tell you a secret, every country fears the United states. It fears it's unmatched power projection, it's unmatched satellite surveillance and intelligence gathering, it also fears it's conventional military that is potent enough to mobilize a large non-nuclear strike anywhere in the globe within hours.

Pakistan didn't complain because they get billions of dollars in aid and arms that are basically keeping their failed state functioning at a basic level.


Oh fucking well Pakistan, maybe next time if you don't want to be embarrassed you don't hide a monster in your country. Didn't know about it my fucking ass.

I don't support these sorts of things most of the time, but in this case, it's an exception that proves the rule.


lol at incompetence. Nearly a decade dude was living in the country and you're trying to tell me no one knew he was there? Reading this crap its not hard to see why nothing was said to them when the US decided to go after Osama. Looks like Osama has supporters in the country that have the power to help him hide.
Um, the USA has supported terrorists from across the world when it suits their aims. So has the UK.

Heck, prominent USA politicians used to hold fundraisers for terrorists in the UK.

So yeah, I think your country would if it suited them - just like mine does, or any nation playing the geopolitical game.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter, that's just how the world works.


Junior Member
If the Pakistani military did the equvilent thing in the US, what would be the US reaction? Genuine question.
If an international terrorist was hiding in our country, he would be arrested.

It's a false equivalency. We wouldn't let someone of bin Laden's statute live in our country.


It's the exact same thing in Mexico. You got some of the most wanted drug barons hiding out in plain sight, and police/military officials are too corrupt or too scared too act on information. The same sort of people that can have your family wiped out.


One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter, that's just how the world works.

Yup... Pre 9/11 the movie Rambo III ended with a message saying dedicated to the brave Mujahideen fighters of Afghanistan. After 9/11 it was changed to, 'the gallant people of Afghanistan'.

They were brave fighters fighting foreign invasion pre 9/11 and all of sudden, became terrorists.


Lol ISI knew all about that shit.

The more I read about the raid and the circumstances around it, the crazier it sounds. The other little rats in charge have probably dug a deep, deep hole now and are haunted by the sound of helicopters at night. I hope al-Zawahiri pokes his head out soon.


G***n S**n*bi
Incompetence? In-fucking-competence?! 9 fucking year that asshole was there, you knew motherfuckers. Fuck you.

Eat a dick Pakistani government. Eat. A. Dick. :|
Yeah as said, ISI definitely knew. They're pretty competent as far as intelligence agencies go. They've gotten ridiculously powerful though, seems they barely answer to anyone at this point.
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