Fight me
I will after you finish those Pokemon Black & White reviews you owe me.
Fight me
who said i was trying
Oh shit.
Bronx going to try and play mafia finally?
🔥🔥🔥That would definitely be a first.
That would definitely be a first.
There's a reason you're not invited to this game, nerd
Cause I helped design it?
everyone is so fucked
did my check clear?
first of all
fuck you
second of all
Not for Sohpiawill yelling out "HYAH!" be an acceptable response to any question?
Not for Sohpia
How rude. It would be perfectly acceptable if done in imitation of the great Nobuyuki Hiyama.
Also can't even spell my name right after I told them to stop picking on you. ;_;
Of course it did, Mr. Lawt-*snicker*
I can't even bring myself to finish that.
I may or mabe not be intoximatied, im sorry
im studin a lotta things rnThat is Cabot's game. You're learning fromthe bestmoderately okay?
That is Cabot's game. You're learning fromthe bestmoderately okay?
how often do i and ouro have to be drunk to finally claim our slice of the pie
how often do i and ouro have to be drunk to finally claim our slice of the pie
why are so many people pre-game shit posting
dont you know you're supposed to wait until the game starts so it's impossible to read through the thread and town loses from apathy
rules don't matterwhy are so many people pre-game shit posting
dont you know you're supposed to wait until the game starts so it's impossible to read through the thread and town loses from apathy
why are so many people pre-game shit posting
dont you know you're supposed to wait until the game starts so it's impossible to read through the thread and town loses from apathy
Ouro saw the light and decided to be sensible. It's just us in the mud, buddy.
...and now Bronx, I guess.
rules don't matter
I've never finished a zelda or infamous game
we get it, you vape
Can you hear it?
The sound of your slow agonizing defeat. Yes.
damn, scum must be op if youre already bragging
I hope she's scum because with fellow townies like this, who needs scum!
damn, scum must be op if youre already bragging
I'm the best thing to ever happen to this place.
rules don't matter
I already regret my decision to join this game.
I don't even know what this infemous that's being discussed is.
Are you sure ?
We should play some alienation, bro.
#couplegoalsCabot, I want you to be the Xenomorph to my Ripley.
Did you finally get those roaches out of your ps4?We should play some alienation, bro.