Melon has better taste in games than y'all, and a good avatar.
Thank you, Carly Rae.
See? The Pop Queen says you all need to step it back.
Melon has better taste in games than y'all, and a good avatar.
Melon has better taste in games than y'all, and a good avatar.
Melon are you turning people against each other before the game has even started?CCS I liked you last game, but you're ruining that now
Thank you, Carly Rae.
See? The Pop Queen says you all need to step it back.
I also have never played Metroid.
Nintendont is trash.
Thought Saw or I were the pop queens after we sat back and won PopMafia in style
A Link to the Past is the best Zelda game ever. Anyone with a different opinion is wrong and should be lynched for that.
Melon are you turning people against each other before the game has even started?
...I always knew you had promise.
A Link to the Past is the best Zelda game ever. Anyone with a different opinion is wrong and should be lynched for that.
I mean maybe that's true but we're just going to lynch Bronx first again.
Thought Saw or I were the pop queens after we sat back and won PopMafia in style
We all know that Kyan is scum so he should be our first lynch.
Unless you are scum too. Are you Melon?
I mean, I'm at least an honorary queen for my part in that victory.
how about honorary princess?
Eh, controls are garbo, but I'd still take it over Skyrim.
Or Dark Souls.
Or The Witcher.
Or Twilight Retread.
Majora's mask isn't 2D thoughWhy are we talking about the 3D Zelda games when everyone knows the 2D ones are best?
Majora's mask isn't 2D though
Oh, and infamous isn't even noteworthy enough of a franchise for me to really give a shit. It might be enjoyable, but from the get go I'm looking at it with lower standards. Like when you watch a summer blockbuster and call the movie a good popcorn flick
Only one I can trust so far in this hellish wasteland
Hpper please.
You bet on Ash.
Nothing you say is valid anymore.
When has anyone ever talked about infamous as a major franchise or modern classic?
He's not even playing so you best start making friends.
I've thought hard about this decision, acohrs.
Answer's no.
You don't winmafiaInfamous by playing nice.
Meh worth a shot, enjoyed Prototype more anyway
I want to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your superb gif usage in Pop. You were definitely the MVP there.
Cheers mate! Ain't nobody stopping this GIF train, not even work!
Despite your awful earlier opinions, I'm willing to forgive you friend
Majora's Mask may be the best 3D Zelda game but it's still not on the level of the best 2D ones. SryMajora's mask isn't 2D though
Majora's Mask may be the best 3D Zelda game but it's still not on the level of the best 2D ones. Sry
I'm fond of Link's Awakening myself.The real question then is what is the best 2D one??
The Minish Cap in case you were wondering ;P
This thread has reminded me that I need to replay A Link Between Worlds. x.x;
Meh worth a shot, enjoyed Prototype more anyway
If you like Link to the Past, Link Between Worlds is a pretty good followup in that style.
Ocarina of Time, if not the best Zelda game, will always be my favorite. I do admit I haven't gotten around to playing Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess, or pretty much anything after Ocarina of Time except a bit of Wind Waker and Link Between Worlds though.
I came here to fight.
This is my redemption arc.
Actually admitting you're scum?
That's one strat.
Redeem yourself by dying on Day 1, scum. And then use the spare time to play Super Metroid.![]()
I think we can all admit that generic hoodie guy from Prototype was a way more memorable character with a much more involving backstory and character arc.