I'm willing to go Bronx if we are for sure not going Kyan.sooo AB or Bronx.
They both suck.
Why not AB?I'm willing to go Bronx if we are for sure not going Kyan.
Because I don't see his response to you as scum. To be honest, I kinda agree with some of what he was saying, even if I don't buy the scum accusation.Why not AB?
Answer the damn question. You said that you believe me, AB, and Ynnek are scum. Which do you think is the SK?context
the parts of a written or spoken statement that precede or follow a specific word or passage, usually influencing its meaning or effect:
You have misinterpreted my remark because you took it out of context.
Read the questions Terra asked.
The only thing I suck are pacifiers and clitorises, my friend.sooo AB or Bronx.
They both suck.
Agree to disagree then, I still think Kyan is scum.Also look at the numbers for an SK lynch:
Lynch SK 4-0-3
Town does in the night 3-0-3
Scum wins
And I'm as sure that Kyan isn't scum as I am that AB is.
Fair enough. Was hoping I could swing this without further claiming, time to reveal my handBecause I don't see his response to you as scum. To be honest, I kinda agree with some of what he was saying, even if I don't buy the scum accusation.
Answer the damn question. You said that you believe me, AB, and Ynnek are scum. Which do you think is the SK?
Oh you're god damn right you did.But now it seems I went face first into a gambit instead. Well played.
So your mind still isn't made up yet between Mangum, Nin, & Splinter? How convenient.No, I don't think I will. Read the fucking post instead.
Hmmmm.On N2 I received The Lens of Truth from an unknown source (that turned out to be Ty4on).
I was told that this would reveal the target's role name, and that it could be used twice .
On N3, I used this on nin1000 and was told he is a Compulsive Backup Item Vendor.
On N4, I used this on AbsolutBro and was told he is a Goon. He has since claimed ordinary, which removed any sliver of doubt as to his alignment.
AbsolutBro is scum.
VOTE: AbsolutBro
I'm willing to go Bronx if we are for sure not going Kyan.
So your mind still isn't made up yet between Mangum, Nin, & Splinter? How convenient.
The only thing I suck are pacifiers and clitorises, my friend.
On N4, I used this on AbsolutBro and was told he is a Goon. He has since claimed ordinary, which removed any sliver of doubt as to his alignment.
AbsolutBro is scum.
VOTE: AbsolutBro
How exactly?but i dont know how to read because i did exclude nin from the thing lol
but this also proves that bronx is full of shit so i am just fine with this
Oh also, you see how I used that red check?
That's how you use a red check.
Take note, scrubs
Delayed until 2018. Please understand.
The goddesses have chosen you. Vanquish those who would stand in your way. Fulfill your destiny.
You are Zant a Mafia Goon, which suits you, because Zant is kind of a pawn and can't do much without help.
As the mafia team, you share a faction kill that you may perform once per night with the command KILL: Player.
You are aligned with mafia and win when the mafia team has a majority (50%+1) of the votes at the start of the Day Phase.
Your fellow mafia members are somewhere secret.
The game thread is covered in Twilight.
Dawn of the Sixth Day
Upon entering Lyrule Castle, the group splits up, each wandering down empty corridors and through mystery doors.
Kyan walks up to one such door but finds that its locked. He looks around quizzically and sees four unlit brazier nearby. Putting two and two together, he exits the room to pick up that lit torch he saw earlier.
Returning to the room, he lights each brazier, only to find that the fire mysteriously goes out before he can get all four lit at the same time. If only I had help from three other people, he thinks.
Running back to the other room, he picks up another torch so hes dual-wielding. Kyan lights a brazier with each torch and then throws the torches at the remaining two braziers. By luck or game design, all four braziers come to life. With a chime, the locked door opens.
Impressed at his cunning, Kyan waltzes through the locked door into the next room. A large armored knight stands in the middle of the room. As Kyan approaches, it comes to life and starts walking towards him, swinging a large axe.
Crying out in surprise, Kyan turns to flee. Unfortunately, the door is locked behind him.
Hey, listen!
The goddesses have chosen you. Evil is here, and it must be vanquished. Fulfill your destiny.
You are Blue Link, an Ordinary Non-Speaking Character (this means Vanilla Townie). Have you ever wondered why multiplayer Zelda games just give you multiple Links with palette swaps? Mario games let you play as Luigi, Peach, or Toad. Get on it, Nintendo.
Like the beginning of a particular franchise, you have nothing at your disposal. Not even a jump button. The only thing you can do is VOTE.
You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.
The game thread is a multiplayer spinoff with limited single-player options.
Item jingle
You got A Blurry Mirror Shield! It could really use a good shining, but for now, itll do.
Once per game, you may use the command USE: Shield Player at night to use this item. The item will make all actions directed at you be redirected to your target instead.
Note that you can only use this item once, and is used in lieu of your night action (if applicable). That means you CANNOT use both a night action and an item.
Elsewhere, Splinter is exploring the castle, going through rooms in no particular order, trying to make his way to the top.
Entering a well-appointed bedroom, he decides to take a nap before continuing onwards. Splinter makes himself comfortable and starts to drift off, but a whooshing sound interrupts the silence.
What could that be? he thinks. Opening his eyes, he looks around but doesnt see anything.
Must be a draft. Splinter closes his eyes again, and the whooshing sound grows louder.
Opening his eyes, he sees a large hand falling towards him. Splinter only has time to scream before it grabs him, taking him away to experience unknown horrors.
Hey, listen!
The goddesses have chosen you. Evil is here, and it must be vanquished. Fulfill your destiny.
You are Breath of the Wild Link, an Ordinary Non-Speaking Character (this means Vanilla Townie). Its been a long time, but youre almost here.
Like the beginning of a particular franchise, you have nothing at your disposal. Not even a jump button. The only thing you can do is VOTE.
You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.
The game thread is like Skyrim.
Item jingle
You got The Lens of Truth This instrument wont make things easier to read, but itll show you fake chests, walls, and doors.
Twice per game, you may use the command USE: Lens Player at night to use this item. The item will reveal the targets role name.
Note that you can only use this item twice (once per night), and is used in lieu of your night action (if applicable). That means you CANNOT use both a night action and an item.
I really thought Kyan was either scum or the sk, so this throws everything out of balance now.
Is the item thief also the sk?
Is the item thief scum?
Are there two neutrals here? An SK and an Item Thief? Nin put two neutrals in WWE Mafia, maybe Sawneeks did the same with this one.